United States, Three Great Woes! | Economy, Military, Captivity.
Your only refuge, and deliverance, is through repentance, a call that has been blazing and sounding before you for decades yet you have turn
Departing Anointing | Falling Crowns
The word of Yehovah God, came to me, while praying October, 26th 2018. I will share below what the Holy Spirit, has spoken; what a terrifyin
Falling for Pagan gods | A Greater Falling Away
We have a massive surge of Satanism, and boast of sorcery, witchcraft, and all manner of sinful lifestyles.
A Defining Rod
There is a call to repent. There is a warning of Judgement that is here and more to come.
What will you do when offered the ability of refu
Aborted Faith | The Blood Press of The Anti Christ
"We have also a epidemic of destruction to souls via aborted faith, by the teaching, preaching, evangelizing, prophesying, and delivery
Extreme Flame, Sever Floods & Pestilence | Ingredients of Judgement and Repentance
"Through the flame, they shall see my Consuming Fire!"
"Through the waters, they shall see I am the Refuge!"
The Great Gate Becomes Desolate | America, The Great Western Gate
Allow me to share with you a vision, I experienced Sunday, morning from 06:00 during prayer. You can read the account here and also tune int
The Consumed Four Corners| America A Center of Chaos
America Will Never Be Great Again|Until We Return Unto The GREAT I AM
These signs are not the end; yet are signs of the soon second coming of Messiah.
War is not just contained on the field of battle. War aff
The King's Invitation To Tarry
Greetings Friends! Attached is the message that was preached on February, 18th 2017. This message was provided by the anointing of the...