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The Ministry Page Launches!

Greetings Everyone!

I am very excited to share via this blog the many key points of what Living Faith Tabernacle Ministries "A Watchmen's Call" will be doing forward to outreach in every way possible to those in need of hearing the gospel with a uncompromising approach when delivering the true word of God.

First and foremost we are none - denominational and not originated or directed by any specific doctrine of man. This website and material is provided to be a true source of teaching, preaching and news to hit hard the issues and subject matter of today's ever increasing need of a true wake up call through presenting credible news resources and most important presenting the greatest of ALL news and that is the good news of the gospel and that salvation is the key to the Kingdom.

We desire to be a evangelistic thrust in this end time and a tool able to be used to aid in the harvest field of souls.

We also desire to be a watchmen on the wall sounding clear and true the shofar (trumpet) of the word of God.

We are a people that as both Jew and Gentile, assemble and enter into the gates of Yehovah, with praise and joy as we embrace our Hebraic roots through our Disciple Walk.

This is why you may find language used you're not familiar with however it is all true and rich when you discover how wonderful it is to be identified with the Creator, His ways, truth, and life.

I will not apologize for the call of God, that is on my life. This is not Heath's ministry it is the ministry of the Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha'Kodesh) through me and you as vessels.

There is much to discover and more to come as we move forward with this website. You will discover many links when clicking the Ministry & News tab. Here there is a wealth of resources from many sources of good teachings as well as breaking news through trusted sources to keep you; updated and in tune with what is going on today.

You will also discover as we move forward the website pages will become fuller as we add media and many other tools for discipleship.

There is always the welcome for prayer request, questions, and contacting us directly through the online chat, or using the Partner With Us! Tab via email and/or the Ministry contact number.

It is vital we have eyes to see and ears to hear. Let us hear thus says the Lord, for the day and hour yes?

I hope, pray and trust this website, blog and community with all elements it provides will be a resource of study, truth and insight which will guide you not into a religious experience nor traditional relationship with King Jesus Yeshua, yet a true and intimate relationship with Him.

I covet your prayers and appreciate your support as we embark on this mission to serve you and all who we possibly can.

I pray you will find salvation and a walk in that salvation through the Messiah.

May you be filled with the Holy Spirit and brought into all truth and hear what King Jesus Yehovah, has to say!

I love you ALL in Messiah.

More to come as we prepare for the soon second coming.

May we be blessed, challenged, convicted, anointed, and transformed, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, and His Word!

Blessings & Shalom!

Heath Haas

Your Servant in King Jesus Y Christ

If you would like to know more and/or would like me to pray with you; contact us here: Visit the ministry website

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