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Technology The Servant or The Master

We are living in crazy times. Times that are increasingly evil, by the day. A age when mankind, no longer observes "man" in mankind yet only observes "kind" as in"whatever kind of convenience, is good, and whatever kind of inconvenience, is bad" a culture of expendability. People have lost the gift of being genuine people, the fact it is a "gift" tells you how far removed we have become from our own soul conviction. There was a day respect was inherent. There was a day that being decent, moral, and driven by the conviction of good principles was expected. Today, a horrible rift has become a great divide in our society. The first answer you will utter is likely entertainment, technology, and the super convenient access we have to connected everything. This would be a powerful answer of any observing the streets, and any establishment you patron. You would notice in each hand a device. You would notice heads bowed yet not in homage of Yehovah God, yet in homage and worship of the gods, in their hands. The domain of connection each person has by a single device. The condition of entertainment, technology, and this extreme immersion of virtual reality, is the bi-product, and the fall out of the soul being seared slowly to sin perfection. It is the result of a people, of all Nations, languages, and Creeds, who have shown an absolute willingness to forfeit basic freedoms, for extreme virtual luxuries.

It's the condition of adopting behaviors that are sinful, and hearts that are unrepentant. Don't develop a opinion that I am a hypocrite for sharing the above due to the fact I am currently using a device to write and blog these thoughts. I enjoy technology. I appreciate the powerful braod casting abilities technology provides as a tool of evangelism.

Sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom, and Revelation of King Jesus Yahshua Ha'Meshiac.

I am however not fooled nor do I take it for face value that it's just simply a outstanding convenience of service we can subscribe, and use without a cost, a more severe cost than currency. We have a window as the people of Yehovah God, to use technology, in the moderation and purpose of sharing the Gospel, yet it's a short window. This system, this Global Brain, by which the entire world is connected to a central "brain" of the "matrix" is the very platform, theater, and throne the Son of Perdition will rule, via the Beast System. Our current networks, and connectivity, is just a fragment of what is yet to come and be revealed. I am no longer a employee of one of the largest innovators, networks, and providers of wireless services. I enjoyed my employment. I absolutely loved my team, and work environment. 

It is one of the best paying careers in my area. I left a very solid career, because it first conflicted with my schedule and desire to have true Sabbath, Covenant, and Ministry. Secondly I could see down the road. 

I was able to have a vision of what would become of these network providers, and what would be required to be sold and that eventually front facing people, would not be necessary. In the end I wouldn't have a "career" rather like society today has adopted the idea of expendability; I would be expendable. I would be replaced by the very technology, that once served me. That is the reality friends... We are facing a day, an age of technocrats, when the world is focused on far Right and far Left, agenda, there is a hidden group that is working flawlessly, in the background undisturbed as they construct the technological version of the Tower of Babel, yet this time it's to reverse the Babel confusion, and separation the original judgement caused.

This is evident in the latest Mobile World Conference, where there is more an interest of making cyborgs and AI more human, as we loose our humanity.

Take a look at this report courtesy of TruNews, February, 26th 2019: This time it's to unite all people by means of a "Global Brain" which very well could become the image of the Beast. Far fetched right!? Crazy conspiracy Go one hour without your phone, tablet, and device connection. 

This includes your internet connection by the "connected everything" culture adopted in our homes.

When you have sobered up just in the twenty minutes of not using it, you will awaken to the reality that when you once said; "This is not me" whilst reading what I have shared. You will humbly and frankly with humility realize that you are immersed. The question now is can we be this immersed in the Holy Covenant, and relationship with King Jesus Yahshua Ha'Meshiac??? Can we be this immersed with the works of the Kingdom, whilst using technology as the tool it should be while we have only One Master, and that is Yehovah God. This is the challenge. Being immersed in the Name, and Holy Covenant of Yehovah God, all while using the tools of technology for the Kingdom of God.

The question is: Technology a tool you use for Yehovah God, or technology a Master, that uses you?

Choose this day whom you will serve.

More to come as we prepare for the Soon Second Coming!

May we be blessed by being challenged, conviction, transformed, anointed and appointed by the power of the Holy Spirit, and His Holy Word. Blessings and Shalom HcH Your servant in Yehovah 

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