Jean T. Smolkovich, did an awesome job on the hand outs, and these are designed and intended for more than just our prior meeting on May, 1st.
These are available today, and will continue to be available forward.
There was so much more we wanted to be able to do at the Memorial for the Unborn, yet different factors contributed to not going down a few desired paths.
Ultimately mission success as the Gospel of the Kingdom, and Revelation of King Jesus Yahshua Ha'Meshiac, was preached along with a Call to be Holy, and that there is reconciliation, and healing after the trauma of Abortion.
These cards provide information on both Holy Nation, with following the journey of the Casket of the Unknown Baby, as the escort and journey goes across the United States.
These cards also provide information about Living Faith Tabernacle Ministries, (LIFTMinistries) and how we strive for Discipleship, making Disciples, and being the Five Full Hand of Ministry TODAY.
I have more information coming about this and what we plan to do with each letter sent to the Casket of the Unknown Baby.
If you have had a Abortion.
If you have been apart of influencing someone to Abort a Baby.
If you support Abortion through educating, education, and government sponsorship, legislation and more...
If you serve the cause of the murder of the Unborn via the medical field, as a Doctor, nurse, office staff....
If you're family, friends or the sexual partner, that has supported and influenced a Abortion.
You are affected, and there is trauma that is there. You also have time to repent, reconcile, and truly heal.
You do have blood on your hands yet the Atoning Blood of King Jesus Yahshua Ha'Meshiac, can wash you clean!
It's not to late for you.
If you need someone to pray with you I have a team ready to pray with you!
If you desire to reconcile, repent, and move forward in healing, we are here for you.
Many at the Memorial for the Unborn,across the States; had red balloons, and other things onsite. Due to weather and other factors we simply could not.
We have decided that for every repentance, and one who desires to move forward. I will plant a tree, on my property, to represent how there is life, even after the loss of the precious unborn.
That there can be new beginning. There can be new chapters, and that where once a family was destroyed, that a family can be made.
Above all that though the murder of of the Unborn, is an absolute crime against the Kingdom of Yehovah God, there is redemption through being Born Again, through the Way, Truth, and Life.
You can do so much more then drown in the regret and grief.
You medical professionals who support Abortion, and assist in carrying out abortions, it's truly a shame to the true call of a doctor and nurse, and violates your pledge of preserving life.
There is still time to change, transfer to being a life preserver rather than being a death reaper.
True repentance, will have true transformation.
You may not have had an abortion yet you may have had a hand in abortions...
This is for you too.
If you want to know more please contact us.
Blessings and Shalom! HcH Your servant in Yehovah