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United States, Three Great Woes! | Economy, Military, Captivity.

Tuesday Morning, January 15th 2019. This is the word of Yehovah, which came to my spirit, during morning prayer. I share it here as instructed, that all things may be taken to prayer, and filtered by the written word.

This word, that came companions a powerful word that came during our assembly, on Sunday, January 13th 2019, via Amos 2-3. That message can be accessed via the Ministry Media Player and here with the link below for your convenience.



Here is the word of Yehovah, written as it was received:

The United States, is prime for take over. Identity change, and assimilation into a empire that will be used for judgement. Your gods, will be shattered before your eyes in the streets of your cities, and in your homes. United States, your economy, is a god, and will be shattered, and won't deliver you. United States, your military, is a god, and will be broken, and won't be able to deliver you. United States, your luxuries, and comforts, have become a god, and the luxuries will fade, and the comforts will flee the sting of drought and famine. Your only refuge, and deliverance, is through repentance, a call that has been blazing and sounding before you for decades yet you have turned up the volume of your lusts, and allowed the voice of the true prophets to be drowned in the noise of sin. You are to blame. No other Nation. You will be placed in a state of control, and rule, by which no longer will you arrogantly boast, with banners of pride: "We are the greatest!" "Who else is liken to us!?" "We are United" NO! You shall be humiliated, and brought low. You shall be ruled by a hand of iron.

You shall see the result of your Wickedness, for it's by Wickedness you will be defeated.

You shall be divided into gated settlement, like animals are separated by paddocks, this is how grave your divided states will become! You're imploding from within. You have set your course to self destruction. You have rejected the pleading of my instructions.

You have cast into the depths of your waters my Holy laws, in exchange for the legislation of demons. You have paraded and erected abominations in your streets, and boasted of your glory. You are not prepared for you have not heard my voice and instructions. You have closed your senses to my dealings and thus you will senselessly enter into captivity. Hear! Know! Suddenly, you will be swept! Suddenly, you will be overtaken! Suddenly, you will know the voice of the true prophet, sent from my Throne vs these Sorcerers, filled with venom, and blight of the Harvest.

Ready your house! Ready yourself! For the day is at hand that Swift and sudden judgement is coming upon the United States, in this it will be a hastened step into the change of governments into a government. No government, will save you. No man, deliver you. War, Famine, Drought, Quakes, Fire, and Floods, shall be the artillery that defeats this people. Once they have said: "let us make war for prosperity and great economy" No! For this warfare will not be for income, yet for outcome of captivity! Again I say REPENT! Return to my Holy laws, not the laws of Wickedness! Remove the abominations, and break apart, and break away from these vile lusts, that are stench and vomit before me; great woe, is sealed!

I AM, your only deliverance, United States!

I AM, your only refuge!

I AM, the one who's heart you must satisfy with Repentance, not the hearts of the wicked! Thus saith Yehovah.



We must truly and absolutely satisfy the heart of Yehovah, God, in repentance!

We must seek His Holiness, and Righteousness, not the Systematic Theologies of Men, that attempt to understand Yehovah, by worldly logic, and academia.

Yehovah, is spirit, and we who worship, serve, and seek Yehovah, must do so in and by the Spirit!

Please prepare you Soul, Mind, and Body, for what is to come yet above all know this; the safest place to be is in Center Covenant with Yehovah God.

Blessings and Shalom! Heath C. Haas Your Servant in Yehovah

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