Greetings Friends! We have been invited to join with Pastor TD Hale, for the April, 2019 Thirty Day Challenge to read the (Besorah|Messianic Writings) New Testament! This will include a schedule of the readings daily, in order to successfully complete this challenge.
I also encourage discussion if you desire to have round table on your readings via the comment section below. I will be updating daily via the threads below on the completed reading for myself.
I encourage you all to do the same, as it will build support, and challenge one for another.
NEW TESTAMENT - The 30 Day Plan Challenge - Reading through the New Testament starting April 1st! 30/30 Thirty Days, Thirty Minutes:
I look forward to reading this along side our weekly Scripture Portion. Can you put down the gaming system, and turn off the streaming video, for the flowing streams of the written word??? See you in the Holy Book! Blessings & Shalom! Pastor Heath Haas | LIFTMinistries
Here is a message from Pastor TD Hale, which I though is important to share; welcoming us to the 30/Day Reading Challenge. Here is an outline Pastor TD Hale, is giving for Matthew, as we will be opening up to Matthew Chapter One | Monday, April 1st
1)The King (Ch.1,2) 2)Preparation of the King (Ch. 3:1-4:16) 3)Preaching of the King (Ch. 4:17-9:35) 4)Power of the King (Ch. 9:36-16:20) 5)Passion of the King (Ch.16:21-27:66) 6)Priesthood of the King (Ch. 28)
Blessings and Shalom! HcH