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America Will Never Be Great Again|Until We Return Unto The GREAT I AM

The various images above are taken from multiple sources via Google Images - each image captures a different caption of war, from three different eras, and locations

"And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you." "For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

"And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet"

"For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places."

"All these are the beginning of sorrows."

- King Jesus Yeshua

(Matthew 24: 4 - 8)

These signs are not the end; yet are signs of the soon second coming of Messiah. War is not just contained on the field of battle. War affects every facet of our life.

Wars that result in colliding forces with artillery, death machines, and brute force, are not the initial stage of war yet is the final product of agenda, lust, and overall disagreement that when words, money, and persuasions have failed; there is always the strong arm of force.

The birth pains of war, are evidence of diplomacy no matter how good, and pure have failed to convict, persuade, and reason; that the evil that exists in high places with it's intent to divide and conquer have succeeded. It's these signs that make it truly evident that every war at it's peak is coordinated, planned, and deliberate.

These skirmishes that we view through streaming via the thousands of connected internet devices, and televisions, with the narratives, and media spinning a web of images, video, and reporting as if these groups happened overnight or they just appeared out of no where.... are false narratives, and lies. These riots, which are manufactured, are a "false flag" series of events to bring about social chaos, and civil war.

These riots over the last year have escalated, and are accelerating to a new speed.

These riots and cries are the birth pains of what will become full out civil war, with blood in the streets, and the only answer will be to contain the social infection of the war.

America, is demoralizing away, because of the great falling away from what is Righteous and Holy.

In any authentic rebellion and riot groups in history you will always find a voice of that people, here we have nothing but masks, and a charade of a message that matches the narrative of the news media almost line for line.

These riots, and groups, that are activated and employed by hate, rage, and lust; are the contractions of war being birthed. These groups are not authentic however they are theatrical.

This is theater. Very dangerous theater, where the special effects are costly because it may require blood shed to appear to be the reality show they are trying to produce.

The only way to contain such conflicts is through social control, which in the case of mob rule, requires military intervention. Once the military intervenes it will not be a "Catch and Release" mission, rather it will be a take and hold campaign.

It will be a insurgency that will cause the face of liberty to be scared and unidentified with her former beauty.

We have allowed our hands and feet to become shackled and enslaved to sin, in the name of false narratives, ideas, and inductions of socialism, communism, and a blatant Anti Christ idea, being gift wrapped, and presented as liberty and freedom; to an ignorant and spoiled generation, that knows no better than to appease the appetite of their lust, thus they must open the boxes that are gift wrapped so elegantly yet the contents are lies, deceit, and enslavement.


America Is Sick, The Church Is the Source & Cure

The Church Is Sick, America, has contracted that sickness, and the sickness is Sin!

July 23, 2017

Denominations, and Religious Organizations, are just as much at war with one another except they have not hurled rocks at the flesh yet use artillery against the soul; this artillery is massive and are explosive bombs, that detonate right into the center of the Assemblies; which have proven to be even more damaging than the standard artillery used by the Wicked One.

These bombs that detonate are just as brutal as the hate speech today and the false narratives of the media machine of the Dark State, because these bombs are a "my doctrine or the highway" and "Our Four Walls Only" mentality that is the launch pad, of the missiles of separation, against the Church.

These separations within the Church, have created more damage then the initial spiritual nuke, that the wicked one has fired against the Church, long ago. The Church, faces further spiritual nuclear threats that are armed with the war heads of false prophets, teachers, and the largest bombs, in the arsenal of Hell, are known as perdition, which are the war heads of False Messiahs, which are Anti Christs.

The aftermath of such explosive warfare without the authorized engagement by the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Scriptures, have created a state of toxic fall out among the Church Assemblies today.The water sources which once were natural springs from the Throne of God, have been cut off, dammed, and blocked by theology, religion, and prosperity bridges. This has caused the water source once full of life to become a stagnate pool of toxic religious and sin radiation with pools of false narratives that are now presented over the media across the land.These mutations of perversion, false gospels, and inner doctrine fighting have caused us to see monsters created by the radiation of sin, lust, and demonic toxins.

The people have been cut off from the only water source that is pure and untouched of this sin radiation. These streams are the flowing streams, right from the Throne of King Jesus Yeshua Adonai, and until the Church, removes the sin dams, and destroy the prosperity toll bridges, access to these springs will be restricted.

If we are to see America, truly repent, as a nation, we must see the Church, truly repent. If we are to see the Church, truly repent, we must see the Home, truly repent. If we are to see the Home, truly repent, then we must see self, truly repent!

"America, you will NEVER be great again, until you have returned unto the GREAT I AM!"

The Congress, can't amend the laws of Yehovah, neither can they legislate your sins, transgressions, and abomination away.

The Senate, can't mediate, and be an ambassador on your behalf.

The President, can't be a voice for you nor pardon you.

Your Religion, Family, and Career, can't spare you the reality of tribulation that is going to befall the world.

It starts with YOU, understanding that there is only; ONE WAY, TRUTH, and LIFE!

This is only found through ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM, and thee Salvation, by which there is only one name; we can be saved. The name of King Jesus Yeshua Adonai.

His name is the only name that we can call on through repentance, to turn away from our sin.

His name is the only name we can baptize, for the remission of sin.

His name is the only name we can lay hands on the sick, for healing, and miracles.

His name is the only name by which we are filled with the gift of the Holy Spirit.

His name is the only name we can have Yeshua (Salvation) which His name means Salvation - "Yahweh Saves"

Religion Can't save you. Only a real experience, with King Jesus Yeshua Christ, through Repentance, Baptism, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit, which will start your Salvation walk, and set you on the journey of discipleship.

Do you believe?

Have you been baptized, since you believed?

Have you been filled with the Holy Spirit, since you been baptized?

As we are in these days of Awe, and quickly approach the day of Yom Kippur "Day of Atonement" it's time we get our homes in order. It's time we truly turn our hearts from lust; and turn our hearts to love God.

It's time we go beyond the religious template, cliche, and agenda; get real with what is Holy, Righteous, and True before Yahweh.

The previews you see today in the streets. This is all just a sand box, play date; compared to the Chaos that will rule the mobs,yet it's not going to just stay contained on the streets, and your television screens, smart phones, and tablets.

It's going to enter your homes, through stripping you of all manner of values. It's going to hit the town halls, and grocery stores, were it will look like famine has struck. There will be blood in the streets, yet it will not be from gangs, and soldiers, but from the average man, and woman, who have turned their selves over to the rage, confusion, and paranoia of the calamity that steam rolls the States.

I have seen in vision were even those who profess to be "Christians" will fall prey to the above. They who have said these things will never happen because they have been deceived by false teachers, prophets, and doctrines.

They will shake their fists in the air, curse the name of God, for they will feel betrayed; due to these things not suppose to be happening to them, will fall away and you won't tell them apart from the others who flood the streets.

A Great Rift!

Great Lines Quake the Nation!

There shall be no return from these great events due to the great trespass that consumes the people. The Nation's face will even be different, and not be identified the same. The land itself will bare witness of the great change, because the land (earth) itself will be shifted, changed, and transitioned.

This will be with every vertical of the Nation. Literal land affected. Education, Political, Religion, and the very foundations will be shaken.

It's time we have true Awakening!

May the remnant of Yehovah, be identified.

I love you ALL in Messiah.

More to come as we prepare for the soon second coming.

May we be blessed, challenged, convicted, transformed, and anointed; by the Power of the Holy Spirit, and His Word!

Blessings & Shalom!

Heath Haas

Your Servant in King Jesus Y Christ

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