It's amazing how idolatry, has plagued and become a major blight spreading to a point it has touched every denomination in some way or another. How??? The denomination itself has become an idol. It doesn't take demons anymore it merely takes religion that believes it is right without the laws of Yehovah God. A denomination without the Kingdom of Yehovah God, is a rogue, and mercenary operation completely unpredictable and frankly not trust worthy of the Throne Room's war briefings. I am not concerned about your banner of man, other then if you're more loyal to it then the banner of the Kingdom of Yehovah. I am concerned if you're even in the Kingdom at all. If you're not Born Again, and Filled with the Holy Spirit, then your not in the Kingdom, and if you are in the Kingdom; why do you so easily set aside the decrees of the King? There is a call of Repentance, yet also a call of Holiness. We are living in an age that the wicked are more zealous for their cause then the people of Yehovah God, are zealous for the Holy things of Yehovah. Justification of blatant idolatry, and assimilation to wicked doctrines sugar coated with the name and celebration of "Jesus" is not going to make what is Wicked, a Holy thing. You can claim grace over sin, all you want yet unrepentant behavior and embracing pagan influence prevents true grace to operate. How??? Because such behavior says in the face of the grace offered that I don't need the rest of what the King, is offering.... Frankly what many people are claiming to be "grace" is going to be workings of the grave, and not workings of true grace. The Atoning Blood of Messiah, is the Saving Power, however True Holy Covenant, is the Keeping Power. The blood placed over the door wasn't for people, to live however they wanted and claim the covenant of Abraham, was under the "blood of the Lamb" of the door post rather it was all the more to free them from slavery and bondage to walk in even more liberty then Abraham, could have and obtain the promise of the covenant, yet not excluding the conditions of the covenant. Likewise does the precious Atoning Blood of Messiah, provide us freedom from slavery and bondage of sin, yet not excluding us from the conditions of the covenant, in order to obtain the promise of New Jerusalem. No compromise! No quarter for the enemy! We don't take prisoners, in the Holy regiment of the Kingdom, we break chains and set the already prisoners free and show them true freedom by true Discipleship; if they choose to put the chains back upon their person, it's a choice they make, and sadly I see far to many willing to be chained. There is no greater liberty found then when one lives in true Holy Covenant with Yehovah God. Are you in the Kingdom? Are you Born Again? Are you Filled with the Holy Spirit of Yehovah God? If you answered "No" what does hinder you? If you answered "yes" why the compromise??? Blessings and Shalom! HcH Your servant in Yehovah
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