We need folks, to wipe the religious lipstick off, it doesn't look right on a real disciple. We need the religious lipstick wiped off, so the spiritual dehydration can be revealed upon the parched and cracked lips, because we have failed to drink from the rivers flowing from the Throne of Yehovah God. Then we need to drink of the cup of Yehovah God, by dipping that cup, into those precious waters of flowing life, and drink and become rejuvenated by the power of the Holy Spirit. Once hydrated we then can remove the religious robes, and have humility to reveal the neglect of nutrition, when those robes, hid the reality of nothing but bones covered by skin. Having some strength from the rejuvenating waters, we then can eat of the bread of life, the precious word of Yehovah God, and then see Constitution reform upon what once was just a skeleton frame, and with such a diet of Repentance, prayer, and obedience, to the Word of Yehovah God, become strong and able soldiers. It's time we have restoration in our lives. It's time we put away the religious mask, and suit, and take upon ourselves the prayer garment, and humble robes of the true disciple, and have equipped the armor of the Kingdom; by which can gird up for battle in a moment's notice. A Saturday Sabbath, and a Sunday Appointment, is not enough! Being assembled every time the door of assembly is available is not enough. Sharing a "Patty Cake, Patty Cake, I love Jesus" YouTube video, is not enough, frankly I don't want to see it. Sharing a social media status update about how you believe, and love "God" yet don't live for Him, is certainly not enough. Having a social media "check in" that shows your Geo coded location is at the Church House, is not true Discipleship. Providing a comment on someone's status that reads; "I need prayer" and then the comment thread is congested with "praying!" Or "🙏" does not qualify as a prayer life. The true question is how many souls have been touched by how we are living? Have souls been influenced to be transformed and come to Repentance, by how we live?.. -OR- Have souls been convinced that "Christianity" is the largest ring of hypocrisy, because they see you at the bar, casino, strip joint, parties, and participating in all manner of sexual immorality, and substance abuse. How many souls have been saved, and truly touched by our life this year??? How about last year??? Why not go back the last decade, and can we count on one hand the amount of people that have truly been transformed, and have been Born Again??? It's more then a repeat after me prayer. It's more then the ability of seeing someone's shoe size label at the altar. Where is the Transformation!? How many Disciples have been made through our life? How can one make Disciples, if they first don't have Discipleship? If any of these questions sparked a challenge, and caused you to feel disgust like I am feeling because I have not done enough, then let's make sure we are repenting, and doing more! Arise! Arise unto the call of Holiness! We are not called to convert people to a denomination, we are called to Discipleship, and then to make Disciples for the Kingdom. Acts 2 and Matthew 28, must be our Creed. Blessings and Shalom! HcH Your servant in Yehovah
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The words are so very much agreed here brother. So many issues lie there in with those who aren't willing to lay down their lives for the sake of they themselves to be discipled as they need. Many "don't see" the need and feel self contained yet continually go astray from the foundations of His word due to the lack of true humility and fear of exposure. I am often reminded of this verse... "Even if our gospel message is veiled, it is only veiled to those who are perishing, for their minds have been blinded by the god of this age, leaving them in unbelief. Their blindness keeps them from seeing the dayspring light of the wonderful news of the glory of Y'shua, who is the divine image of Elohim.” 2 Corinthians 4:3-4" We as those who have been called can only do as we are lead. We can share the good news to those who are hungry and perishing "if" they have ears to hear, "if" they are hungry and thirsty enough to feast upon the One and only who is able to sustain them. Unfortunately there will be many that perish because they would not hear and heed the call. But sharing and moving by the Spirit should never stop us from going forward. Rejecting Him and His word will be a high price to pay in the terrible day of judgement and I for one do not want to be in their shoes. I've recently been in contact with people (believers) who are just purely content in their walk right where they're at and I'm like completely dumb founded at their reaction and responses. I often share with them do you know that what you're doing right now here on this earth determines what you'll be doing in eternity? Their responses are often "at least I made it in the door" 😩 Oh Father if they only knew and had a glimpse of what you have for them! (1 Cor 2:9 no eye has seen...) They don't know enough of His word to connect to greater heights with Him, to rise above and dwell with Him in the high places far above all circumstances, to be filled with a joy that can't be compared to anything on this earth, to know a love that reaches beyond the heavens 😌 But yet for some that's just not enough and they desire the ways of the world with its passions and destructive lies. Once your life has been touched my the masters hand how can you ever return to such a place where limitations are placed on you? With Him nothing is impossible and the capacity can be endless. Many have not because they ask not (James 4:2) and if we ask we can we receive (Matt 7:7) and the day will come when many will be without excuse (Rom 1:20), they won't be able to hide and they will want to die but they won't be able to (Rev 9:6). The bottom line is it's better for your to repent now and turn from your sins than to continue in your own ways. Apart from Him you can do nothing (John 15:5) So in realty we can talk until we're blue in the face to those who don't have ears to hear or we can remain those fishers of men who use the right bait at the right time to bring in that harvest. There is a time that is in and out of season and we need to be sensitive to the Spirit when to toss that bait out, when to start asking questions to produce a hunger for more, to walk in the gifts that we've been equipped with to minister healing. Not one person will be exempt on that day and the choice is ours what we do with all this right now! May Your name be lifted high Abba, You will be glorified in the highest measure by those who are Yours. One day very soon, one day. BeShem Y'shua