The Church Cries Greatest Days | Yehovah Cries Greatest Judgement!
We first and foremost must ready our souls, then we can be lead by the Holy Spirit, on what to do forward.
We have had a mercy window to pr
United States, Three Great Woes! | Economy, Military, Captivity.
Your only refuge, and deliverance, is through repentance, a call that has been blazing and sounding before you for decades yet you have turn
Departing Anointing | Falling Crowns
The word of Yehovah God, came to me, while praying October, 26th 2018. I will share below what the Holy Spirit, has spoken; what a terrifyin
Falling for Pagan gods | A Greater Falling Away
We have a massive surge of Satanism, and boast of sorcery, witchcraft, and all manner of sinful lifestyles.
A Defining Rod
There is a call to repent. There is a warning of Judgement that is here and more to come.
What will you do when offered the ability of refu
Aborted Faith | The Blood Press of The Anti Christ
"We have also a epidemic of destruction to souls via aborted faith, by the teaching, preaching, evangelizing, prophesying, and delivery
Extreme Flame, Sever Floods & Pestilence | Ingredients of Judgement and Repentance
"Through the flame, they shall see my Consuming Fire!"
"Through the waters, they shall see I am the Refuge!"
Captivity is the Cost of a False Gospel
We have now reached a place where there is a raw war on truth, and deceit runs rampant in every facet, element, and platform of our society.
A Great Falling Away | The Church is Down the Slope a Nation Scattered
Righteousness, Holiness, and the Laws of King Jesus Yeshua, have been removed in exchange for a greasy grace theology that has become the in
The Great Gate Becomes Desolate | America, The Great Western Gate
Allow me to share with you a vision, I experienced Sunday, morning from 06:00 during prayer. You can read the account here and also tune int