Please use this section to stay tuned with the scheduled events for local activism, evangelism, and outreach as we network with other ministries Nation Wide, to war against the Spiritual Wickedness, in High Places.
For to long has the present age Church, remained idle, and stagnate. Far to long has the Pastors, Teachers, Evangelist, Prophets, and Apostles, of today ignored the Holy Laws, Instructions, and Ways, of Yehovah God, and true Discipleship.
Anyone that is visiting this site, will quickly come to know we are a ministry that is founded on the Holiness, Righteousness, and ENTIRE Holy Scriptures. We have joined with Kim Chadwell Ministries, and various other ministries to network, and organize to Fast, Pray, and with Holy faith, courage, and boldness stand up against the rapid, increasing by the day wickedness of this present age.
We will be hitting hard the following issues:
Abortion| The Murder of the Unborn, and Innocent.
Abandonment of the Widow
Abandonment of the Orphan
Abandonment of the Poor
Networking for Discipleship, and Activism in State Level Capitols, and the Nation's Capitol, to be a voice for the innocent, and a thundering voice of truth, and the Holy Things of King Jesus Yahshua Ha'Meshiac
If you are interested in contributing to this arm of the ministry. Please inform us of your desire, skill, and anointing/call.
This section will be used to cover in detail, events, Q&A and brief on the war efforts of the Way, Truth, and Life.
Blessings and Shalom!
Pastor Heath Haas
Greetings Friends,
I wanted to share and update all those who are interested in joining with us via the fast, prayer, and live broadcasts throughout the appointed time of prayer, and fasting. There are various ministries who will be speaking at different times, each day: March, 1st (Friday) through March, 3rd (Sunday)
I understand for some fasting is very difficult due to medical situations. You can still join us in prayer, set time aside for study in the Holy Scripture, and having intimacy with Yehovah.
For those who can join with us in the fasting time, if it's one day, Two days, and the full three days, wonderful!
This will be a strength to you, and will be a great blessing.
True Fasting, is FASTENING to the Throne of Yehovah, yet it starts at the Altar of Atonement (Repentance) moves into the inner Court of Examination, and then Transitions into the Holy of Holies.
I ask that you will please pray for the spiritual warfare we are entering into due to the cry to rally, the cry for repentance, and the cry for war, against the Wicked One, and the evil, that is growing more rapid by the day.
Below are images of the schedule for the next three days. This does not substitute nor is it designed to take away from your assembly, on Saturday, and Sunday, the various speakers, have been scheduled with this in mind however we ask that you will join with us via the Facebook Live, and other platforms.
I appreciate your prayer. We will keep you all briefed of more events, and items on the agenda as we move forward to execute the Great Commission.
If you desire to learn more, and want to join with us, by doing more, please let me know as this Forum is dedicated to our efforts to work within Michigan, and network, with the many others who are working in their home States, too.
May we be blessed by being challenged, convicted, transformed, anointed, and appointed, by the power of His Holy Word, and Holy Spirit.
Let the Holy Remnant of Yehovah ARISE!
Blessings & Shalom!
Pastor Heath Haas
Your Servant in Yehovah
Holy Nation Rise - Michigan