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A Great Falling Away | The Church is Down the Slope a Nation Scattered

From the noise of tumult people will flee; When You lift Yourself up, the nations will be scattered. 4 Your spoil is gathered as the caterpillar gathers; like a swarm of locusts, they are rushing over it.


A great falling away begins when many say: "Praise God!" Then the Church, responds: "Amen!" All the while the many never defined, identified, or specified their gods, yet the Church, failed to present the One True God, King Jesus Yehovah, and all the while applauds idolatry. The Great falling Away, has commenced, and this present generation and age will see it's climax. The Church, applauds false doctrines, and has even embraced false gods, among the Assemblies for long enough; that discernment has been replaced with tolerance. Righteousness, Holiness, and the Laws of King Jesus Yeshua, have been removed in exchange for a greasy grace theology that has become the ingredients of a diluted, and false gospel. The preaching of the virgin birth, word manifest ministry, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and soon second coming, and the command to repent, be immersed (baptized) in water and the Spirit, in the NAME of King Jesus Yehovah, with the fire of the Holy Spirit, experience; has been replaced with a repeat after me prayer, and a chicken dinner, music fair, and religious trade show experience in the Church house. What a horrible shame! I have a bubbling in my soul, and a fire that is boiling the true Gospel, to preach and to see souls transformed by the power of the Gospel of the Kingdom, and revelation of Yehovah God, being preached. What has happened to you Church??? What has become of your zeal, love, and absolute passion for intimacy with King Jesus Yehovah, and a unquenchable drive to see souls saved!? Why have you Church, become more influenced by lust than love!? Why Church, have you become more loyal to the blood of men, than the Atoning Blood of Messiah!? Why have you thrown out the laws of Yehovah God, and set your bi-laws, policies, and man decree higher than the laws and decree of the Most High God!? Why have you sought more the crown of social approval than the crown of life!? Why have you embraced and dressed yourself with the robes and mantle of entertainment and status than to be equipped with the Armor of Spiritual warfare and the robes of Righteousness to enter in!? Why have you Church, created a false gospel that condones sexual immorality, adultery, idolatry, drunkenness, murder through abortions, lies, deceit, and false witness, (the false witness, and lies, can be discovered if you listened back to those recordings of Church on Church slander presented in the "announcements" of many pastors) and blatant sin, with breach of covenant, in the name of reaching out for your false gospel sake and your gods!? When we have been called to call to repentance and discipleship! Why Church, will you let the widow, orphan, and poor be forsaken yet you will contribute and subscribe to the Flesh Pots of Babylon!? Why Church, when many have said; "We don't have two pennies to rub together" suddenly have become Bitcoin Experts, Stock Market Brokers, and Real Estate Owners, and invest in a virtual, material, and Currency Kingdom, more than the literal thrust of the Gospel of the Kingdom, and network with true ministries to help financially!? True revival and awakening will not come from the religious multitudes assembled who are more loyal to a denomination, a building, and their agenda. True revival and awakening will come to the Humble, Meek, and raw desire of the many that are repentant, transformed, and filled with the Holy Spirit, who may only be few in number yet are mighty in faith, and may not have four walls yet only have a corn field and wood stumps to assemble yet the true unadulterated Gospel of the Kingdom, and Revelation of Messiah, is being preached and true destiny is being brought forth to divert souls who are Hell bound from that destruction course, and lead and directed to New Jerusalem! Arise! Awakening! Shake loose this heavy slumber Church! Give me but one more who will dare to believe and stand firm upon the foundations of the Holy Word, and direction of the Holy Spirit, than thousands who will compromise! Repent! Be Baptized, in both water and the Spirit, in the name of King JESUS Yehovah! Be filled by the Holy Spirit! Now Become New, and Transformed! The this is where your destiny begins, and true destiny has destination, and that destination is New Jerusalem.



America, you have become scrambled, and your pieces are thrown to the four winds. There is not one who can put your pieces together for the cornerstone is missing.

Until you establish with the Chief Cornerstone which is the One True God, King Jesus Yehovah, you will be unable to re-construct your former glory, for the glory that shown about you was not of man, yet of God.

