Greetings Friends,
This week (starting tomorrow, Monday, April 1st 2019 through Wednesday, April 3rd) we are joining with Holy Nation Rise, on a call to consecrate these three days with prayer, fasting, and intercession for Repentance, Holiness, and Warfare against Spiritual Wickedness in High Places.
We are in a dire time. We are in a late hour that requires more then just a religious repeat after me prayer, cracker, and sip of Welch's Grape Juice, from a pix cup.
(This is not condemning communion, rather the contrary as it is a call to true communion)
We need to enter true communion with Yehovah, and do this AS OFTEN as Possible!
Fasting, when it is true fasting, is fastening to:
Fastening To:
Thee Altar of Atonement, for repentance, and release of self, that we may first evaluate ourselves, repent, reconcile, and press forward into the inner court.
Fastening To:
Thee Throne of Yehovah God, with Holy Covenant
Fastening To:
Thee Kingdom of Yehovah God, by Obedience and Follow Through, with that Holy Covenant committed at the Throne.
I touch more on this via a LIVE facebook video:
Take a look at this Hebrew Context of "Fasting" [ 6030 ] anah aw-naw' a primitive root; properly, to eye or (generally) to heed, i.e. pay attention; by implication, to respond; by extens. to begin to speak; specifically to sing, shout, testify, announce:--give account, afflict (by mistake for 6031), (cause to, give) answer, bring low (by mistake for 6031), cry, hear, Leannoth, lift up, say, X scholar, (give a) shout, sing (together by course), speak, testify, utter, (bear) witness. See also 1042, 1043. (Courtesy of: )
I welcome all those who desire to join us in this time of fasting, prayer, and intercession. I understand that there are some who can't go without food yet appointed times of prayer, and consecration certainly can be accomplished.
If you can't fast with absence of food. Then fast from drinks outside of water. Take something that is within your daily routine and sacrifice not doing that something that consumes all your time.
("Fasting" while consuming your time with Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Primer, and streaming entertainment, will be a complete waste and all you're are doing is going without food/dieting.)
I was recently asked by someone who stated:
" I am knew to fasting do you have any advise?"
I sure do!
The best thing for you to do is not focus on what you're restraining from but what and who, you're fastening unto.
It's like being on a long journey. You know it's going to take hours to possibly get there yet you map out your route.
You prepare your luggage, and you get in the vehicle prepared to drive the miles with discipline to get to your destination.
True fasting is a vehicle, to make the journey to enter into the Holy of Holies.
Strap yourself in and focus on the destination not the mile markers.
When people focus on hour one, then hour two, and how one is going without food it profits nothing.
When you're focused on true prayer, the written word, and focused upon Kingdom related things while fasting, the hours go by and you will arrive!
It's not the quantity of the hours of the fast, it's the quality of the intimacy obtained by the fast being the vehicle.
Otherwise your just dieting.
It's better to fast a half of a day, and have true intimacy and entering in because it's time you're truly consecrating then to fast three days and showcase and have only misery.
Read Isaiah 58 (the whole chapter) this is Yehovah speaking through the prophet Isaiah, rebuking what man, says is a fast vs what Yehovah, has called us to fast for. Will you join me??? I am looking for twelve who will commit to joining me on this Fast.
I am also looking for Twelve, who will dare to join me with sword and shield, to take the fight to the enemy, and meet me at our State Capitol, in Lansing Mi, Wednesday, May 1st.
This is just the beginning!
It's time to get prayed up, Prepared, Equipped, and Sent!
Blessings & Shalom!
Pastor Heath Haas | LIFTMinistries | Holy Nation Rise - Michigan