Give me Holy Spirit Fire filled preaching over this sugar coated life coach unaccountable to sin, style presentations. The true Gospel, it's love, yet it's hardcore love! It's the type of love that goes to the deepest recess of your soul, and shakes you! It's the type of love, that looks you square in the face with truth, and allows you to see the sin, and the absolute need of Repentance! It's the type of love, that is not a one night stand experience of religion at an altar with a repeat after me prayer yet a life changing experience that is birthed at thee Altar of Atonement, and drives you into Discipleship! It's the type of love, that won't hold back yet reach way down into the pit you're in and pull you out from that pit of addiction and sin! It's the type of love, that will shatter the chains of bondage, that holds you in a cell and keeps you from true destiny in the Kingdom of Yehovah. It's the type of love, that cries out, declares, and sounds a Clarion call of the true Gospel of the Kingdom, and Revelation of King Jesus Yahshua Ha'Meshiac. It's the type of love, that when you love Yehovah, back you walk in Holy Covenant. We need that type of love to be victors and not victims. We need that type of love for the Way, Truth, and Life, to spare not the truth, and preach, teach, evangelize, prophecy, and be the Apostolic thrust of the Kingdom. ________________ "He brought me up out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire. Then He set my feet on a rock. He made my steps firm." - Psalm 40 ________________ Your soul, is worth the offense. Your soul, is worth the hate that may come my way if that's the cost to preach to you truth. Because I love you, in Messiah, I must tell you. There is ONLY ONE WAY into the Kingdom of Yehovah God (Heaven,). You must be Born Again, and through this transformation, you must walk in Holy Covenant with Yehovah God. There is a Heaven to gain, and a Hell to shun. I love you enough to tell you the truth. The Atoning Blood of King Jesus Yahshua Ha'Meshiac, is the only Saving Power! The Laws, and Holiness, unto Yehovah God, is Keeping Power. If you ever need some one to pray with you, I am here for you, and I know many others who are too! If you need to find a body of believers, and Disciples of truth, I know Pastors, and fellowships standing by ready to help you and receive you in love yet challenge you to live better because you are better! This isn't about Heath Haas, having a ministry, it's about you being saved, and realizing we all have a ministry, it's His ministering hand through us. HalleluYah! Choose life! Life more abundant! Life more beautiful! Life with purpose, and destination! Blessings and Shalom Pastor Heath Haas Your servant in Yehovah
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