We will be making our way to the Capitol Building, in Lansing, Mi. Wednesday, May 1st. We will be assembling starting at 1:30 pm (EST) with setup, prayer, and preparation to go LIVE for the broadcast of the Call of Repentance, and the Memorial of the Unborn.
at 14:00|2:00 pm (EST) Nation Wide, there will be a group at each State Capitol, in prayer, with a call to repent, and having a memorial service for the Unborn. This is going to be a day filled with the sober, convicting, and powerful presence of Yehovah God! If you desire to assemble and meet with us at the Capitol Steps, you're welcome to join us. This is not a political protest. This is a Holy Call, A solemn Prayer Assembly, and a hand of ministry extended to those who struggle with the torment of having had a hand in aborting/murder of a baby.
Many don't realize that there is more than just the decision of the pregnant woman, to abort. There are the influences, voices, and cheer leaders who assisted in that decision. There are the Doctors, Nurses, Friends, Family, Boy Friend, Driver/Escort to the clinic and from the clinic, and all the administrative staff, that had direct hand involvement with the abortion; then there is the legislators, educators, and the many of society who also have blood on their hands that support such a wicked crime against life, and the Creator.
This is not a time of judgement, rather a time of calling for atonement, repentance, and becoming transformed through and by the power of the Holy Spirit, and Holy Word of Yehovah God.
The Judgement of Yehovah God, however is very real, and very present, and we as the United States are facing Great Woes! This is being done because it simply MUST BE DONE!
No longer can we remain idle, and spectate with an idea that the mass majority in the religious world hold that the Church will be raptures, and won't have to face tribulation, thus let's just focus on the departing rather than the imparting of the Gospel of the Kingdom, and Revelation of King Jesus Yahshua Ha'Meshiac. It's time to ARISE! It's time the Holy People, hear the HOLY CALL, that thunders from the Throne of Yehovah God. It's time to do more then talk about how horrible it is and do something righteous about it. Will you dare to join me??? Will you dare to do more then just talk about it??? We must thunder our war cry in the face of the prince demon power over our State. "RAK CHAZAK AMATS!!!" If you desire to join us, please come!
Parking in the parking structure along Townsend Rd. X W. Allegan St , and Washtenaw St
Meeting at the steps of the Capitol Building, if accessible and if not along the walk way of Allegan St leading walk way to the Capitol Grounds.
Questions? Need to know more? Contact Us! 231.715.1771 Blessings and Shalom! Heath Haas | LIFTMinistries Your servant in Yehovah