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The Cup Challenge

A Cup

The last couple weeks we have dealt with sickness in my household. If anyone knows my beautiful wife Kimberly, there is a reason why I call her "Dr. Kim, Medicine Woman" There is a great benefit to having a naturally beautiful woman who believes in using natural remedies. It's so much a benefit that as a man how can you not be tempted to feign sickness knowing that this bombshell of a nurse will nurse you back to health!? sniffle....cough.....sniffle...cough.....

This however my friends is a two edged sword. You see in my home my children and I have a understanding of what it means when you say to Kimberly, "I don't feel good" As you are streaming a frown of "sickness" she streams a grin of near delight, because you have just welcomed Dr. Kim, Medicine Woman, to nurse you back to health.

Now before you start thinking; "how is this a bad thing???"

It's not bad as much as it takes away from the benefit of "kinda being sick" to be nursed back to health by the nurse, because your presented with the challenge; let me explain...

If you looked about our house there are many random bottles and things that make up the medicine cabinet.

Our home, garden and entire land is a medicine cabinet!

Even our bathroom and shower is a ... yes you guessed it medicine cabinet. Each little bottle of Kim-coction, has a purpose.

When you say your sick it's like telling a hunter it's open season. It is a license, pass and consent to allow the good doctor to work. She will then brew, mix and spray your way back to health!

Again this is not a bad thing it's good yet it truly destroys the game of; I am sick and need the nurse, when your not sick.

It also means when the children say; "I don't feel good" they too must face the challenge.

About that cup challenge.

After a few moments in her medicine cabinet, now remember this could be her going out side picking what looks to be stems of grass or any place in the house where these strategically placed bottles of mixture await to be used like hornet's spray to kill mid flight whatever illness may try to take flight. It also may mean some sort of mix by liquid or paste.

After this is all whipped together and mixed by the intellectual whisk of my wife; we are now presented with the challenge. The challenge is simple. You're sick enough to down whatever it is that is set before you awaiting consumption or application to your body, or your not sick and will have need to be nursed with another remedy to make sure your not going to become sick.

When you say your sick in my house your going to end up drinking or having anointing applied to your body with a Kim-coction. The challenge in this moment is like playing poker with the most experienced player. If you don't drink the more intense remedy then your hand is played and she wins.

If you are sick you both win. If your not sick well.... We still win because it's prevention care right?

I share all this because I am blessed with a beautiful wife that has a passion to make sure her home is healthy. She wants to cure and remove the source of sickness not mask it. This is a great inspiration to me, though humerus as it seems while I share these things with you, it is very relative to the condition the church is in today and drives me to be a good steward of the Body of Messiah.

I desire to see the Kingdom of God, healthy and this requires me to hit hard the source of the sickness that is present.

We all want to have emotional highs and have grown to be babies needing to be nursed constantly in our spiritual walk because we lack the stomach and ability to handle the true meat of God's word. The church has arrived at a place that we have pacifiers behind the pulpits and in teaching positions without the ability and anointing to hit hard the source of true sicknesses (sin) rather they mask it with drugs (religion) and entertainment to ease the pain never curing it.

We have our musicians and singers who lack true anointing yet can appease the sick crowds easing their decent into a spiritual comatose state lulling the pain for a while. There is so much focus on nursing and being nursed among the people there is never any healing because the true medicine has not been prescribed and used.

This true medicine is the raw power of God, not modified by men through religious additives yet applied only through guidance of the Holy Spirit. This grand remedy to the sickness in our spiritual lives which is sin, is called the Gospel of The Lord Jesus Yeshua.

It's the true preaching and teaching of His instructions and call to repentance and guidance forward to live a sick (sin) free life.

When you cry out to the Master; " I am sick (a sinner)" trust me, you will be presented with the challenge.

You will drink of the cup of Salvation and truly be saved or you will reject it and remain sick and become even more inflicted with sin.

Drinking from the cup of salvation (Yeshua) is not just a one time experience it is a cup offered daily to also keep you sin free. You must allow medicine it's time to work and God, being miraculous by removing those sins at the moment you cry out and drink of Salvation's cup is glorious and rich yet this is not a once you drink your cured forever medicine.

It is vital that once you drink of Salvation's cup you daily drink of that cup of Salvation, for each and everyday we are exposed to sin/sickness and must keep committed to the Master's cure. One thing I have learned on this journey is that I must have my daily cup of Salvation for each day is a daily walk with the Master.

All to often we have many say it's alright to just take a sip and that's enough. Since when should we listen to any who are satisfied with a one night stand relationship with Adonai?

May you all experience new health and have vibrancy of life vs horrible sickness and death by sin. Will you drink the cup of challenge that sets before you?

Will you choose to live and have life more abundant?

Will you choose to not be satisfied with one sip yet delight yourself from the Cup of Salvation, and know you drink from a vessel that never runs empty?

The cup of Salvation, once drank requires commitment yet the reward is life everlasting!

None like the fiction and myth of the Holy Grail, this is a Cup only obtained at the Master's table.

Will you drink with me today? I raise praise to Yahweh, today and forever, here's to our Salvation though the Savior King Jesus Yeshua!


Now drink up!

Blessings and Shalom! HcH - your servant in Yeshua

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