Greetings Friends!
I absolutely love how like puzzle pieces the word of Yehovah, comes alive piece by piece, and then we can see the whole picture.
When we take away key pieces, we loose sight of fragments, and parts of the picture.
It's imperative we are diligent with a line by line, and precept by precept focus to stay true to the context of the Written Word.
This is why a Torah (Instructions/Teachings) reading regiment is necessary for every Born Again Believer. It's absolutely necessary we understand how to disciple, and there is no greater source of the foundations of discipleship, then the Torah.
We must understand that the Hebrew term, "Torah" means "Instructions" and "Teachings" this brings a whole new understanding to the this gravely miss understood Hebrew word/term.
Above all we must handle the written word, with prayer, reverence, and respect.
I welcome you to join us in discussion, with the Torah/Scripture Portion of each week that is posted on the main page, and within this forum section.
Blessings and Shalom!
Heath Haas
Your Servant in Yehovah