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Blessings In Waiting By Seasons

Greetings Friends & Shalom,

I had the experience as we do each year when the winter clean up around the homestead is needing to be completed. The winter blues is pealed away & replaced with blue skies and warmer weather. Such is the nature and cycle of the seasons.

Meet Sapphire, our lovely hen, who after a hard winter never once nesting on an egg longer than a few moments has now set her mind to no matter will be brooding and nest upon "her" eggs. I have to say I admire her vigilance because not matter how chaotic it got when we cleaned out the chicken coop she remained and would not move. For Sapphire, there is something she needs to do and steward before the blessings in waiting, may be revealed.

Those blessing in waiting are those precious chicks that are developing naturally without any help other than doing what Sapphire, knows to do which is built into her make up and instinct to simply do it and then see the awaiting blessing not only hatch and flourish yet in the proper season and cycle also produce blessings.

The seasons bare witness of the Creator and His times, appointments and seasons. There is a cycle of seasons because Adonai, deals in cycles. The High Holy days distinctly bare witness of this and offer acute sense to the spiritual domain.

I admire the seasons they bare witness and testament of what our life seasons are and how we must weather the bitter cold and endure the scorching heat and delight in the warmth of the sun and the cool of the eve.

We have cycles too yes?

We have times and placements in our lives that seem to spiral out of our control yet then there are the times you feel like you hold everything sternly within your hands. This reveals the depth of our feebleness and inadequacies. We can be in control one moment and then out of control the next.

We can be strong and another moment we can be weak. We can run well yet then become winded barely able to breath let alone pace the life marathon ahead. We can have vibrancy of life yet then display nothing but pitted and tainted scars of shattered dreams.

We are in fact created to move and live in and through cycles. The trouble is that we have been taught by a horrible guile of prosperity preaching and teaching and the induction of a corrupt education system that you can have warmth and summer when it's winter. You can have winter when it's summer and why not grow and plant whatever you desire to reap grander when you can make it spring anytime.

Ecclesiastes 3:4

The many reasons why the most of people that are claiming to deal with oppression and depression are due to trying to force seasons in their lives out of time and manipulate the proper cycle and replace it with the same season as if its a music CD and you can program it to repeat your favorite song that causes you to feel good. This horrible idea that you can force your life to cycle and repeat that one single moment, day and time in your life that made you emotionally high and have a simulation of what the educated call "joy".

What a horrible crime it is to be a victim of these thieve master tactics to rob and pillage the true meaning of life and joy in your life. Here you are thinking things should be a certain way all the time because someone behind a pulpit or being considered an authority on the scripture said that you should never feel the way you do or never have anything but joy.

Have we strayed so far that we have failed to understand what joy truly is?

Have we distanced ourselves so that we have lost the ability to truly describe and identify a blessing?

Have we been so saturated with a corrupt teaching and horrible diluted preaching that we are unable to discern and posses wisdom of what realty of serving God, pertains?

The greatest of joy is found in the deepest of hurt and the grandest of blessings is discovered whilst in the center of the storms and rough seasons of this life. Truth is I can appreciate the sun filled skies and the beautiful sun shinning down allowing one to bask in the wonderful warmth that begins to break away the winter chill because I understand what the winter chill consist of.

I have been bit by its bite yet when having been bitten by the chilling frost you appreciate all the more heat and warm provisions. It is then you find a blessing in the warm home that shelters you from the licks of biting frost. Life is much the same way yet we truly can't appreciate the wonderful blessings in our lives nor identify them fully until we have gone through the trials and struggles that bring new light and meaning to what you lacked yet now posses.

Blessings are in waiting yet these blessings are triggered by seasons. These seasons can't be manipulated by men nor can they be forced in our out of their cycle. These seasons are controlled and set in motion by the Creator. These seasons must be endured however the only controllable is how you will choose to endure them.

Once you have endured and stay true to the purpose of each season allowing for repentance (old being stripped away and taken on new life) you will spring forward into new life with God. Then you will be tried with the heat of the days that call for work and with the sweat of your brow still hold foot to path and hand to tool to work the harvest.

You then will have a moment of relief a time in which one must reap what is sown and truly appreciate the blessings of the work executed. A time to make ready against a hard cold winter. Then after you have made provisions you journey through the winter storms where it may feel empty yet your not alone. The presence of Yahweh, is yet with you just as much as He was with you in the grandest time of the harvest.

It is in this season that you then realize the blessings where in waiting for such a time as this; as you eat of the goodness of the fruits of the vine and the bread upon the table. It is during these times that you truly can say; "Thank You, Lord!"

Some of you are going through some rough times and seasons yet I assure you these seasons will pass and yet the seasons will return and you must learn how to weather and endure them.

Joy is more than an emotion. Joy is a product of strength and stamina that comes from becoming conditioned in the things of God. It is not a name it and claim process yet it is a being called by the name of God, to serve and you serve and obey and learn to weather, endure and have victory through the seasons not become a victim. You grow and not wither.

There are many of spiritual death out there because people thought they could weather the seasons with only the clothes on there back that was given with a prosperity promise yet no instructions were provided on how to survive.

There are instruction giving by which we can survive and not only survive for our own sake yet thrive in that survival enough to provide refuge, shelter and food for others both literally and spiritually. Blessings are in the waiting for you yet those blessings will not just fall they are a result of obedience.

Are you prepared to survive the seasons of your life?

Can you enjoy the seasons in your life?

Do you even know how to abide and thrive in each season according to that season?

The one thing I have learned is that the most important things I must have to weather the seasons and appreciate and enjoy them are the fruits of the spirit.


: the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires : [Webster]

You mean joy, is actually a result of something rather than the initial force of something?

What a major change from what is taught today yes?

Joy is a result of well - being, success and processing what one desires, this means my joy is a result of my spiritual well being meaning I have refuge in Jesus Yeshua, I have success because He provides me discernment and direction and obedience unto His instructions which obedience and love produce true success.

I posses a desire to serve Him and obey Him thus I serve and obey and it grants me vision and goals which demands action and results in a cycle of success and well being through living a life for Adonai (God), which allows me to mature and grow.

You see the result of these things are Joy and true blessings produce joy not monetary ecstasy. Joy is a fruit of the spirit and to have fruit it must be grown in the proper seasons however there are fruits for all seasons of the year thus why there are different fruits of the spirit. To have fruit it must be grown and a result of being planted. Galatians 5

You are being planted. You have a call to grow. You heed the master planter's voice to grow you will have times you will be watered and times you will have to endure heat yet all these things condition you to endure and thrive that once you are able to bare good fruits you then can provide that good fruit to others that they too may enjoy and be blessed.

Blessings are in waiting! Do not esteem a single type of fruit of the spirit over another; don't limit yourself to one or two yet be a thriving fruit barring vessel for the Holy Spirit.

When you have learned this you will be able to bare fruit all season long and bare the right fruit, by the right season and be able to provide substance and life to another who during such a season that those fruits grow can mean the difference of being a victim or victor of faith!

Blessings & Shalom!

Your servant through King Jesus Yeshua - HcH

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