America, your crown of Liberty, is cast into the Eastern waters. Your freedom's cry, has turned to demands of chains because of your evil appetite.You have with rebellious hearts, motives, and deliberation, moved against the laws of God, and because you will not be obedient, captivity will be your judgement.

You have forsaken the One True Yehovah God, and have allowed the images of demon gods, to liter your high places. You have allowed for ancient evil to enter through forbidden door ways that you have set up in your most prized cities.

You have sought after all manner of ancient evil, than to seek after the unchanging paths of Yehovah God!

Your sexual immoralities have become a slippery slope, and the dung hill of disease shall consume the people, at the end of the slide. Yehovah God, has allowed exit for you, yet each turn, and the more decline, the faster you go, until you have completely missed the warning signs, and the calls of repentance have been a buzz in your ear, not heard, and the signs of redemption, have become a blur, unseen.

You have trampled upon the atoning blood that is for your redemption, and cries out mercy and covenant with Yehovah God, instead you have exchanged this for the blood of the innocent, who have been sacrificed upon the altars of sexual sins, and for the purpose of consuming lusts of this age, the murdered, and their blood cry out judgement.

You will cry out PEACE!

Then shall there come forth WAR!

You shall cry out MERCY!

Your hearts will remain hardened without repentance!

You shall cry out Reprieve!

Your lusts still be your agenda!

You shall cry out with a loud voice yet your hearts will remain unchanged. Only true repentance of the heart, will be the cry for mercy, and only the covenant of the soul, will be the doorway of reprieve for the Nation, that forsakes Yehovah God. You have been warned, and the storms of judgement are now. There is no time for you to run to your frail shelters, your wicked religions, will not be a refuge for you. Your faulty theologies will have no power or authority.


The only refuge you will find is in center covenant with Yehovah God, and the only way to have center covenant, is through being Born Again! REPENT! Be Baptized and fully immersed in water, by and through the name of King Jesus Yeshua.

Be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Only then will you find center covenant with God.


Vision, March, 6th 2018

On March, 6th 2018 I had a vision of an angel, who held in his right hand a hickory bow. Then with his left hand he held an arrow. The arrow was being prepared to be fired from the bow. Upon his back was a full quiver, and upon each arrow was written the name of the Nations.

The hickory bow in which the angel held was named judgement. The first arrow which he prepared was called pestilence. The robes in which this angel wore, flown like a flag in the raging winds of storms around him. flying from the waist side of this angel, was a sash, written upon one side was "Death" and upon the other "War"

The angel, lifted his bow, and prepared to release the arrow at the target which was a massive map of the world. The center of the target had the land mass of the United States of America. The arrow called Pestilence, was loosed...

The vision ended.


Key imagery in this vision:

The Angel , was appointed. His right hand held a Hickory Bow, the right hand being power, authority, and reign. His left hand held the arrow, which he prepared to set, and loose at his target.

The Hickory Bow, had engraved in it's arch; "Judgement"

The first Arrow, had engraved in it's shaft: "Pestilence"

The Quiver, was full, and each arrow had engraved in it's shaft the name of a Nation.

The angel, wore a black robe, and cloak, which was flying in raging winds, of storms around him. These storms being both natural and spiritual.

From his waist was worn a sash, with two longer ribbons/fringes flying in the winds, with one having written: "Death"

The other ribbon had written: "War"

The entire target was the Nations, yet centered in this target of Nations, was the United States, and this angel was set on the Bull's Eye.

The arrow called Pestilence, was loosed.

This will bring in famine, and great woes of disease in America, and it will violently steam roll the medical world, in the United States, like a raging storm over takes a city.


Friends, I don't share the powerful word of warning and the vision above to create paranoa yet to call you to sound prayer, and to get your house in order. America, is going to see captivity, and if you're not Born Again, your alrerady captive to sin. There is absolute deliverance for you. There is no addictions greater than God, and if you desire to delivered, I don't care if its the deepest depth of witchcraft, and darkness you can be delivered!

Please take all things to pray, the written word, and let it be judged accordingly.

More to come as we prepare for the second coming!

May we be blessed, challenged, convicted, transformed, and anointed by the power of the Holy Spirit and His Holy Word!

Blessings and Shalom!

- Pastor Heath C. Haas | LIFTMinistries

Your Servant in Yehovah

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