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A Defining Rod

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Greetings Friends, This is the word of the LORD, that came to me while in prayer, June, 7th, 2018 Always take everything to prayer, and the written word.


All the Nation's are wicked before Yehovah. The chief of the wickedness are among those who know the call of Holiness and have forsaken the covenant of Yehovah God. Israel and America, you are chief among the Nations, for wickedness and deceit. You both are formed out of Holy Covenant yet allow abomination to parade your streets. You have tasted of the cup of the goodness of the Master's table, yet have thrown the cup of the King at the wall in exchange for cups of lusts and drunkenness. You boast of your support for the abominations while the offering scent from these false fires, arise as a putrid incense to the Throne, yet you cry to be received in the name of your religion.

You parade your false gods, and filthy lusts in the streets of your cities. You make celebration of wickedness while condemn the righteous. It shall not be received! Judgement is quick and swift. I have my remnant among the inhabitants of the Earth, and shall gather them from abroad. For there is no banner of men, that shall claim my Kingdom, yet my banner shall be upon a people who are separate and distinct. Only those who have my Spirit, in-dwelling within them shall be numbered among my people. They shall be a people who will be mighty for the Harvest work, and not steal the fruits of the Master's field. The fruits of my Kingdom shall be evident and blossom upon the defining rod.

A rod of my Throne, shall define my people. The Righteous Rod of my anointing shall separate the called vs the self appointed. The fruits of my Spirit shall sprout upon those who are truly called and spoil shall devour the seed of those who are counterfeit.

You have become a great deceiver and thief, because you have allowed great theft and deceit a platform for the stripping of the generations.

You have become idle and stagnate, and bath in the fat of the unclean.

The buzzards who seek after the dead, are more clean in their act and duty. They are true to their purpose rather than like those who by mortal position and career cast a charade of good yet harbor evil on their heart and forsake the eternal call to serve the One True God.

Many have cried to the Heavens, and sound all manner of worship for men, while using the name of God, to condone the remaining wickedness.

There shall not be an excuse for the murder of the unborn.

There shall not be a reprieve of judgement, when unholy and wicked agendas fill the homes of the inhabitants of the land.

If not for the righteous cry of the Blood Atonement, swept away you would become like the waves of the seas.

There is mercy being declared by my prophets. The mercy is the warning and the call to ready yourself. The mercy is in the call to repent!

I have dealt justly with you America.

I have dealt justly with you All Nations!

​I have awaited repentance, and have received blasphemy.

I have awaited true hearts, and have received lies, and wicked intent.

You shall shake your fists to the sky and by a wicked tongue curse Yehovah God, yet know its by the clinched fist you shake and curse God, that you have brought judgement, for your hearts remain un-changed, and unrepentant wicked generation!

Thus says the LORD.


We are living in a late hour. A time and session that judgement, are upon the Nations. There is no Nation, excluded from this. In fact there are Nations, that are even more included. Nations, that have been since the beginning and the birth of the identity of the people, becoming a Nation, that will have a more sever hand of judgement. One Nation, is far more ancient and is not foreign to a strong hand of correction from the Throne of Yehovah God, and still after all the correction remains in disobedience. After all the evidence of the Revelation of the Messiah, and the Gospel of the Kingdom, reject and would re-hang Yehovah, on the cross. That Nation, is Israel. Following in these ancient foot steps, as once following in the foot steps of promise, and covenant as Israel, did so does now the detour and the wicked path become the pathway of America, where the Untied States, is facing a strong hand of correction from the Throne of Yehovah God. I pray for Israel. I pray for America, and I pray for the Nations, of this world. I pray for true repentance, and that we as a people will center ourselves in center Covenant with God, yet day by day, wickedness grows greater in the land. Year by Year, grave and horrible abominations become more bold, and embraced. We have given more vacancy evil and wickedness than we have to what is Holy, and Righteous. The present generation, and the Church (modern day religious centers) have arrived to a position to embrace what is evil, and sold, and mock what is good. We are a people, that have become stripped of Holiness, and Righteousness and thus are naked and bare. We are absent the true Holy Spirit of God, and have settled for a false idle in the place of the One True God, in our souls and that false god, and idolatry is Religion, and Doctrines of Devils! May we truly repent!

I release this before sharing it via the message today. We must get our house in order! More to come as we prepare for the soon Second Coming! All things by prayer, and the word of God. May we be blessed by being challenged, convicted, transformed, anointed and appointed by the Holy Spirit, and His Holy Word. Blessings and Shalom! - Pastor Heath Haas | LIFTMinistries

Your Servant in Yehovah

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