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Putting It on Trial

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Often, we see many arguments arise on social media outlets, devotionals held among friends, and even Bible studies in the Church house, that spark a major source of debate, contention, and at times mass chaos that births division.

The subject of judgment, can be a very deep discussion or a very brief one. It’s all in how you “judge” the subject itself. We must understand no matter what we do in life, all those things must be judged; a decision, determination, and executions, are all based on a common foundation of; judgement, discernment, and principles.


the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions. –

the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing <careful judgment of the odds> - Merriam-Webster

a formal utterance of an authoritative opinionb : an opinion so pronounced – Merriam-Webster

a capitalized : the final judging of humankind by God <sinners awaiting Judgment>b : a divine sentence or decision; specifically : a calamity held to be sent by God <believed their bad luck to be a judgment upon them> - Merriam-Webster

1779 duwn doon from 1777; judgement (the suit, justice, sentence or tribunal); by impl. also strife:--cause, judgement, plea, strife. – Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon


You simply can’t afford not to judge factors in your life. Something as simple as measuring your distance of miles and the time you have for covering that distance is a judgement considering the amount of time it will take to execute being on time. Is it safe to assume that if you normally take thirty minutes to make it to work, and you must be there by 2:30 yet don’t leave until 2:15 that you’re going to be late?

There are factors of judgment that can change the base verdict that you will be late, such as using more aggressive speed of travel to cover more distance within less amount of time yet again we are making a judgement call vs the reality of what is before us; which may also reap horrible consequences or require the judgement of others by the law.

We make thousands of judgments every day, and truth is we make thousands of bad ones just as we make thousands of good ones. If this is built into our DNA and soul, why is it such an issue when it comes to true judgement by a system that is flawless; that system being prayer, the written word, and Holy Spirit?

"His Spirit the Gavel, His Word the Sound Block"

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Why is it when we make the numerous judgement calls each day for our monetary, hygienic, and physical needs, that we have an issue when it comes to judgement regarding our spiritual?

The sad state of the Church, today is that we don’t even think about the judgement calls being made with this monetary mentality; such as not including the Holy Spirit, yet when it comes to the spiritual we are using the carnal monetary things to judge something that can’t be subjected to those lusts, desires, and passions that are unclean or perverted with ulterior motives, agenda, and purpose.

The Church has arrived to a horrible condition of being handicap, ineffective, and unsuited to carry truth, because the truth has been compromised in the name of tolerance for the intolerable. The church has allowed herself to prostitute what is Holy, in the name of not offending, judging, or hurting someone’s feelings.

If we choose not to judge all matters then we will subject ourselves to senseless conclusions; considering true judgement is sensible conclusions.

One example of not properly judging and putting all things on trial would be the condition we see in the Church today. The tolerance for the intolerable.

The tolerance of a sin filled lifestyle, all the while having a declaration of a grace filled life, yet that tolerance of sin, is intolerable by the Almighty God, who is the Savior and provider of all grace unto Salvation. Salvation, is by grace yet salvation is lived by obedience, and that grace does not excuse the accountability of that obedience unto the Savior.

We have forfeited, condemned, and expelled the righteousness of Yahweh, while adopting, condoning, and accepting that which is unrighteous all the while doing it in the name of King Jesus Y Christ.

That is a perfect example of not only horrible judgement (because it is a lack of righteous judgement) yet it’s also a gentlemen way of describing stupidity, ignorance, and blatant disobedience.

Another example of poor judgement is the idolatry that is committed by esteeming ministry, buildings, and organizations (including doctrines and denominations) higher than the Kingdom of Yahweh, and the King Himself.

We must know those who labor among us, and truly watch out for our souls, yet we must also know that if they watch for our souls, they will equip the soul to be watchful, discerning, and conditioned with the tools required for righteous, holy, and proper judgement. With discernment, and putting all things on trial.

(1 John 4) (John 4) (1 Thessalonians 5) (Ephesians 4) (Galatians 6)

_ 1 Thessalonians 5 (CJB)

12 We ask you, brothers, to respect those who are working hard among you, those who are guiding you in the Lord and confronting you in order to help you change. 13 Treat them with the highest regard and love because of the work they are doing. Live at peace among yourselves; 14 but we urge you, brothers, to confront those who are lazy, your aim being to help them change, to encourage the timid, to assist the weak, and to be patient with everyone.

15 See that no one repays evil for evil; on the contrary, always try to do good to each other, indeed, to everyone.


We certainly should appreciate the works that are done by those who truly labor in service for the Kingdom, yet not esteem them greater than the Kingdom and the King. We also must be able to rightly discern, and test the spirits of those who are ministers (which we all have a ministry) that they are indeed servants and not setting themselves as masters.

Repaying evil for evil, could be simply distributing, teaching, preaching, and supporting false doctrine, denomination policy, and taken for face value everything that is said; as law, which then causes you to spread an evil message (a message and gospel contrary to the gospel and message of Messiah) which then has spread an evil message (though it may be done in innocence yet no excuse for ignorance) you have repaid evil with evil – evil invested and evil has had a return investment.


