Praise Yehovah God! May you all be blessed, encouraged, and the Holy Fire of the Holy Spirit, ignite, burn, and set us a blaze for the Kingdom! I feel such a burning in my soul, (full disclosure here friends, a preacher, is going to preach....) I have to laugh every time I think of the Church family, I cut my teeth on the pew and ministry with. We were in a camp meeting, years ago, and each service various ministries would be called on to testify. One precious brother in the Gospel, stood up and he said these following words that still make me chuckle good yet was a gentle reminder to all the ministries that might be called to testify. He stood up sharing this; "Blessed is the Preacher, who is called up to testify, and doesn't preach a sermon, for he will be called on to testify again!" Knowing this is already a paragraph in I have perhaps failed in this endeavor however I won't apologise for preaching, it's all the more a time to minister truth. I want to share a testimony with you from a local ministry, it bares witness that how Kim, and others have been dealt with is real, true, and spreading across the area. HalleluYah!!! Please take time to read this experience by a brother in the Gospel. [The Below is courtesy and testimony of Mr. Frank Dimercurio of Chosen Ranch Ministries] After years of praying for the welfare of our children and watching them be used in all kinds of dispicable ways I feel compelled to speak up and share with whomever of you who have ears to hear what I have observed . I am in Lansing Michigan as I write this right now trying to make sense of the insanity that has gripped our nation that is openly trying to condone the ultimate abuse of our precious future. The very lives of our children have been devalued so much we dare to allow them to be murdered right up to the moment of their birth and God forbid......even after. I have read the platforms of both the major political parties and asked repeatedly for God's wisdom on this matter and He spoke to my heart and I will no longer refrain from this battle for the hearts, minds and very lives of our children. I will no longer sit idlely by and I refuse to give up or shut up until my Lord decides to take me up. I have had the pleasure of meeting and talking to many pastors, politicians people of ever different denomination you can think of and tonight I issue this challenge to each and every one of you. Set aside those pre written sermons and be bold ,speak boldly and for the sake of our children refuse to tip tow around this issue. I have put the Republican party on notice that I will leave them and expose their inaction if they ever take God out of their plateform and if they don't fight for the lives and well being of our children. For the Democratic party I ask all of you to read their plateform and then you decide what direction is best for the sake of our children. Some of you who know me might ask why now, what's gotten to him. Let me tell you. Thursday night I sat in with a group of our kids at the Chosen Ranch youth group. One young boy spoke up and said all it takes is one person, one voice to stand up for what GOD wants and it can change the world. God didn't allow me to sleep that night as that boys words rattled through my head. Friday morning I headed to Lansing to attend the Republican State convention . I went directly to a prayer meeting hosted by a Godly family who's youngest daughter and sister and is running for office. From their I went to our district meeting where I talked to Senator Jim Stamos, Representative Sue Allor, General Jack Bergman and many other of our elected officials and let's just say they all know where I stand on this issue. As I sat there listening to the the Speaker of the House Lee Chatfield address the crowd andhe began to pray. He evoked God and asked for direction and unity. He spoke from his heart and his words began to sink in. This is no longer a left or right time in our nation and states history. It is a right or wrong time. It wasn't by chance later in that evening I ran into Lee at a local restaurant. I approached Lee and complemented him on his speech. He thanked me for my kind words and right there it hit me. The boy in the youth group. It only takes one person with the right words speaking God's truth. Will you let your voices be heard? Will you preach it from your pulpits preachers? Will you lay it all on the line for Christ politician? Will you refuse to sit on the side lines and do what God has called you to do? I won't sit ideally by so get use to this or unfriend me. I love each and every one of you and I am begging for your help. Thank you and God Bless and God please take our land back under your hand of protection. Thank you Josh Whitten for getting me here and for seeing what our Lord and Savior us doing. - Pastor Frank Demercurio | Chosen Ranch ________________________ This blessed my heart to read about this young man, and how he ignited the heart of another, that took what was said then; "Yes LORD!" May we too not fail in what we are being lead to do by the leading of Yehovah God. The true prophetic voice will always lead the hearts of the people back to Torah/Holy Instructions, and Covenant with King Jesus Yahshua Ha'Meshiac. The Atoning Blood of Messiah, is the Saving power! The Holy Ways, Truth, and laws of Yehovah, is the Keeping Power, by His Spirit. May we see Holiness and Truth, return to the people, that we will return to the heart of God, satisfying His heart in Repentance. One voice, can create a thunder of truth! A long read yet I disclosed; a preacher is going to preach. Blessings and Shalom! Pastor Heath Haas Your servant in Yehovah
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