It takes obedience to be in the will of Yehovah God, and it takes courage to be obedient. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Yehovah your God will be with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9 Sometimes the "wherever" means there is an open field of direction and regardless of which way you go within that field the "wherever you may go" while in that field is also within His will and a "thus saith the LORD," is not required. Courage does not mean fear will not be present nor not being afraid forfeits the reality of why the fear is present. It simply means that in the face of fear it does not consume you, for the Holy Spirit, in you, is a consuming fire and the word of Yehovah God, is the torch in which the fire of His Spirit, may burn and illuminate your path. "For Yehovah, hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." - 2 Timothy 1:7 Fear is a reality yet that reality does not consume you, rather the power, love and sound mind of Yehovah God, does embolden you. Now go and be courageous yet not ignorant of the reality one must face, upon the battlefield. The battefield is real and the glory is great yet the cost is great too. No greater cost has been paid then the salvation and victory provided through the Messiah. He is the commander and with His lead, victory is certain and victory is sweet yet again obedience is key yet courage is the ingredient of true obedience. Obedience is greater than sacrifice, therefore take courage and hold the mind and stay the course, the commander soon will provide His word and direction. Be blessed that you may be a blessing! Be increased that you may too be an increase unto the Kingdom! Shalom & Blessings, Pastor Heath Haas| LIFTMinistries Your servant in Yehovah
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Awesome share Robbie! 🙌HalleluYah 🙌
Goods word to heed from the above comments To those who have been broken down to nothing, you still have the ability to rise up; if you so desire. The key is "what do you want"? We can remain helpless, weak, or passive in this walk walk but that's not what is desired of us. The word says: "If you falter in the day of distress, your strength is small" (Proverbs 24:10 TS2009). This walk does take a strength and a courage that not many have but it can be achieved. I personally believe it starts with a desire to do so and the Father Himself helps us in this training process. Many of us need to be refined and purified from the ways of this world, to be restructured in His ways not ours. FEAR...can mask in a multitude of ways and anger is one of them, but anger does not promote courage it only identifies a type of disconnection that needs to be address. Although a righteous anger is completely different and does have it's proper place when needed in the kingdom.
This world has the ability form you to its environment with its lust and passions and evil desires, that"s why we were called to come out of it. (2 Cor 2:16) Making an "on purpose" decision fro many things in our lives is imperative "IF" you want to enter the kingdom of Elohim and dwell with His there. This walk is definitely not for the weak and faint at heart, fear has to go so that courage can rise up. I love what was share here from Joshua 1:9, it was one of my verse the Lord gave me to pull me up and out many times. Knowing that it's a commandment not to fear sincerely moved me to Greta things.
I also discovered that fear is demonic, it's from the adversary and has nothing to do with the Father at at, so now I need to choose which master I will serve because I cannot serve two! I believe there is no such thing as a healthy fear unless it is based on the "fear of Elohim" (the Father) Himself and that's not the same as what we know and identify in the other at all. He is looking for warriors to tear down the things the enemy has built for himself to pull people into his tiny place of such great loss. Zechariah 10:5-12 is a very powerful message that's worth looking into.
We need to know who we are in the Father, we need know that we do have the ability to overcome all obstacles that are placed before through Him as He gives us the strength and ways to do that. Don't fear anything, it's from the father of lies who wants to control you. If you battle this,
get understanding and soak up His word. WE win in the end you just need to learn how to battle accordingly.