We have degraded as a society, because many have exchanged spiritual common sense, in for lustful commodities... Many a pulpit, across America, has become far more wicked then the harlot house, casino, and the drunker's den. You go to the harlot's house, it's not hidden your motive. You go to the casino, there is a clear disclosure of the high cost of the gamble. You go to the drunker's den, it's unmistakable that there will be liquor flowing and drunkenness plenty. You go to what should be the Church, the Holy Place of Yehovah God, and you have Charlatans, and a crime ring of criminals, because these deceivers who compromise truth, and forsake the Holy Laws of Yehovah God, convince many that all that's needed is everything but the entire word of God. What a great crime!!! Then we have the true Disciples, the true Deputies, of the Throne of Yehovah God, commissioned to uphold Holiness, Righteousness, and preach a uncompromising truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom and Revelation of King Jesus Yahshua Ha'Meshiac, and they are rejected, forsaken, and exiled. Why would we expect anything less??? If God manifest in flesh, was hated, despised and rejected then any rejection we face and even death, can't even compare. It's absolutely heart breaking to see the mass majority forsake Holiness, and the Laws, of Yehovah God, in the name of Grace, when it's that same Grace, that provided the Holy Instructions. I don't care how good the shout! I don't care how awesome the song! I don't care how many goose bumps, you get! I don't care how content, and complacent you feel in a body of other complacent and feel good people, you become. I don't care how much of Paul's writtings you can quote! If you're not Born Again, Baptized in the NAME of King Jesus Yahshua Ha'Meshiac, and filled with the Ruach Ha'Kodesh, the Holy Spirit of Yehovah God, and living a life of true Discipleship, you're not in the Kingdom, therefore stop claiming the authority, blessings, and inheritance of the Kingdom. It's time to get right before Yehovah God. If your current assembly is not ministering via teaching, preaching, evangelism, prophecy, and the Apostle, thrust of Holiness, Righteousness, and the ENTIRETY of th Holy Covenant. Run! Dust your feet off and run, and you find a people, and assembly, who dare to truly Disciple, and strive for Holiness, Righteousness, and Holy Covenant, with Yehovah God.. Only then will Disciples who are Kingdom bound be made. Blessings and Shalom HcH Your servant in Yehovah
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