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His Picking Order is not Religion's Pecking Order


We started our humble homestead a couple years ago. We were richly blessed to be able to purchase a portion of land with buildings, that allowed us to jump right into the vision, we have for the HaasStead.

As we journey this wonderful adventure we have trialed different things as we learn and grow. We have tried different species of birds for our poultry flocks and species of plants for our gardens.

We always strive for the premium results with care, love and prayer. The results have been wonderful, with the reap of premium eggs, meat and produce, that has been blessed by God.

One of many things we have learned and experienced, with our lovely flocks, is that once you introduce new members to the flock, there is something that occurs known as the infamous; Pecking Order.

This horrible initiation all new comers, must undergo involves being pecked on by the other more senior and stronger birds. One by one, down the list they all take their turn.

The pecking order introduces the new comers to their place and order within the life of the flock.

The hen, that once held the least now holds a higher position as she commences with the others to initiate the order of who is who and what place the new comers, will hold in this feathered hierarchy.

Watching this process is difficult. It's like seeing the strong prey upon the weak. To intervene however means you press a reset button among the feathered elite, alas the viscous process starts all over again.

At first being ill experienced with flocks and the order of things.

I would champion the younger weaker birds. I was no doubt, in the eyes of my feathered friends, known as; The Feathered Crusader!

Though I was revered greater in their eyes, than that of a marvel hero, in a child's view. In all my awesome vigilante style of intervention I accomplished nothing. I just hit the reset button of this pecking order and invoked the painful process over again.

I had to hang up the cape, and realize I could not intervene. I would have to let this whole process play out. Once it concluded, all my feathered friends, would know their place and have settled among each other.

Even now as we introduce new birds to the flocks, it stirs up. That near impossible urge to take up the cape again and become the Feathered Vigilante!

Though I may have the urge to "rescue" them. The experience reminds me, that I will only harm them. It is the way things work in the feathered hierarchy, it is built into their DNA.

Amazingly they all grow, mature and become hardy, enduring birds. They don't kill one another as you once supposed would be the outcome, in the mosh pits of feathered madness, that looks like pillow fights just took to a whole new level of insanity.

I know you've read thus far causing you to wonder; "What is the point and why did I just read this?"


All creation has a "pecking order" it is the cycle of even the seasons. Spring ushers in and stirs up that which needs to grow, then Winter comes and breaks down. The Earth, bares witness of the grand design of the Creator, and His intimate wisdom.

Much like the chicken's have their pecking order, so does religion.

Religion, has a more disgusting process, by pecking time, after time with it's policies and denominational guidelines. It pecks you into order, creating a hierarchy, that is foreign to the Kingdom of God.

Denominational and Religious guidelines, are foreign to the Kingdom of God, because they are un-natural to the supernatural order of God, due it's lack of the order and laws of Yahweh.

Religion itself forfeits the supernatural move of God, in the name of their own self-righteousness and motions.

Religion has it's pecking order yet God has His, "picking order" within the Kingdom.

This is not a process to determine status within a religious hierarchy, yet it is the process that the Most High, uses to pick out and choose His vessels.

It is not a vote the vessel in process, rather Jehovah, anointing the vessel to enter into the call of appointment.

This picking order, is an initiation of trials, events and purpose to ignite purpose to serve the Messiah, because He has already championed you.

The trials you have endured, are enduring, and will continue to endure, are not meant to be a pecking order of religion yet the picking order of the King of Kings.

It is a process to bring you to a place, that will cause you to be distinct and separate from all the rest. It is a process that will allow you to truly identify with the Creator, as savior, and God.

It is the cause of calling you; His distinct people. Revelation 21:3

It rains on the just and unjust. The righteous and un-righteous. These things don't come to destroy you, yet how you respond to the trials in your life, can be destructive.

Not all things that happen can justly be credited to the wicked one, nor can they be placed to blame at the foot of the throne of God.

Not all things that happen in your life, are acts of God, yet are results of a lack of God, being in your life.

These things are to be signs, markers and warnings to not cross that path or enter those caverns of life again. It may even be enough of a caution to ward others from diving into a pit of destruction. Unlike the horrible pecking order, this picking order of the King, is a glorious and wonderful process of spiritual maturity, and being equipped to endure the seasons ahead.

Even when you feel that your being pecked on and ask the infamous question; "Why God, don't you do something!?" "Why won't you, champion me!?"

Understand it's not that the heart of the Father, does not desire to intervene, yet He rather not hit the reset button because your just about refined enough for the picking order of His Kingdom.

1 Peter 1: 7

After all He already championed us at the Cross, with the most awesome victory we could ever obtain. We simply need to have some spiritual stamina to handle the victory more than the battle.

Don't fight the picking order when it means you will be chosen for great and mighty things in the Kingdom of God!

Blessings & Shalom!


Heath C. Haas

- Your Servant in King JesusYeshua

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