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The Great Gate Becomes Desolate | America, The Great Western Gate

Greetings Friends,

We are living in a very confused, dangerous, and wicked time. A time when many have become desensitized to deceit, guile, and blatant lies. People, have allowed their discernment to be compromised for dark desires, lusts, and the monetary things. We live in a time that where once one could love their neighbor as one's self, was safe, and common place, yet now there is an immediate concern if you should stop and help that stopped vehicle on the side of the road due to the pressing threat and very real and present danger that exist due to the heart and agenda of people.

It truly is heart breaking to see the majority call that which is good, evil, and that which is evil, good.

It truly is disgusting to see the majority forfeit good, for evil, and trade Holiness, for a false sense of wholeness.

There is still good being done, by good people, and there is the Good News, which is still being preached, yet this good, is being resisted by the dawn of a great evil that has swept the nation, and it's done because the people slumber under a shade of consuming lust.

The lack of true discipleship in the Church today, is due to the lack of true discipline, in the home today. We have disconnected whilst trying to connect with all manner of virtual reality, meanwhile reality slips through our fingers like sand, and escapes our senses like a wave batters the shores.

America's problem, is a sin, problem. America does not need to embrace more of man's legislation and reform, yet embrace the laws of Yehovah God - King Jesus Yeshua, and have true reform, through being transformed!

Why is it we can preach the laws of men, from the pulpit with zeal, passions, and absolute yet we declare the laws of Yehovah God, forfeit, done away with, and expired, and will condemn any who dare to bring forth the truth of the Holy Scripture?

There is a great canyon that separates the people, and it is the results of demonic quakes that have shifted, and moved solid foundation, doctrine, and grounds that would be connected to the Chief Cornerstone, who is King Jesus Yehovah.

Allow me to share with you a vision, I experienced Sunday, morning from 06:00 during prayer. You can read the account here and also tune into the message via the Ministry Application/Website here:


Tune Into the Message: The Great Gates Become Desolate!


February, 18th 2018 | Adar, 1st 5778 Vision: 06:00 Sunday, morning

I beheld four men. Each man, was clothed in a soldier's uniform. Each man, had a full set of white hair, as white as lamb's wool. Each man, also had hair as thick as wool too.

The first man, who was clothed with white linen, greeted me saying: "Blessed be Yehovah, for His Deliverance!"

The second man, who was clothed with a breastplate, greeted me saying;

"Blessed be Yehovah, for His Righteousness!"

The third man, who was clothed in a World War I uniform, greeted me saying;

"Blessed be Yehovah, for His Justice!"

The fourth man, clothed in a World War II uniform greeted me saying;

"Blessed be Yehovah, for His Judgments!"

Then the fourth man, motioned me over, and with a loud voice cried out saying:

"Look!" "LOOK!" "Look Man of God, and behold that war, Great War, has fallen upon the Kingdoms of Men!"

"We have been Harbingers of the coming Captivity, yet the people slumber, and only are stirred for a moment yet fall fast asleep in their consuming lusts."

Then each man, took into his hands, a sword, and rifle, and marched towards a Great Gate.

I then shouted out; "What is this Gate!?"

Then came the Word of Yehovah

(in red for context)

"Look upon the Great Gate of the West." "Behold it stands, and towers the Nations." "Look upon it's structure and see how it has endured many attempts to breach it's doors."

"Do you see this image?"

"It is of years past." "A time when the people, entered into covenant with me." "I shgall show you this Great Gate's condition now!"

"As you have seen the Grander of this Powerful, Great Gate, so has this image is being kept in the minds of the people."

"The High Offices of America, are publishing, broadcasting, and distributing, images of a beautiful, powerful, and strong Gate of the West, yet they know the gate's true condition."

"This is the Great Gate now; "See!" "Look!" "Behold it's condition now!"

I then beheld a whole new image, a totally different view, and gate than what I had seen before. When instructed to look upon the gate prior; I seen a beautiful gate.

A gate covered with every fine stone, and constructed of the finest materials. Each stone polished, and this gate stood strong, and it's very appearance caused those who tried to breach it to have fear.

