Please take all things to prayer, and the written word. This link is provided as a source to research and to see what is being considered prophetic utterance.
As with many things Z3 News, being a blog of prophetic dreams, visions, and records is reliant on those entering the shared data.
Caution|Prayer Advised as with any who share anything prophetic & as "Thus Saith Yehovah"
About Z3 News
God also speaks to us in many other ways, including visions, prophetic words, and of course the scriptures, which are the plumb line by which everything else must be judged.
We do not align with conservatives or liberals. We are not Republican or Democrat, but believe both parties have betrayed the American people to look out for the interests of large corporations and their own interests. So we don’t pay much attention to political campaigns, unless God is revealing something about it.
Instead, we strive to align ourselves with the will of God and the word of God for the purpose of advancing His kingdom on earth.
Our goal is to help God’s people draw closer to Him and get better prepared for the days ahead.
James Bailey Founder and Editor of Z3news.com
Is there a link to access this by chance?