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To Be Crowned By The Messiah


The first lawn mowing of the season arrived not long ago. This can be quit the undertaken for us on the Homestead. We run two riders to complete this task, timely due to how much we need to mow. It was like any other time before. I take a certain half and my oldest daughter takes the other half.

Work as usual until suddenly, my daughters mower jolts to a stop and stalls. I look over and see her puzzled as to why this happened. Naturally I move over to her location, evaluate the situation and find that barbwire had wrapped completely around the blades of the mower.

This was an area that has had frequent cuts. Never before was this a problem, nor were we, aware that barbwire lurked underground.

Unnerved by this yet ever thankful my oldest daughter was safe, we inspected the area. After removing the barbwire from the deck of the mower. We discovered a large system of barb wiring that stretched a decent length.

This little four foot section of barb wire that wrapped around the blades of the mower turned into a couple hundred feet of buried wire. Foot by foot I pulled up this rusty barb wire. We coiled it around some old post, and finally was able to have confidence it was removed.

All the while as foot after foot coiled around the dry rotted post I was using to turn section after section. I had the images of a crown of thorns worn by my Savior.

The more it coiled the more real the images become striking my heart with a glimpse of what it may have looked liked.

Often we see pictures of thorns from a innocent rose stem, meshed together making this thorn crown. This was no ordinary crown of thorns, picked fresh by a Roman soldier.

It was thorns, shrapnel and whatever they could hack together, to form this disgraced piece of decoration upon the broken body of Jesus Yeshua.

This crown they injected into His skull, was dirty, deliberate and meant to be a shame.

The incident with my daughter running this wire system over, lead to us being able to get to the core of a greater problem. It allowed us to pull up and unearth a dormant yet starting to surface problem. It could have been far worse and if not found it could have been even more damaging.

Not only a safety hazard yet the potential damage to equipment, tires and blades. As I pulled this large length of wire it also reminded me of how we have dormant problems.

These problems we bury. We bury because it's easier to cover them up then to cut the source off and make sure it does not need to be dealt with latter.

We think to ourselves. It will be alright left here and won't do no more harm.

To often these problems, that are buried become stagnate, dormant and forgot. All the while lying in waiting as it gets rusty and dirty beneath the soil of excuses and bad behaviors.

Soon and not to long down the road, your living life as usual. You come across familiar ground and nothing different than before yet now something takes you off guard.

Your pierced with streaking pain as this buried problem, like barbwire, cuts through your spirit.

Your on the ground in pain. Old wounds and pain you thought you had buried now comes back to haunt you yet now brings even more unclean and infected problems with its wound.

This time, you think; "I will take care of the problem" only to discover it's not some small strand of wire yet a fence system, that was networked through slander,gossip and sin.

Post by post, though rotting from a lifestyle past, blistering memories find the way back again.

You realize that this is far more lengthy an issue then you had thought it would be.

Instead of cutting off the source of the sin, in your life. You allowed it to extend farther and further than you ever could have imagined it would go.

The sin of our lives extend further then we can imagine.

Sin, is an ageless problem. One that we ourselves can't effectively contain or control. We have tried and failed even with the best instructions provided from the Creator.

The instructions are only as good as the instructor. Displacing the instructor, depletes any hope to follow the instructions. It leaves us handicap and unable to successfully obey.

There was one way however that could address this ageless problem. It was the only way, provided by the only true way, truth and life. It was the Death, Burial and Resurrection of King Jesus Yeshua.

He wore upon His scalp, the thorns and infectious piercings of sin. In place of the crown of Creation, He bore the crown of shame of His creation.

Instead of robes displaying He was King of the Universe. He wore blood and torn flesh. This torn flesh and blood that streamed down His body, was a clarion call to sin and a separated lifestyle from God, that no more would we need atonement. No longer would we have excuse to be separated from Him.

No longer would there be tolerance of removing the instructor, yet the instructor would be instruction for us by displaying the ultimate source of love and teaching.

Every streaming drop of blood shed, was a seem and binding stitch of grace, to allow us to walk closer to Him. It was the ultimate blood transfusion of a covenant etched in stone by Spirit, which become flesh, now to be written upon the soul.

As every length of our sins past are dug up and the painful memories arise and pierce, its is this which was bore by the Messiah.

The entire sin of the world was endured by God in Flesh, on the cross.

When we are forgiven as far as the East is from the West, its a fence system of sin that spans that long. No man or work may unearth the buried sin fence, it wont suffice alone.

As humble and sincere our efforts there is but one way, truth and life source for cutting this sin fence off forever. It must be resolved. It will be uncovered yet once uncovered, your sin fence needs removed and in its place the boundaries of the Holy Spirit.

The gift of salvation, is the tool you need to uncover, coil and dispose of the sin fence, of your life. There is no other way to effectively remove the intricate system. It spans far, far, to long and there is not enough day light remaining.

The hours are short, and grow even shorter. The sun is setting...

To be crowned with the Messiah, means you're going to have to deal with thorns. You will be pierced and have pain. You have a cross you will must endure and carry.

Identification with the Savior is more than just a repeat after me prayer. It's being crowned with Him, by the persecution of life and sins rusty shrapnel.

Enduring this however means there is another crown. Not a crown that says; "I am a sinner" yet a crown that is provided by salvation's walk.

Though you may be crowned with thorns and trials by this world, know that you will be crowned by the one who bore it ALL. The one who is salvation.

Don't allow yourself to be crowned by sin. Allow the one who bore sin's crown and defeated sin, to crown you!

Be Crowned By The Messiah!

To be crowned by the Messiah, means that you have also endured through the trials, toils and persecution of a sin filled world.

Tribulation is real. Tribulation is nigh, and we must be ready to endure the crown of persecution, that we may be identified with King Jesus Yeshua.

There is a crown of eternal life. To receive a crown of eternal life, means you had lived for Him, in life to the fullest.

Don't allow anyone to strip you of your eternal crown, no matter how they "crown" you.

Be Crowned with the Messiah, through persecution yet be Crowned by the Messiah, for eternity with Him, because you overcame by the power of the testimony of Salvation/YESHUA!

Don't try to dig up that old fence system alone, you're not alone. There is help to call on and hope.

Just call upon King, Jesus Yeshua, there is no one who understands better than He who bore all shame and sin, for you.

Blessings & Shalom!

Heath C. Haas

Your Servant In King, Jesus Yeshau

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