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The Church Cries Greatest Days | Yehovah Cries Greatest Judgement!

(image courtesy of OFF THE GRID NEWS, copy rights reserved and not intended to infringe)

Greetings Friends,

It's troubling when I hear many saying: "it's the greatest days ahead"... I am considering literally getting on the roof top of my house to try and sound this sobering cry.

It seems nothing less than a extreme cry will be the least of the resolve of the true ministry sounding a sobering alarm that it's the greatest days of judgement ahead. Friends, I can't express with enough urgency, and passion that we MUST get right with Yehovah God. If you haven't prepared your soul, by becoming Born Again, and filled with the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Word of Yehovah God; then no matter of literal preparation can make you "ready" for the rapid acceleration of events that are upon us. If you're trying to calm yourself by saying you're not going to be here to have to worry about food, water, essentials, and others...

You may have a very sobering and rude awakening to your theology. If you're of the mindset; "I need not do a thing" because I will be fed via Mana, every morning, and the birds, squirrels, and wild life will rally to me, like Snow White, and feed me whilst I am singing and living in a private dome of provisions; you're in for a very sobering reality. Don't I believe in miracles??? Absolutely! I am a walking, breathing miracle! Not to mention the things I have experienced, and experience, would cause many to think I was writing a Science Fiction novel. Do I believe that Yehovah, can provide Mana??? He has, does, and will continue!

Obedience is the key ingredient for Kingdom Provisions. Do I believe we will not suffer tribulation??? I believe as it is written we will most certainly be hated, despised, rejected, and even killed for the name sake of King Jesus Yahshua Ha'Meshiac. (Mark 13)

So why the warnings??? That's precisely why we must prepare! The reason why you must prepare, is because warning after warning of true prophetic utterance has come forth to instruct us to be ready, and that the watch word is "suddenly" We should be prepared for a solid two years. Why??? The United States, will experience the worst famine, drought, and flooding, causing a industrial crisis in agriculture, farming, and food, that has ever been experienced.


Here are just a few highlights:


It's going to literally change the landscape of food in our Nation. Food cost today will seem like a food pantry giveaway, compared to what's coming. It's also coming at an alarming rate: "Suddenly!" We first and foremost must ready our souls, then we can be lead by the Holy Spirit, on what to do forward. We have had a mercy window to prepare, and this window is closing rapidly due to the high winds of judgement. PLEASE DO NOT put this off as the classic: "I have heard this my whole life" or "I did prepare during Y2K, or when this asteroid, or that false alarm scenario was playing out, and NOTHING HAPPENED!"

You have hardened hearts, because many invested in semi trucks full of food, and because of not knowing how to handle, store, and prepare, it all went to spoil, and you blame the prophet (which did not tell you to purchase semi truck loads of food.) and now you mock, scoff, and have bitterness against true prophetic utterance, because of adding, and stripping the prophetic warnings which have caused many to be burned by a false flame that was ignited by self not the messengers. Many have become angry. The majority put words, in the Pastor's mouth, which never said these things would happen during Y2K, as "thus saith Yehovah" yet because minds were set that all these things would happen then; Pastor Ben Logan, Heath Haas, and many others have obviously missed it. I desire, pray, with heart break that we not see any of it!

I would rather be called a false prophet, due to Repentance that satisfies the heart of Yehovah God, diverting these judgments. Why would I be called a false prophet, if these judgements are diverted because of repentance? People will only remember me for my outcry that judgement is here; more than my loving cry of Repentance.

I am already called a false prophet, cult, and whatever else you want to throw into the bowl of hate yet know that I am crying out with love for your soul first, and the hatred that comes my way will not cause me to relent the absolute assignment to CRY OUT THUS SAITH Yehovah God!

People, will throw all kinds of ingredients of hate, strife, jealousy, and bitterness into a bowl with your name on it yet the ingredients they have prepared are of their own, and the influence, understanding, and guile of others; you don't have to eat from that disgusting bowl.

Instead. Eat and Drink of the King's Table, using HIS WORD as the compass for ALL THINGS, and everything I say or anyone else MUST go through the filter of the Holy Written Word. You're at a major junction of road in your life.

You can ignore the danger signs ahead that liter this road you're traveling at high speeds and meet a fatal end; or you can turn around and take the Holy Spirit detour, and though the storm still rages, you won't have the road crumble beneath your feet.

You can Wade through the flood waters, with the equipment instructed for you to prepare and make ready. It's not about a Doom and Gloom, it's simply a loving warning, and an absolute outcry for true Repentance, that you may Bloom, and Thrive, in the Kingdom. Your soul, is what matters...

Decisions may only take a moment yet some decisions we make have eternal consequences; it's time we understand the power of those decisions. Today, is the day of Salvation.

I will not relent the message of the hour, to call for Holiness, Righteousness, and Repentance.

May we be blessed by being challenged, convicted, transformed, anointed, and appointed, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, and His Holy Word! Blessings and Shalom Heath Haas | LIFTMinistries Your servant in Yehovah

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