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Falling for Pagan gods | A Greater Falling Away

Come house of Jacob, let us walk in the light of Adonai.

6 For You have forsaken Your people, the house of Jacob. For they are filled with soothsayers from the east, and they have clapped hands with the children of foreigners. 7 Their land also is full of silver and gold, nor is there any limit to their treasures. Their land also is full of horses, nor is there any limit to their chariots. 8 Their land also is full of idols. They worship the work of their hands, what their own fingers have made. 9 So humanity bows down as each one lowers himself. Pardon them not! 10 Enter into the rock and hide in the dust, for fear of Adonai, and the glory of His majesty.

Lofty Ones Brought Low

11 The man of haughty eyes is humbled, the lofty ones brought low, for Adonai alone will be exalted in that day. 12 For the day of Adonai-Tzva’ot will be against anyone proud and haughty, against anyone lifted up—he will be humbled, 13 against all the cedars of Lebanon that are lofty and lifted up, against all the oaks of Bashan, 14 against all the high mountains, against all the exalted hills, 15 against every high tower, against every fortified wall, 16 against all the Tarshish ships, and against all the luxury boats. 17 The pride of man will be humbled, the arrogance of men abased, for Adonai alone will be exalted in that day.

18 The idols will completely pass away. 19 People will go into the caves of the rocks and into the holes of the earth,[b] because of the fear of Adonai and the splendor of His majesty, when He arises to shake the earth. 20 In that day a man will cast away his idols of silver and his idols of gold, which they made to worship, to the moles and to the bats! 21 They go into the clefts of the rocks and the crevices of the crags, because of fear of Adonai and the splendor of His majesty, when He arises to shake the earth.

22 Stop trusting in mankind —whose breath is in his nose— for what is he really worth?


Greetings Friends, I pray that you are blessed, and encouraged in the covenant we have with King Jesus Yashua Ha'Meshiac, His Atoning Blood, and Eternal Word, that is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

There is no greater component, and writer for our covenant than the Atoning Blood, as the ink, and the Cross of Calvary, as the pen, to write His name upon our hearts, minds, and souls, and then to write our name, in the Lambs Book of Life.

This is why through research via various platforms, literature, publications, and productions, of news around the world, it has sent chills down my spine of absolute disgust, horror, and grief, when I see the saturation of paganism, demonic influence, and the false fires, that have consumed people, today, yet above all see this infiltrate the Church.

In Asia, we have the greatest surge of persecution of the Church. We have daily, in India, China, and other Nations, a massive offensive against true Born Again Believers, who are meeting in their homes, and assemble wherever and whenever they can assemble.

These believers, are hungry, not for the bread of this world, yet for the bread of life, that they may taste of the table of the Most High, and know HE is Good!

They are thirsty, and though knowing the cost of drinking of the cup of the LORD, are with great courage, to face the persecution, and drink, and taste, and know He is Good!

I write this appalled at our cowardice in United States.

When we from our sofas, and comforts, spew all manner of lies, deceit, and with blatant sin filled lifestyle, proclaim we love "Jesus" and believe in "god" and are religious on Easter, and Christmas day, or have a Sunday Fun Day religion, while true disicples of King Jesus Yashua Ha'Meshiac, are dying for His name sake, because they dare to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom, and Revelation of King Jesus Yashua.

LORD, be Merciful!

I write this disgusted and with a broken heart; that the Church, that has been consumed with westernized religion, and has taken the very sacred things that birthed the Church, from the Day of Pentecost, Shavuot, and the baptism of the fire of the Holy Spirit, and have compromised, and traded the true fire of the Altar of Atonement, and the Throne of Yehovah God, and have lit their own fires, and have offered their own vanities, and it is a stench in the nostrils of Yehovah God.

We have at this very moment that this is being written souls, who are crying out;






These cries are going out whilst they are being beat, killed, and turned into examples for others to see, that fear would consume the hearts, of those who would dare believe in this King Jesus Yashua Ha'Meshiac, over the false gods, such as Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and the other thirty million plus gods of India, and Baal, and so many more.