Now I beheld a gate that was covered in decay. The once beautiful polished stones of the land, were now loose, falling, and tarnished. The once proud and strong towering gate, had fractures, stress cracks, and failing structure ripping across it's core.

This once seemingly unbreakable gate, now looked abandoned, and desperately hanging on to keep a seal.

Again Came the Word of Yehovah

"This Great Gate of the West, harbors two doors." The First Door, is Economy, and the Second Door, is Military."

"The one side being economy, it shall fail first. When the first door fails, there shall come more than one army." "Each Army, will march unto the Threshold of the Great Gate."

"It is here that this Military Union, shall lay siege through the first door to the second door, which is the United States Military." "The Second Door, which is Military, will attempt to withstand the the unified strike of the Military Union against it, yet will fail to endure the strike"

"The first and second doors, will lay waste, and then shall come captivity to the West!"

"America, has been a Great Gate, once polished, and strong, yet because America, has allowed access to the abominations, and welcomed the darkest practices, decay, rot, and weakness has covered the Great Gate."

"Great Sin, and Consuming lusts have put the people into a slumber, and the danger close to the threshold is undetected."

"The arrogance, and deceitful-hearted, are boasting of the Gates Glory, yet it is former, and is no more!"

"YOU HAUGHTY PEOPLE!" "You shall be brought low!"

"YOU Who Glorify the creation more than the Creator, shall marvel at the judgments now in motion."

"You will behold a Great Economic collapse, that there will be no recovery." "This shall be a great warning, and confirmation that the First Door, has fallen."

"Then shall arrive the armies which will gather like never before against the Great Western Gate." "It is here the reality shall be known that America, has entered into captivity."

"This captivity is my judgement"

"This captivity is at my appointments" "I have sent my prophets to warn and allow true repentance yet the people roar with cheer of a false reprieve while their sins remain."

"I provided the design for the Great Gate." I am He who had sealed it's doors." " I now shall remove the seal, and the seal shall be broken!"

"The wreckage and remains of the Great Gate, will be an image that the rulers can't cover up!"

"It shall be a Desolation!"

- Thus Saith Yehovah


I then entered into prayer, after this vision, and the words spoken to me while in the vision. I was directed to Jeremiah 22. After reading Jeremiah 22. The Holy Spirit spoke:

"It will be a Wicked Fall!"

I immediately thought that it will be a wicked falling away, or the fall of the Great Gate, will be indeed wicked.

The Holy Spirit, then spoke again:

"The Fall Season, will be a Wicked Season!"

We must understand that the gates stand for more than just the protection, commerce, and wonderful freedoms we have had as a Nation. The gates stand for the authority, rule, and function of the Nation. Once the Great Gate, falls being the two doors, Economy, and the Military, we will not return to our former glory.

We will loose the Republic, which we hold so precious and dear. We will enter into captivity, which we must understand, it is so very vital we understand what this means.

It will not be a United States, government that will rule by the people, and for the people, yet a rule that will bring about communism, and tyranny.

We have failed to glorify Yehovah God, thus the glory, has been removed!

We have failed to repent, and satisfy the heart of Yehovah God, thus no reprieve is here.

We have failed to keep covenant with Yehovah God, His Holiness, and abide in His rule, thus we will be placed into the bondage of wicked men.


It starts with YOU!

One must repent within before repentance can begin with those connected to them.

You can't outreach is there is no inner-reaching.

Acts 2:38 is still the answer to the ancient question: "What must I do to be saved!?"


Be Baptized (immersed) in Water, in the NAME of King Jesus Yehoavh.

Be Filled with the Holy Spirit!

Become Born Again, and then once entering into the Kingdom of Yehovah God, this is when your journey begins!

If you desire someone to pray with you and you want to know more. I am here and many others who will pray with you, and instruct you to our capacity.

As always judge all things in prayer, and by the written word.

More to come as we prepare for the second coming!

May we be blessed, challenged, convicted, transformed, anointed and appointed, by the power of the Holy Spirit and His Holy Word!

Blessings and Shalom!

Pastor Heath Haas

Your Servant in Yehovah

If you would like to know more and/or would like us to pray with you; contact us here:

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