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What Must I Do To Be Saved?

This is a question that is one of the most genuine questions when facing the conviction of the true preached gospel that delivers the message of no greater love than the love of the Messiah, Yeshua Ha'Meshiac, who died upon the cross, was buried and raised himself from the dead being Emmanuel "God Manifest in Flesh" and ascended and will soon return for those who are identified with Him, through Repentance, Baptism in the name of Yehovah - Yashua Ha'Meshiac and have been filled with the precious promise and gift of the Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha'Kodesh)


This story is one that is told and many sections of the Bible, are used to express the gospel message yet one chapter and one verse responds simply to this ancient question; "What Must I Do To Be Saved?" It is answered by a man who walked with Messiah, (God), literally  Yeshua Ha'Meshiac, is the manifested Creator robed in flesh, who came not to destroy what was established by His instruction (laws) yet fulfilled and makes His glorious ways available to all both Jew and Gentile.


This dynamic message the Messiah brought shook the foundations of the known world and still today shacks the foundations of the feeble religious doctrines that are sub affiliates of the gospel message yet they have sanitized it to their own agenda. This was the same approach by the Pharisees and Sadducee which were the religious powers of that day when God walked with mankind like no other time since Eden.


The message was one that shook any who heard it and convicted even the most stout and educated of that day. It was a message that challenged a few men distinctly called into an intimate discipleship to be mentored by the ultimate teacher, prophet. and minister of all time - Yehovah - Yeshau Ha'Meshiac.


Peter, was such a man, one who heard the call and put aside his career and personal goals to learn just what this Master Teacher, would instruct.


He was obedient and soon found he was walking with someone, yet not like anyone he had ever met nor would ever meet any like Him again. He was asked a question when being addressed by Yehovah - Yeshau Ha'Meshiac, sitting with His disciples; "Who do you all say that I am?" (Matthew 16) Peter, answers and said; "You are the Anointed ONE of God (robed in Flesh, God)" with this answer the Master, was so satisfied that Peter, finally understood that if you see Him (Yehovah) you see the Father and are walking with the Spirit; Yehovah - Yeshau Ha'Meshiac, anointed Peter with The Keys to the Kingdom, understanding of the Throne and the revelation of His name.


AfterYehovah - Yeshau Ha'Meshiac, ascended into the heavens, Peter and those remaining disciples followed and obeyed the command to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. When the High Holy Day (Feast of God) was come the Feast of Pentecost, they all were gathered as they would be during this season and time yet especially assembled for expecting the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit. 


Acts 2, goes into great detail of this marvelous event and fulfillment of the promise when at the upper room they had gathered was filled with the Ruach Ha'Kodesh and Glory of the Holy Spirit. They had this day entered into a Holy of Holies experience with God.


Many looked and thought they were drunk and crazy yet the tongues that was being spoke was understood by ambassadors who had been in the city during this time and even the bars were closed due to the hour of the day (in respect to the season, and Sabbath, they could not be drunk, nothing was open.)


The many who seen, heard and experienced the manifestation of the Spirit of God, looked at Peter and asked this timeless and most important question of all time; "What Must We Do To Be Saved!?"


Peter answered; "Repent (turn away from your sins, change your lifestyles) Everyone of You! Be Baptized (submerged in water) in the Name of Yehovah - Yeshau Ha'Meshiac and then you too will receive this promise! The gift of the Holy Spirit!"  Acts 2:38  It starts here yet does not end here!


That same Messiah is calling you!

You're being called to follow the Messiah, just like Peter, had been challenged and shaken long ago. Today is the day of Salvation and salvation is more than a repeat after me prayer it is a commitment to walk and live a life of obedience unto the ways and truths of Yahweh (God). There is much water, what's stopping us!?


I am available anytime you desire to pray and truly commit to having the richest experience you can have in this present life and the life to come through accepting Yehovah - Yeshau Ha'Meshiac, as your Lord and Savior.

Prayer is not a cliche of words rather a true talk with Yehovah - Yeshau Ha'Meshiac, ask Him into your heart and talk with Him now.


Blessings & Shalom


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