As the sunshine, with no clouds or evidence of a coming storm, can give the appearance of good weather, and that it's even pleasant and warm out; only to walk out and find the deception, after fifteen minutes you become a victim to frost bite. This is also the reality of our economy. It looks nice, and inviting, with a glimpse of sunshine and a guile of warmth, when looking outside. It's when you walk into the reality of what it is outside the comfort, and luxuries, that the deception is felt. Don't allow yourself to think this is our best days. Don't allow yourself to sink into the quicksand of deception and guile of a false market. I would highly encourage that if you're getting a tax return. Use it on putting up some food, supplies, and things that are good to preserve life rather than toys, recreation, and entertainment, that will last but a moment in life. This could be your last tax season. (Note: possibility "it could be") Hard times are ahead and food, is going to be a currency that is far more valued then gold, silver, and especially a paper print of a bankrupt I.O.U. Many can post all the "data" they want to argue the economy is good, yet trillions of debt, and these scales, charts, and data sources are all networked with the same media sources that produce Propaganda, and deceit. Who's report will you believe??? I would rather be fifteen years prepared or even die in preparation to pass it to another; then five minutes to late, with regret and wishing I would have listened. We will see famine, hit the United States.... We will also see the United States, loose completely her identity of liberty and freedom. Captivity, is on the horizon. Above ALL you must be Born Again, and enter into Holy Covenant with King Jesus Yahshua Ha'Meshiac. The safest place to be is in center covenant. I pray you come to know true Salvation. I pray you find center covenant with Yehovah God, that is only found via the Way, Truth, and Life. The Atoning Blood is the Saving Power. The Holy Laws/Covenant, is Keeping Power. Blessings and Shalom HcH Your servant in Yehovah
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