These Ancient Ones, who are read about in lore, legends, and mythology, pose a true threat though much of what is written about them are fiction, and deceit. There is a morsel of truth behind each and every one, for each and every one of these gods, have an origin, and that origin is demonic power.

I have had a number of physically restless nights, being awoke with prayer, with hearing in these prayer times, that the "Ancient Ones" are returning. These Ancient Ones, are demonic powers, and raw demon spirits, that will make war against the Church, as they always have since the beginning.

We have erected in the United States, Arch Ways of Baal, which are not just "history" yet are shrines, and fragments of ancient altars, of those Ancient Ones. that now being put together are calling to these Ancient Ones.

We have a massive surge of Satanism, and boast of sorcery, witchcraft, and all manner of sinful lifestyles.

These demonic powers, were there watching the Ark of Noah, being built, and the decades of preaching, and were the opposition of the message of repentance then.

They where there post flood, at the erection of the Tower of Babel, and thought they had arrived to see mass chaos strike those whom they consumed, now be scattered, and unable to execute on the wicked agenda of a One World Government, of that age.

They were there beholding the Commands of Yehovah, being given on the mount, and the Ark of the Covenant, being setup in the Temple, and as they opposed the message of repentance pre-flood, they opposed, and fought the message of promise at the mount.

Even in the presence of Yehovah God, King Jesus Yashua Ha'Meshiac, writing on the stone His ways, truth, and source of living for Him, these demon powers worked their spinning web of deceit, ignited a false fire in the people, right in the presence of the Holy Fire, writing the law.

As God, wrote in His holy fire, below we see the image, fashioned in the precious gold, the inheritance of the people's deliverance, forming a golden calf, a god of Egypt, and under this false god, read in the Aramiac, to the other gods of Egypt.

In the midst of the Most Holy, Almighty, as HE wrote with fire, His commands; a demonic influence consumed the people, as they formed with false fire, fueling this fire with blessings now forfeit to the flames of idolatry a demonic false god.

As Yehovah God, was writing His Holy Word, inscribing in stone; "Thou Shalt Love Yehovah, the LORD, thy God, and You will have no other gods, before ME." The people, carved, and erected a god, before Him. As Yehovah God, wrote; "You will not covet thy neighbor's wife" "You shall not commit Adultery" "You shall not enter into sexual immorality, and sins of fornication"

The people, entered into all manner of sexually immoral acts upon the altar of this false god, committing adultery, fornication, and committing grave sin.

This is why my heart breaks, when I see the word of Yehovah God, changed, altered, and above all whilst preached, behold the people, crave, and erect false gods, and use the Holy inheritance for the most unholy, and vile things.

Today, we have religious organizations, offering compromise, to allow the Ancient Ones, to enter into a agreement once again with man, and the perverted, tainted, and corrupted religious community of this age.

We have watched as the past centuries through corrupt Catholicism, has caused the true Christian name, to be shamed. We have watched as a man, and men, set their selves up as gods, upon the Earth, all in the name of God, and the people, embrace it, and have even killed for it.

We now see a great insurgency of the clash of "Western Christianity" mingle with "Eastern Religions, and 'Isms' such as Islam, Buddhist, and many more.

We are beholding as people, assemble in a corrupt Westernized idea of the Church, with a major Liberal embrace of "Grace is Ace" and there is no Hell, nor wages of sin, once you have repeated a prayer after me, while they are holding the book of pagan gods, in their right hand, and the Bible in their left.

We have Islam, and "Christianity", merging to create what is called Chrislam, which is the mixture of both Islam, and "Christianity".

We now have a proposition which I have come across through the writing and reporting of Leah M. Klett, of the Gospel Herald, a idea, and motion liken to Islam, and "Christianity" being merged to create this Chrislam, that now "Christianity" and Confucian, and Buddhist, teachings will be integrated, as a source of control in China.

Here is the report, and full article by Leah M. Klett, of the Gospel Herald.

