Study | Community
These Forums, and Rooms, have been created for Study, Discussion, and Prayer within our Faith Family.
Please see this section for discussion rules, and using the resources located here.
Please share your prayer requests here. Let's bring these requests to the Throne of Yehovah, together.
This section will cover the study, and discussion regarding the Feasts, and Appointed Times.
This Section is dedicated to dreams, visions, and sharing these experiences for the Kingdom of Yehovah
This Section is dedicated to the Spiritual War Efforts of Kingdom Activism, as we war against spiritual wickedness in high places.
We overcome the Wicked One, by the Power of our Testimony! Share a praise report, build faith!
This Section is dedicated to prophecy, keeping watch, and prophetic fulfillment in the present day.
This section is designated and to share links of other commentaries outside of LIFTMinistries - Discreation Advised