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Waring Lust & Righteousness | The Great Divide

We must be certain, and very clear, that we understand that warfare, is not for a season, yet constant with the Wicked One, for wickedness abounds, such is the warfare; the mind, Spirit, and body. For the flesh, wrestles against the Spirit, and the Spirit, wrestles against the flesh, only one, will be victorious.

"For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would."

We can't flirt with the flesh, when we desire the spiritual, nor can we truly brace the spiritual when we are operating in the lust of our flesh. The lust of the flesh, goes beyond just sexual Immoralities. It's the entire break down of the commands of Yehovah God. When one truly looks and understand the commands of the King, for His Kingdom, it is then a revelation of lifestyle, and true insight that for every command, it battles the lust of the flesh; and the lust of the flesh, battles the commands of God. The lust of disobedience. The desire to have no boundaries, honor, and guidance, yet live without accountability. It's a wonder lust of rebellion, that has caused our current age, to loose direction, and above all loose their identity. The lust of worshiping something, and following something, someone, and the ideas that are outside of King Jesus Yahshua Ha'Meshiac, and His Kingdom. The lust of power, and as such vainly, and with profanity, invoke the most powerful name of Yehovah God, to carry out agenda yet it's not Holy, nor Righteousness. The lust of self, when we consume everyday, with everything, yet never truly honor, and consecrate the true Sabbath, or our daily lives, and keep it Holy, and reserved for the LORD, to allow restoration, wholeness. and time with Him. The lust of harm, abuse, and even controlling life, to a point you will take life via murder, to secure that control. The lust of things, and especially money, when theft, is just a means to a never ending cycle of stealing, to quench that desire for more. The lust of others, and with another, when you enter into a relationship that there is no jurisdiction, nor right of passage. You begin to see another man's wife, or another woman's husband, or you permit someone who is already married to entice you, and invite you, into an intimate relationship that is sexually immoral, and breaks the true covenant of marriage.


but wait.... there is no law, so there mustn't be a problem with this right???

That's the greatest deception!


The lust of lies, deceit, and spreading untruths, which is a major problem in this age of false accusations, and wicked agenda. It starts with simple truth being exaggerated, and then a truth, transforms into the exaggerated removal, or added details, or blatantly missing the core truth, and spreads like fire, in a dry field. The lust of everything that everyone else has. "The keeping up with the "Joneses" mentality, causing one,to have what another has; a poison that causes one, to never have true contentment. Instead of a Love Thy Neighbor, and help approach, it's a shun your neighbor, because they don't have. A lust of self, that is so consuming we fail to love, others in our community, and above all fail to love God. You can see that as you go through the base commands of the Kingdom, there is a command to address every key issue of life. This is not forfeit because of the cross, yet the cross of Calvary, and the Atoning Blood of the Lamb of God, creates a bridge, and provides a very clear revelation of how serious these things are and the absolute need for Salvation, and once entering into Salvation, having the evidence of the workings of Salvation, which is obedience; by faith, through grace, and application of the ways, truth, and lifestyle of service to God.

We have failed to disciple as the Church, because the Church, has failed to disciple.

We fall ever short, because we have never risen to a lifestyle of obedience. We have massive buildings filled to capacity, with nothing more than a new age devotional, being presented with the insert of the name of Yehovah God, and the mention of the Cross, which is in fact a trespass against the name of God, and also a insult to the sacrifice, and blood shed for our atonement. I have watched through the years, as people, come, and go out of the networking of religion, having absolutely no stamina, endurance, and warfare ability, because they were failed by not being taught the ways of the Kingdom, and have true discipleship, and as a result they fall away, or remain in error, and pass on error, and a great stream of error, flows from one generation, to the next.

the Church, today, has lost the ability to function as the Five Full Hand of Ministry, because we have been taught to seek more the hand of Yehovah God, than the face, heart, and ways, of Yehovah God.

The Church, today, has lost power in our prayer, outreach, and preaching, because we have lost audience with the King, and have grieved His Holy Spirit; because we have declared Holiness, and Righteousness obsolete; when the Cross of Calvary, the Blood Shed, the Resurrection, Ascension, and Soon Second Coming, are all for the sake and purpose of Holiness, and Righteousness, being restored.

We have become entertainers, and outstanding performers, upon the stages of this world rather than intercessors, who can enter into the Holy of Holies, in our prayer closet, having Tabernacle with God, and Prevail! We as the Church, have become extraordinary excuse makers as to why the Laws of Yehovah God, don't apply, whilst not applying anything thus not seeing true Harvest, because the works of the Kingdom don't exist in rebellious hearts, nor does a true harvest come from the hands of idle laborers.

The Church, has embraced a religious mafia approach, and as such has operated the longest running criminal network, in the Kingdom, by declaring no laws, ordinance, or boundaries exist yet the King, cries out His Ways, Truth, and Call to LIFE!