Considering it took a few moments for what you just read to sink in. You read it correct. It reads; "China, May ' RE-WRITE' Bible, to INCLUDE Buddhist Teachings, and Infuse Worship Songs, with 'Chinese Elements"......

Here is a preview of the article below:


To "sinicize" (bring under Chinese control) Christianity, the government plans to "retranslate" the Old Testament and provide new commentary to the New Testament, Fu revealed.

"The plan made it clear that 'Sinicization of Christianity' means to change 'Christianity in China' into 'Chinese Christianity,'" he explained. [The plan] emphasized that 'the heart and soul of Christianity's Sinicization is to Sincize the Christian theology,' and even proposing to 're-translate the Bible or re-write biblical commentaries.'"

A retranslation would be a summary of the Old Testament with some Buddhist scripture and Confucian teachings and new commentary for the New Testament, Fu said.

"There are outlines that the new Bible should not look westernized and [should look] Chinese and reflect Chinese ethics of Confucianism and socialism," Fu told CP. "The Old Testament will be messed up. The New Testament will have new commentaries to interpret it."

- Preview of the Article, written by LEAH MARIEANN KLETT ( ) Oct 03, 2018 09:01 AM EDT - Featured, and Courtesy of The Gospel Herald.


I trust you will take time to read the entire article, and also do your own research and discover that we truly have fallen away, from the Way, Truth, and Life.

While all these "Re-Writes" of the written Word of Yehovah God, is causing compromise, we still have the writing by Holy Fire, that though once written in stone, now must be written in our hearts.

We have the true Holy Fire of the Holy Spirit, writing upon the hearts, while demonic powers, and a mass insurgency of idolatry, becoming a gateway of all manner of sexual immorality, and perverse sin, is consuming the people.


We have horrible sins being committed right in the presence of the Almighty God, while the hearts of some, are being changed by Holy Spirit, Fire, the hearts of many are committing horrible sin, and trespass, with false fires of demonic gods.

We absolutely must repent as the Church.

We must rid the Holy Place, of the vile perverse, and unholy things of this world/age.

As loving as Yehovah God, is, HE also is as Just, Holy, Righteous, and Jealous, for His people.

There is no room for any other gods, in your life. There is no room for sin, if you will have Holiness, Righteousness, and Covenant, with King Jesus Yashua Ha'Meshiac.

There is no room for compromise of the written word, for if the written is compromised, how then can we validate and judge the spoken???


This is a perfect strategy of an ANTI-CHRIST, system to infiltrate those who profess, thee One True Christ, Jesus Yashua Ha'Meshiac, by allowing just enough truth to remain, while taken the most important truth, away, and replacing it with lies, deceit, and the entice of lust.

If the mass of denominations are result of compromise, thus the source of their birthing, how much more is it evident that there will be many who will be deceived by the False Messiahs, who are and will continue to be rampant in this age, and ages to come.

The Anti-Christ, is not yet to come, the Beast, and Platform of the Anti-Christ, system is now. It's here, and the only thing yet to be seen is the Son of Perdition, yet he will not be introduced as such; he will be introduced as thee Messiah, and unless you are truly Born Again, and filled with the Holy Spirit, you will be deceived.

(Acts 2:38)


This is not a rant, yet a warning. It is a clarion blast from the wall, that we must clean house!

We must reconcile unto the ONE TRUE GOD, who is JESUS YASHUA HA'MESHIAC!

We MUST be truly Born Again, and we MUST be filled with the Holy Spirit, the Ruach Ha'Kodesh of God.

We are not awaiting a Great Falling Away, because it has been happening for an age now. We will however see a Greater Falling Away, and this is where we can't compromise and MUST when others are greatly falling away, we greatly fall into Holy Covenant, Intimacy, and Service, unto Yehovah God.

May we be blessed by being challenged, convicted, transformed, anointed, and appointed, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and His Holy Word!

More to come as we prepare for the soon, Second Coming of our King!

Blessings and Shalom!

Pastor Heath Haas | LIFTMinistries

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