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A Parrot of Religion or A Eagle of Faith

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"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal."

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."


I dare not desire to be a parrot of religion yet desire and strive that I hold the bread of life from the Throne of Yehovah God!

I will not repeat man, yet will live for my Creator, and in His image grow.

Don't be a parrot that repeats everything for a religious cracker and sip of wine!

Be a disciple that drinks from the rivers of life, that stream from the Throne of Yehovah God, and eat of the Bread of Life that is prepared at the table of the LORD!

You are called to receive truth not ideas.

You are called to receive the Holy Spirit, not live off the spirits of others!

Wake up Church!

Stop being parrots, that are confined to a Cage and box of ceremony and denomination and mount up wings by becoming truly Born Again, and through discipleship soar like eagles.

A Parrot of Religion, will be one that repeats everything they hear, mimics what they see, and will be content with receiving nibbles from the hand for performing a mirror image of what they hear, and see. A Parrot of Religion, lives only through the experience of others and lives in a cage. A Eagle of Faith, learns to move from the nest, once one has enough strength and meat of the word of Yehovah God, now able to leap, and then soar into new heights by a relationship of true obedience, faith, and love. Not depending on the hand outs or satisfied with nibbles from a hand, the Eagle of Faith, soars, and is able to hunt, having nutrients and sustaining power to carry on their flight and freedom in the call to live.

Don't be a Parrot of Religion. Become a Eagle of Faith!

Where is the thirst for deliverance!?

Where is the hunger for souls!?

I am at a place if I can't see souls delivered and truly set free I am locking the doors, and folding it up yet this is not a chore that can be overlooked. This is not a task that can be ignored!

This is a absolute stirring of the soul. It is an absolute call in the midnight hour. It is an absolute way of life that I must live.

I hunger and thirst for the Kingdom!

Shall we cover the streets again dear beloved in the ministry???

Shall we cry from the greatest height of our cities and the deepest valley's of our plains???

Shall we not allow the darkness of the street alleys detour our focus and resolve for true evangelism???

Shall we not allow them to let the rocks fall upon them to cover them yet rather call them to fall upon the Rock of Salvation, and see true redemption???



Let us dare to preach on and press forward!



Let us march forth into victory as victors and not victims!

For if we fail to deliver thus saith the LORD, written first then spoken and then confirmed again by the written, then our aisles will become dark alleys, yet be far more criminal than the streets.

Hallelujah!!!! HalleluYah! HalleluYah! Hallelujah!!!

We absolutely must not settle!

LORD, continue to break this simple heart for your people. For your Kingdom, and for those that must hear you ALONE are thee Way, Truth, and Life!

Abba Father! Blessed are you my Savior, Redemption, and King.

Who will work in the great vineyard?

Who will dare to labor, when the religious have punched out?

Who will dare to work when the denomination have not even clocked in?

It's the true disciple. What will you do? Will you be a repeat after me "Christian" or a walk in the foot steps of the Master, Disciple? I definitely choose the later! As for me and my house we will serve the LORD. Acts 2: 38 is still the answer to the ancient question: "What must I do to be Saved?"

More to come as we prepare for the second coming!

May we be blessed, challenged, convicted, transformed, and anointed by the power of the Holy Spirit and His Holy Word!

Blessings and Shalom!

Pastor Heath Haas | LIFTMinistries

Your Servant in Yehovah


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