Don't believe for one moment, that I am against the Church, rather know I am heart broken over the Church's condition, and I am in pain, over the condition, due to being apart of the Body.

We must repent!

We must return to Holiness!

We must return to the Righteousness of King Jesus Yashua Ha'Meshiac!

We must be restored as Disciples of the King, again, that we may disciple others, again, and by such see the Kingdom of God, grow, and execute upon the Great Commission.

We must learn how to seek the face, heart, and ways, of Yehovah God, again; then we will see the power of God, move once again among the people.

We must learn how to enter into the Holy of Holies, rather than entertain whole assemblies.

We must understand, and implement the awesome power of prayer, fasting, and intercession, once again; and then see chain that would not break otherwise be broken!


We must truly satisfy the heart of God, in repentance, praise, and service.

My heart breaks for you Church, yet it's through the heart breaking that the soul, cries out to the Throne, and I know I will see the day of Great Awakening again, and restoration, of the true Church, though all chaos in the world abides, the true Church, will be a refuge and beacon light, in the most dire darkness.

We will see souls, transformed, yet this will only happen once we have truly been transformed, by being Born Again, and truly applying the Ways of the LORD, to our life.

We must learn how to make war, and warfare well, and be victors of Faith, rather than victims of religion.

in the end we will be defined by the books kept of our transgressions, and lusts, with our name written in bold, after each chapter; or we will be known by the Book of Life, with our name written in bold, due to be driven by His Holiness, and Righteousness.

This is the great divide. This is the great warfare for your mind. It is the WAY, TRUTH, and LIFE, which His Ways are HOLY, TRUTH, and GIVE LIFE; not anyway we want to live, because any half truth, presented in the name of God, must be good for your life....


"I lift my inner being to you, Adonai;

I trust you, my God.Don’t let me be disgraced,don’t let my enemies gloat over me.

No one waiting for you will be disgraced;disgrace awaits those who break faith for no reason.

Make me know your ways, Adonai,teach me your paths.

Guide me in your truth, and teach me;for you are the God who saves me,my hope is in you all day long.

Remember your compassion and grace, Adonai;for these are ages old.

Don’t remember my youthful sins or transgressions;but remember me according to your grace for the sake of your goodness, Adonai.

Adonai is good, and he is fair;this is why he teaches sinners the way [to live],

leads the humble to do what is rightand teaches the humble [to live] his way.

All Adonai’s paths are grace and truth o those who keep his covenant and instructions.

For the sake of your name, Adonai,forgive my wickedness, great though it is.

Who is the person who fears Adonai?He will teach him the way to choose.

He will remain prosperous,and his descendants will inherit the land.

Adonai relates intimately with those who fear him;he makes them know his covenant.

My eyes are always directed toward Adonai,for he will free my feet from the net.

Turn to me, and show me your favor;for I am alone and oppressed.

The troubles of my heart are growing and growing;bring me out of my distress.

See my affliction and suffering,and take all my sins away.

Consider my enemies, how many there are and how cruelly they hate me.

Protect me and rescue me;don’t let me be disgraced,for I take refuge in you.

Let integrity and uprightness preserve me,because my hope is in you.

God! Redeem Isra’elfrom all their troubles!"


If you, dare to make an argument that the laws, ways, and covenant of Yehovah God, are expired, then please remove the Ten Commandments, from your office, home, and Religious Assembly walls.

Please stop teaching, preaching, and referencing the prophets, and blessings of obedience to the covenant; and especially stop invoking Tithe, as a requirement, if indeed these things no longer exist; for if they do exist, then why do we not uphold, adhere, and strive to obey? The sacrificial law, is no longer, for the Blood Atonement, of Messiah, is absolutely more than suffice; yet the laws, and the prophets still remain, or else Daniel, Isaiah, and the many more prophets, who prophesied of things post cross, must now be forfeit from End Time teachings, for they taught, and prophesied by the covenant of Yehovah God, that was not canceled yet extended that there be neither Hebrew/Jew, nor Greek/Gentile, yet ONE Body, under ONE Covenant, unto thee ONE true God.

ALL through the Blood, and ALL in Covenant with Yehovah God.

I am not evangelizing legalism, yet rather calling for repentance, and if there be no law, then there abides no lawlessness, and if there be no lawlessness, then what then is the purpose to preach, and call for repentance?

King Jesus Yashua Ha' Meshiac, is Holy, Righteous, and Just, and HE is calling for a Holy, Righteous, and Just His People. May we be truly blessed, by being challenged, convicted, transformed, anointed, and appointed, by the Holy Spirit, and His Holy Word! More to come as we prepare for the Soon Second Coming, of King Jesus Yashua Ha'Meshiac Blessings and Shalom! Pastor Heath Haas | LIFTMinistries Your Servant in Yehovah

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