Everyone is putting there hope in "Red" "White" and "Blue" The only Red, my faith, and trust is complete; is in the Crimson Atoning Blood, of King Jesus Yahshua Ha'Meshiac. The only Blue, my faith, and trust is complete; is the Sovereign Reign, and Majesty of the Throne of King Jesus Yahshua Ha'Meshiac. The only White, my absolute blessed assurance abides, is in this truth; that I have been Born Again, cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb of Yehovah God, filled with the Ruach Ha'Kodesh, the Holy Spirit, and my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. The only laws, statutes, and promises that I can swing through Hell Fire and know His words won't fail, and can't be consumed by the fire or fall short; is the written, and spoken Holy word of Yehovah God. I am first and foremost of the Kingdom of Yehovah God. We must be Kingdom first or we will fail. That's the problem with the Church, today. They have become more invested in the politics of man, than the Way, Truth, and Holiness of Yehovah God. It's imperative that we are involved as the Church, in our Nations, yet it's to be a Clarion call of repentance and source of making disciples. The day the Church, raises up more Republicans and/or Democrats, then they do Born Again, Disciples of the Kingdom of Yehovah God; is the day we have adopted more Canaanites, than we have the promise that abides in Canaan, and that's the promise and Covenant we have of New Jerusalem. We must have more passion for souls than poles. Where is your passion? Are you more zealous for Egypt, or are you longing for the Promise Land? May we be challenged, convicted, transformed, anointed, and appointed by the power of the Holy Spirit and His Holy Word. Blessings and Shalom Pastor Heath Haas | LIFTMinistries Your servant in Yehovah
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