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Captivity is the Cost of a False Gospel

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Jeremiah 13 Hear and give ear!o not be haughty! For Adonai has spoken.16 Give glory to Adonai your God, before it grows dark, and before your feet stumble on mountains at dusk. When you look for light, He turns it into the shadow of death, and turns it into deep darkness.17 But if you will not listen, my soul will sob in secret before such pride, and my eyes will weep bitterly and overflow with tears, for Adonai’s flock will be taken captive.

Greetings, True Born Again, Holy Spirit filled believers, are being censored for the true Gospel, whilst we have this diluted, watered down, sugar coated, dung hill message that is being spewed from Platforms of religious centers (I won't call them the Church!) That receive sponsorship and you have these feeds streaming into your feeds via all social platforms. It's disgusting and absolutely heart breaking to watch as the Church, has become divided into so many fractions, via factions.

The power of winning souls, and having power over the enemy has been forfeit due to a consuming lust vs a consuming love. The day people will raise a banner of denominations with more pride, zeal, and loyalty than the banner of Yehovah God, has reached its climax. We have a era and age of grave error, and ignorant embrace of anything and everything Gospels that are truly Anti Christ, yet use the name of the Messiah, to present the false Messiah, doctrines. We have compromised the position of Holiness and Righteousness, unto King Jesus Yeshua, in the name of reaching the unHoly and Unrighteous, which it's inevitable that when Holiness and Righteousness unto Yehovah God, is forsaken sin, will reign, and consuming lust will consume. The pulpits across America, have become saturated with pride thus has it been the pulpits that are causing a great falling away.

This great falling away is due to a message that you can still remain a sinner, all the while receiving the gifts of righteousness.

It's a message of prosperity rather than the prophets call to purity, and Repentance. The pride and status of a career has become the platform vs the absolute call, and humiliation of the true servant to the people. We have watched as multitudes of ministries have saturated the airwaves with spiritual chem trails, which have dumbed down the people, and the existence of spiritual sense has become stagnant. Where is the discernment? Where is the Conviction? Where is the true change because there is true repentance? Where are the New Births? Where are the Delivered and Redeemed of Yehovah God? Where have the anointed priesthood, The Five Full Hand of ministry retreated??? Amongst this horrible condition, which is a direct result of embracing sin, vs the laws of God, in the Church, we are on the threshold of all out warfare on the remnant few who will not waiver the true Gospel of the Kingdom, and Revelation of King Jesus Yehovah.

We have a blatant opposition from all branches of media, and a absolute disdain for truth.

Have you noticed this?

We have now reached a place where there is a raw war on truth, and deceit runs rampant in every facet, element, and platform of our society.

Our History is corrupted.

Our government, is corrupt.

Our religions, are corrupt.

Our education system, is corrupt.

Our ideas, mentality, and even our ability to communicate has also become corrupt. Friends, I can't plead loud enough. I can't cry streams of tears enough, and I can't sound the blasting shofar from the wall long enough, to wake you all up, yet I know with the stamina of the Holy Spirit, I will Plead Aloud! It will be loud enough for some! I will cry tears of intercession! It will intercede for some! I will sound as long as there be breath in me the alarm if the trumpet|shofar! It will awaken some from this horrible slumber! Come Out! Be Separated says Yehovah God! Repent! Turn from your wicked lifestyle, and have true change! Be Baptized of Water and Spirit, in the NAME of King Jesus Yehovah! This for the remission of sin! Be filled absolutely, undoubtedly, and consumed with the Holy Spirit! Become Born Again!

Please hear this warning of the Holy Spirit


It's time to get your houses in order. Captivity is coming to the United States, and it will happen suddenly.

You will be policed by a foreign power. You will be governed by a government that is completely foreign to the Republic you have known.

As a people you have cried out with more fervor for sin, and hate of righteousness, thus your bellies will be filled and you shall choke upon the wicked appetite.

You will be slaves to your wickedness and sexual immorality, and your idolatry will have no power to release you.

You will become history rather than make history as you have from your beginning!

You will be taken unaware yet not without having warnings, but your ears, have been shut to the true prophets of God, because the Clarion call conflicted with the agenda of the age.

Your lusts will reveal you as naked. You will have no refuge nor covering. You will be without blush, and carry on in your drunkenness.

Your cries of reprieve have no authority in the Heavens for they are built on political influence and not repentance and audience with Yehovah God.

You are as a repeat of Israel, when warning went out by the prophets yet none would adhere, none would obey, and they laughed, mocked, and even with pride said who can breach our walls?

You have no walls. You have no boundaries, you are exposed, for the hand of Yehovah God, has lifted from you!

A strong military alliance shall sweep you and sift you. You will cry out and your lamenting will not be received to the throne.

Your lamenting will be for a moment of relief and your hearts will remain hardened for your heart does not seek truth.

You are a carless, wreckless, and lawless people!

You have forsaken truth for deception!

You have forsaken true love, for consuming lust!

You have forsaken your first love, for adulterous affairs with other gods!

You have refused the ressurection and truth, of the Gospel of Yehovah God, and have clinged to the ancient evils, and gods, who you would seek to see revived.

You are as BABYLON!

You are as BABYLON, for you are consumed by forces that shall cross the sea, and will reign over you.

Yes! Captivity comes to you, and it shall sweep you suddenly!

You will fall fast asleep in your comforts and shall awake with great terror and fainting of heart as you see the destruction that befalls, it shall be Yehovah God, who's name you shall curse and your fist to raise in anger towards Him, yet your sins, wickedness, and deceit shall be the streaming news cast, and you shall face the wages of sin.

It is you, OH! Wicked People, who are the cause of this great destruction.

Your glory is stripped from you. Your authority among the nations is now collapsed!

You will be greatly humbled, and once again you will call upon the name of Yehovah God.

In the day of true repentance, only then shall there be Restoration.

You are a haughty, arrogant, and pride filled people, your hearts are hardened against the Holy One. You have loved more your ways than the ways of Holiness, and it shall be a great slip into a pit of despair.

Ready yourself!


Suddenly these things shall happen.

- Thus saith the LORD of Host!


Please Read this passage of Jeremiah JEREMIAH 13


More to come as we prepare for the second coming!

May we be blessed, challenged, convicted, transformed, and anointed by the power of the Holy Spirit and His Holy Word!

Take all things to prayer and the written word.

Blessings and Shalom!

Pastor Heath Haas | LIFTMinistries

Your Servant in Yehovah

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