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Aborted Faith | The Blood Press of The Anti Christ

Greetings, May we all be blessed to have Eyes to see. Ears to hear. Minds to comprehend. Hearts, and Souls, to have written the word of Yehovah God, and to keep preserved His instructions. I appreciate you investing time to read the Watchmen's Call. I want to focus on a vision that was experienced on June, 3rd 2018 while in prayer. I share this vision in the message: "Aborted Faith" which can be accessed via the Ministry Home Page, Ministry Application, and Media Player (I will include the link later in this post.) June, 3rd 2018 - The Vision

I was in a pitch black room. You could not see your hand in front of your face. Suddenly, in the far side of the room. A match was lit. It illuminated vaguely the hand that held the lit match. I watched as this lit match, with it's flame danced from the far right side of the room, and transitioned to the center of the room. Suddenly another hand was seen on the far left side of the room. The vague shadows and light from the match's flame lit enough to reveal a tightened grasp around a bill fold of money. This money folded like a tight coil was tight in this hand that was attempting to close it's fist completely around the money fold. Suddenly and rapidly the fist that held the money fold; transitioned to the center of the room. Once meeting the other hand in the center of the room the money fold, unfolded revealing a massive stack of bills. The right hand then took the match which was lit, and set fire to the large stack of money, that was in the left hand. The stack of money and the match still ablaze casting light revealed a circle of people, that was around a steel canister. The flame that danced revealing the faces of World Leaders, as they were totally attentive to the canister that was being opened by two other free hands. Once this large canister was opened. The large steel lid was removed. Once the lid was removed the money that was a blaze and the remains of the match was tossed into the canister. The canister glowed with a ominous furnace light. As it illuminated the surrounding area by the fire within. I watched as one by one, these large fifty five gallon drums was brought to the canister. As it was lit. These drums had the tops removed, and one by one they were poured into the canister. I watched as the contents of these drums are pouring into the canister, a liquid that flowed from these drums, was a crimson blood red. It was thick like blood. It smelt like blood. It looked like blood. To my horror it was blood! As the blood streams would be poured into this large canister. Drum after Drum, after Drum. I seen in the center of this blood flow was a dark line of oil, much like motor oil. The blood and the oil mix ignited and became a fuel for this machine that contained this massive canister.

Then suddenly this massive machine powered up by the intake of this blood fuel. As the machine powered it lit up the room, and the floor. I looked to the floor of this once pitch black room, that now lit up with the power of this machine. The floor revealed that I was standing, along with this machine on a map of the United States. We were upon the waters of the Pacific Ocean, and the Machine's direction was the West Coast. the machine began to power full. Now the large steel roller started to churn, turn, and rotate. The rotation of this massive steel roller was liken to a giant Earth Mover, and Steam Roller. Each turn became more violent and it began to move with more velocity.

The machine began to move towards the West Coast. I watched as these clear hydraulic lines were filled with the blood and oil mixture. As these lines produced a steady stream of this demonic liquid. The Machine accelerated with great haste towards land. In the wake of this massive roller, were seen three lines. A line on the Right. A line on the Left. A line in the Center. These lines were bold and like ink that marked everything that this massive steam roller would press. The Pacific Ocean had three lines of blood ink that covered its surface. Then once this massive machine hit land the entire West Coast, was covered with this blood trail of ink, being these three lines. As the machine kept its violent and aggressive course over the United States, I watched as soldiers, would tend to each side of the massive roller. Two smaller canisters were located on each side of the roller. Each were opened and on the Right side soldiers would open the canister and dump drums of raw cash money into the canister and then fragments of shredded credit cards. On the other side I watched as the lid was opened and a steady stream of virtual, digital, and crypto currency was being fed into this side of the machine. Line by line by three, would be left the mark of this massive machine. Once the machine had covered and stamped the United States, it created a whole new landscape. it's next destination was the East. I asked of the LORD; "What is this that I see!?" The LORD, replied: "What you are seeing, is that the blood, is the blood of innocence." "The Oil, is the Oil, of the War Machine." "With this mixture, these three lines, that you are watching cover the Earth, and blanket the Sea, is a re-writing and is the the number of the beast." "It is by the blood of the innocent, that shall fuel the machine of war." I was then directed to Isaiah, chapter fifty nine.

Here is a preview:

Behold, Adonai’s hand is not too short to save,nor His ear too dull to hear.

2 Rather, your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God.Your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He does not hear.

3 For your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity.Your lips have spoken lies, your tongue mutters wickedness.

4 No one sues justly,and none pleads a case honestly.They trust in confusion and speak lies.They conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.

5 They hatch adders’ eggs,and weave the spider’s web—whoever eats their eggs dies;crack one open, a viper breaks out.

6 Their webs will not become clothing,nor will they cover themselves with what they make.Their deeds are works of iniquity, an act of violence is in their hands.

7 Their feet run after evil.They rush to shed innocent blood.[a]Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity.Violence and ruin are on their highways.

8 They do not know the path of peace,and there is no justice in their tracks.They have made their paths crooked.Whoever walks in them will not experience shalom.


You can access Isaiah 59 courtesy of Bible Gateway Here:;TLV


You can access the Message "Aborted Faith" with this link:


We have a epidemic of aborted life, that is justified by the wicked lusts, and laws of governments that will murder the unborn. We have also a epidemic of destruction to souls via aborted faith, by the teaching, preaching, evangelizing, prophesying, and delivery of the doctrines of devils, false teachings, all shrouded with in religious guile. Take all things to prayer and the written word. More to come as we prepare for the second coming!

May we be blessed, challenged, convicted, transformed, and anointed by the power of the Holy Spirit and His Holy Word!

Blessings and Shalom!Pastor Heath Haas | LIFTMinistries

Your Servant in Yehovah

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