We have the majority of Congress, serving not knowing the Constitution, frankly not having read the document, including the Bill of Rights completely. Which is creating crisis, after crisis, and is a high treason to our principles, liberties, and rights. We have people, serving in "ministry" that know not the laws of Yehovah God, and have no knowledge, and wisdom, of true Holy Covenant; which is creating great rifts in the Household of Faith, and is high treason against the Throne of Yehovah God. It's amazing how the current condition of the United States, reflects much of the condition of the modern day Church. We have the height of entertainment in both the United States, and the Church. We have program, after program, yet it does not create citizens of country or the Kingdom of Yehovah God. We have an overwhelming culture of entitlement, and selfishness, which within the foundation of the Nation, and especially the foundation of the Kingdom of Yehovah God, is alien, foreign, and not compatible. We have implosion, inflation, and deficit, that is causing businesses to close and because the Church House has become more of a business template than the Temple Order, these too are utterly failing, due to loads of debt, and frail standards. We truly have a major crisis in our land today, and the source of this horrible crisis, is the condition of the soul, and the Church, is ultimately responsible for the great compromise. Know this a Great Falling Away, does not occur by a people, who never arrived; This Great Falling Away, is happening via a people, who know better, who have seen the power of Yehovah God, yet choose lusts over true love, and choose convenience over true covenant. Sinners, will sin, and will always sin. We can't expect a great falling away from a people who are already in the pit of sin. It's those who are called to be Holy, Righteous, and have Covenant with Yehovah God, those who can become victim of self, and fall away. Just as silly, absurd, and foolish, are the many policies of liberalism, likewise are the laws, policies, and teachings of religious men, that teach contrary to the true laws, Holy Covenant, Gospel of the Kingdom, and Revelation of God incarnate, King Jesus Yahshua Ha'Meshiac. They may have credentials and commission of men, yet they have not the commission, authority, and anointing of the Throne of Yehovah. Take this section of the Holy Scripture: __________________________________________ [2 Thessalonians Chapter 2] Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, concerning the coming of our Lord Yeshuathe Messiah and our gathering together to Him, not to get shaken out of your mind or disturbed—either by a spirit or a word or a letter as if through us—as though the Day of the Lord has come. Let no one deceive you in any way, for the Day will not come unless the rebellion comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the one destined to be destroyed. He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he sits in the Temple of God, proclaiming himself that he is God. Read Entirely here: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Thessalonians+2&version=TLV __________________________________________ We must return to Holy Covenant with Yehovah God, it's absolutely imperative. The Atoning Blood of Messiah, is the Saving Power. The Holy Covenant, is Keeping Power. Be separate says the LORD! Blessings and Shalom HcH Your servant in Yehovah
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One thing for sure that we can trust in and that's what is going to happen will happen no matter what we or anyone else can do. Yet one fact remains...Yah is in control of all things! As we who remain; uphold His word and guard will will rise above all things. This World and it's deliberate agenda will one day fall on its knees at the coming of his glory. Until then, we His people need to be on our knees and faces in prayer preparing for His return, directions, and desires for our own lives. Those who are hungry enough will find food but it's not always the physical that needs met, it's the Spirit that truly longs for greater understanding and truth that it must be fed daily.