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LIFTMinistries Creed


I am a Disciple of King Yashua Ha’Meshiac

I believe in ONE LORD, ONE Faith, and ONE Baptism

I believe in Salvation according to the Entirety of the Scriptures.

True Repentance, being lived out daily, with reverence and obedience unto the ways, and teachings of Yehovah God.

 Baptism by immersion in the NAME of King Yashua Ha’Meshiac, for the remission of sins.

I believe in being filled with the indwelling, Holy Spirit, the Ruach Ha’Kodesh, and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, by the workings of the Gifts, and Fruits of the Spirit.

I believe in living a Holy life, and this manifested inward, then outward, that I may be an extension of the Messiah.

I believe in true discipleship, which is a walk of faith, obedience, and being challenged, convicted, transformed, anointed, and appointed, by the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Word of God.

In this we may be a hand extended from thee Altar of Atonement, unto the sinner, to repent.

A hand in hand, relationship of discipleship one unto another

A closed fist in the face of the Wicked One, in Spiritual Warfare

By being the five full hand of ministry manifest, with hand to plow, and foot to path, for End Time Harvest.

Being disciples, and equipping others to disciple, in this fulfilling the Great Commission of our LORD, by going into ALL the World, Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and Revelation of King Yashua Ha’Meshiac, laying hands on the sick, and they recover, binding demon power, and they flee, and baptizing in His NAME, seeing others Born Again!

Being a Living Tabernacle, with the Indwelling Holy Spirit, by Faith!



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It is important that we understand that not any one place, people or building can be "the church" yet we all make up the church and body of King Yeshua. We are a fellowship and a network of homes that with strings bond by the Holy Spirit, come together to make up a church fellowship and work towards the call of the Kingdom of God.


This website along with other tools networks our community & homes, this is what makes Living Faith Tabernacle Ministries, what it is; a extension of the Kingdom of the Messiah as living tabernacles for Him to reside.


We are not an organization of man yet an organism in the body of King Yeshua. We are an extension of the Kingdom and seek to minister to the lost, hungry and needy.


We desire to minister to the homeless, widow(er) and orphan. We desire to extend the love of God, to those who are in desperate need of help yet above all see salvation come through the grace and instruction provided by the teaching & preaching of God's word and deliver that word without compromise.


We are a people called from within a people that come out of many walks, denominations and religious background seeking truth and guidance from the Holy Spirit, to be true Israel, and the true Kingdom of God.  


Living Faith Tabernacle is named due to being a moving Tabernacle and living by faith. The Purpose of LIFTMinistries, is to lift first and foremost praise and service unto God, then through this lift you up unto Him.  


We desire to learn and walk in His ways and delight in the Roots of our Christianity through our Salvation walk; those roots are the entire written word of Yehovah God.


Salvation is more than a one night stand experience at an altar on a Sunday, it is walking with Yeshua (salvation) which is walking hand in hand with the Messiah. True Repentance is true Transformation!


May you find salvation today and may you find strength within our humble community to hold the mind and stay the course of your walk before God.

Galations 6

(Always a Work in Progress)

1. The Upper Room Construction (nearing completion!)

**Meet at 11919 M-65, Posen Mi 49776 - Weekly Services**

2. Once finished, it will function as a Studio for Virtual Out Reach and Evangelism of the Gospel of the Kingdom, and Revelation of Messiah.


3. A Headquarters for Spiritual Warfare. A Birthing Center for being Born Again, and a Hospital for Sinners, to have true transformation into disciples.


4. Sunday Services Weekly, until able to transition into Saturday (Sabbath) Services.


5. Services will be held at the same time each week, unless directed otherwise, and when instructed multiple services during the week when more assembly is instructed by the Holy Spirit. A Sudden/Prepared Tabernacle.


6. Virtual Outreach will incorporate the following Platforms:


- Live Streaming of Services for those that can't physically be with us they can tune in via FaceBook Live, The Ministry Application, and Other Platforms.


- The Pastor's Moment: This will be a segment where we will be publishing brief videos for edification and quick time slots of challenge and thought.


- The Watchmen's Call Hour: This will be a Podcast, Vlog, and Commentary type format that will allow for interviews, testimonies, and prophetic updates on News, Commentary, and a Clarion Call of Repentance by other ministries who will be given a platform to share "Thus Saith Yehovah" when the modern day Church Doors, have shut their doors in the face of true prophets, teachers, and ministry, that have dreams, visions, and significant things to share.


- The Watchmen's Call Blog:  A published work of thoughts, dreams, visions, and much more.


- Bi-Weekly Study Calls via Phone Conference: a Calling format that will allow up to One Hundred plus participants, to be on a single call via phone conference, and digital connection (webinar) for teaching, and sharing the word of the Yehovah, and equip disciples.


Some of the content will include the Feast Days, and other critical elements of the Kingdom for discipleship. (this will allow anyone no matter where, as long as they have a cell/landline to be connected on the call and participate)


- When possible and if capacity allows host annual Feast Days or secure a larger venue if assembly numbers require, to experience the intimacy, and significance of these times.


- Be a bridge to share as things are revealed and reports can be given of other's in their mission, to stay tuned....

7. To Feed the Poor

8. To Minister to the Widow.

9. To Minister to the Orphan

10. Train, Equip, and be the Five Fold Hand of Ministry

10. Above ALL execute upon the Great Commission, Revelation of King  Yeshua Christ, and be the Tabernacle of the Living God

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