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What's The Big Deal?

All this talk about bathroom rights, sexual orientation, sexual alignment, sexual equality and touching everything sexual seems a bit hyper sexual yes?

Every News outlet, media source & social gatherings consisting of; race,color,sex,religion and opinion has been filled to capacity with chatter, updates about America's sex crisis, especially regarding this sign to our left.

Does this surprise you, that America has a sex crisis, or shall I say sexual identity crisis and/or is it merely a loss of identity period???

The moral decay and rapid decent into this horrible identity crisis, started far before the bizarre political restroom catastrophe we have presently.

I remember the only issue I had when I was younger and needing to relieve myself was to make certain that it said boy's or men's room yet now our youth, will have no way of calling a restroom a men's or women's bathroom by a distinct separation,gender, or identity, rather it will be known as; it's 'A' restroom only to be confused by the "its" because there is an identity crisis.

When you begin to touch on these sensitive topics, there is a social demand for more political correctness than Biblical correctness. Unfortunately you have those who are Biblical incorrect profess the Bible, from a politically correct platform. This sadly includes the overwhelming number of pulpits across America.

This has resulted with a major problem of confusing the issue of what the Messiah, in Matthew 7:1 is truly presenting. Matthew 7:1 is probably the most used yet miss understood quote of Jesus Yeshua."Judge not less ye be judged" simply means; do not judge matters less your matters are attended and according to how you judge you also shall be judged. It's a simple factor of spirutal integrity, that if I hold my house to a high standard, I must live a high standard life, less I be condemned by my own judgement, according to said standards. There are twenty eight more magnificent verses in this chapter hitting hard the points made by the Messiah, proceeding the first verse, I invite you to read them all. Also see Matthew 24, Romans 12,13 (read the entire chapters) we can go on through the entire Bible, and observe that we are instructed to have discernment (judgement). This is why when the subject of the Ten Commandments, arise those instructions provided by God, is considered; aged, expired and though good, not applicable to today's salvation. This is a huge mistake as the same God, who provided the commandments then upon the mount, is the same God, providing instruction in the book of Matthew.

So What's The Big Deal?

That's the major question, with even more stunning answers!

If you, ask with a heart of truth, only then will you be able to receive and handle the truth, and get the answer to the question; "What's the Big Deal?"

The Big Deal, is that it only takes a few decades to demoralize a nation. The need to demoralize a nation, is vital to understand. To have a need to demoralize something means that something is moral.

This is a major truth which many don't want to hear or see. For once you see and hear you now become accountable. You are either a victim of demoralization or victor of morality.

If we truly evaluate our lives many are subjected victims to horrible immoralities and behaviors also known as sinful lifestyles. Over a short span of time through induction, media and deliberate government agenda of demoralization.

As a people, we have allowed this successful induction to penetrate our homes, schools, jobs and church. Ultimately infecting our culture and morality with a disease which we see now as a identity crisis, first of spirit and now of flesh.

The Big Deal, is two major handshakes. One with big business for wealth of this world. The other a handshake of wickedness, promising a wealth not only of this world yet the world to come.

It's grieving how effective and successful this demoralization campaign has been in a people, who were considered the most moral and God conscious people, outside of Israel.

The major tool of this induction of demoralization of our beloved America, would be the horrible socialist/communist influence in our school system that has been in place for thrity plus years. A massive sex education campaign to "educate" our children, truly was designed to make it more tolerable to hear the hard language of sexual perversions.

It infects our education, so that as each decade passed, we see it get more aggressive from college years, then to high school, from high school to junior high, and now we see it's grasp upon our K/1 programs.

It's a similar process of Holly Wood, and the entertainment industry that would influence your ears by the music perversions and then hit you hard in the face with visual stimulation of what you have been hearing. You have the perfect combination. Education enforcing it's alright to see and hear these things whilst music and television broadcasts the sexual perversion to be injected in the moral people's blood stream.

Just as education has become more aggressive year after year to enforce sexual education now within kindergarten aged children yet not stopping at sexual relations of man and woman, but moving into how it's alright to have two dads and two moms.

The same applies with entertainment, year after year this major steam roll of demoralization flattens morality in it's path. We through the years of seeing the top button of the shirt being undone to the very bottom button.

We went from shirtless entertainment to pant-less, now we arrive with entire clothing removed and bodies exposed in full nude display, multiple times and with multiple people, as if it's normal and acceptable during prime time, to sit, eat popcorn and laugh, at the nakedness of what we are viewing with our family sitting on the coach.

Massive billions of dollars made off the vile wickedness produced from Holly Wood, Music Studios and supported with legislation, by perverted governments across the land.

That's The Bid Deal!

Sin, makes money. Sin makes LOTS of money. The true preaching of the gospel against sin, threatens that money. When truth and challenge to be a moral people is presented and conviction hits a demoralized people, that may awaken them that means major loss in the massive money maker called sin.

Why else would preachers compromise the true gospel in the name of The Big Deal vs The Good News; the Gospel of Jesus Yeshua Christ.

It is because of the fear of loosing the wealth of this world, that we have religion and governments putting the precious word of God, on rolls of toilet paper to be used in their, "Gender Neutral" facilities.

After all if we can have homosexuals and transsexuals fill the pulpits of the religious world they do need a inviting bathroom right?

We have utterly failed as a people that claim to identify with God. We are on the threshold of dangerous and perilous times friends.

We must hear the true word of God, preached not just from the oak frames within large cathedrals and mega facilities. We need to hear thus saith Elohim, on the corners of streets, parks and any where the Holy Spirit beckons His word to be delivered.

We can't have revival in a nation when we deny and despise it in our homes and the church. We can't even endure sound preaching, how then can we carry it's burden?

Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast

rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

We lack knowledge because we have declared it unnecessary, expired and not applicable to the gospel message of today. After all those "laws" have expired and were done away with even though the law giver came, bled, died and rose again to fulfill the law and bridge away that we may walk with Him in those instructions.

We have set aside the laws of God, in the name of embracing the wicked laws of men. We will esteem higher the policies and bi-laws of a denomination and support and praise wicked legislation yet despise the Holy Things.

You mention the law of God, and you then are greeted with concern that you're confused and are near cult because you judge a matter with true discernment not by biased opinion yet Holy Spirit, convictions.

I am convinced that though the poles and statistics show, a immoral perverted populace, being only 0.05% to actual believe they have an intimate right to use the apposite sex's restroom. Because they claim to be of that gender yet now 42% of the populace back such a motion and growing.

They are not the minority, yet the moral seeker of righteousness, are truly the minority and those willing to preach the truth, and sound a clarion call of repentance, from the podiums of there assemblies, are the endangered social species.

Take good record folks, because you just read a clarion call, from a endangered species, known as a Holy Spirit, filled preacher and watchmen, on the wall, crying out and saying; come out of her my people, and be separate and distinctly God's!

Don't be destroyed because of a lack of knowledge, yet live and have life more abundant because you, posses the grandest of all knowledge the gift of the Holy Spirit, which provides discernment (judgement).

Now you have been educated on What's The Big Deal. Don't handshake with sin yet clasp those hands together and hit the altar to embrace and grab a hold of the hands of Salvation, the hand of God.

Blessings & Shalom!

Heath C. Haas

Your Servant In Yeshua

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