Ephesians 4 (CJB)

14 We will then no longer be infants tossed about by the waves and blown along by every wind of teaching, at the mercy of people clever in devising ways to deceive. 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in every respect grow up into him who is the head, the Messiah. 16 Under his control, the whole body is being fitted and held together by the support of every joint, with each part working to fulfill its function; this is how the body grows and builds itself up in love. _

Galatians 6 (CJB)

6 Brothers, suppose someone is caught doing something wrong. You who have the Spirit should set him right, but in a spirit of humility, keeping an eye on yourselves so that you won’t be tempted too. 2 Bear one another’s burdens — in this way you will be fulfilling the Torah’s true meaning, which the Messiah upholds. 3 For if anyone thinks he is something when he is really nothing, he is fooling himself. 4 So let each of you scrutinize his own actions. Then if you do find something to boast about, at least the boasting will be based on what you have actually done and not merely on a judgment that you are better than someone else; 5 for each person will carry his own load. 6 But whoever is being instructed in the Word should share all the good things he has with his instructor. 7 Don’t delude yourselves: no one makes a fool of God! A person reaps what he sows. 8 Those who keep sowing in the field of their old nature, in order to meet its demands, will eventually reap ruin; but those who keep sowing in the field of the Spirit will reap from the Spirit everlasting life. 9 So let us not grow weary of doing what is good; for if we don’t give up, we will in due time reap the harvest. 10 Therefore, as the opportunity arises, let us do what is good to everyone, and especially to the family of those who are trustingly faithful.


Has the modern-day Church become so de-sensitized and un-discerning that the ability to rightly divide the word of truth, to judge all things by the word of God, and the Holy Spirit, made flight from their consciousness?

Are we witnessing the Great Falling Away, and with this a lack of Falling ONTO the Altar of Repentance?

Has the affections and esteem to a local work, ministry, building, organization and doctrine entrapped more than set free?

For the truth, will set us free, therefore if you have become contained, and unable to work in the liberty of the presence of God, it’s safe to say you’re working in the presence of man, and have become restrained, and controlled by doctrine, leadership, and religion foreign to the true nature of the Kingdom of Yahweh, all the while putting His name in vain upon unrighteous works.

We must test the spirits, and we must put all things on trial by the Word of God, and His Holy Spirit; (John 8) (1 John 4) (John 4)


1 John 4 (CJB)

4 Dear friends, don’t trust every spirit. On the contrary, test the spirits to see whether they are from God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 Here is how you recognize the Spirit of God: every spirit which acknowledges that Yeshua the Messiah came as a human being is from God, 3 and every spirit which does not acknowledge Yeshua is not from God — in fact, this is the spirit of the Anti-Messiah. You have heard that he is coming. Well, he’s here now, in the world already!

4 You, children, are from God and have overcome the false prophets, because he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 5 They are from the world; therefore, they speak from the world’s viewpoint; and the world listens to them. 6 We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God doesn’t listen to us. This is how we distinguish the Spirit of truth from the spirit of error


We must also understand that we can’t discern spiritual matters with a carnal mind yet we must judge all things with a spiritual regard for truth, obedience, and service (worship) unto Yahweh.


John 4 (CJB)

22 You people don’t know what you are worshipping; we worship what we do know, because salvation comes from the Jews. 23 But the time is coming — indeed, it’s here now — when the true worshippers will worship the Father spiritually and truly, for these are the kind of people the Father wants worshipping him. 24 God is spirit; and worshippers must worship him spiritually and truly.” _ The modern-day Church, has arrived to a place that she demands the sinner come to the Church, yet how can the none instructed (lawless) be instructed, (lawful) when the true instructions (laws) are forfeit, absent, and considered expired?

The answer is simple (if you use sound judgement) you can’t expect change and salvation, when salvation is not lived and true change does not abide in the Church house.

  • How does one determine lies, from truth?

  • How does one determine good from bad?

  • How does one determine the temperature, time, and seasons?

  • How does one execute actions?

Judgement is something we have all been afraid to do because we are told by a couple starting verses “Judge not less you be judged” by the masses because there is more fear of accountability and true repentance, than fear of already many compromising lifestyles of those behind pulpits, instruments, and those on the church pew; yet it’s referring to not judging and condemning by the law (instructions) less you truly know the law (Instructions) and apply those instructions.

The reason why there is a whole lot of sin and chaos in the Church house today, is because there are no trials, not a single trial to address sin, chaos, and lawlessness against God. The majority rather spend more time condemning one another by organization policy, man's doctrine, and theory in error because nothing is ever trialed. There is a difference when you trial all things vs try anything.

To trial all things, you put it to the test, and weigh it by the written word and Holy Spirit.

Trying anything; simply means your wild, lawless, and without any direction, only able to be guided by the reigns of changing winds.

We must repent, reconcile, and test (judge) all things by putting it on trial, by the Holy Spirit being the Gavel, and the Written Word being the Sounding Block.

May we always discern the true “Thus Saith The Lord”

May we truly always subject the prophet to the prophet, and let it be confirmed by at least two witnesses, and confirmations.

May we not fear to test, trial, and bare witness of the teachings, preaching, and instructions provided by anyone yet do so in reverence, love, and truth.

Anything less than this will lead to being deceived, used, and abused.

May we truly become instructed, equipped, and execute true, righteous judgement only through the Almighty Judge, The Greatest Honor; King Jesus Y Christ.

If you blindly follow the blind no matter how great the title those blind leaders may possess; it does not excuse the inability to see, direct, and guide; it simply means you both will collide into a disastrous fate. Let the word of Yahweh, illuminate and clearly set path before your feet. (Psalm 119)

Let the Holy Spirit lead, guide, and work in your life for the approving and disapproval of all things. (John 16)

This is not an attack on the Church, or anyone's Pastor, yet it certainly is a call to awareness and accountability one unto another for truth, obedience, and service in the Kingdom of Yahweh.

If I speak anything contrary to the word of God, or I come unto you even with signs. miracles, and wonders, still put me on trial! Allow me to instruct you only as I am instructed by the written word and the Holy Spirit, for both shall always confirm the spoken word, teachings, and instructions. Let it be a steadfast policy to let all things be confirmed even by two or more witnesses also anointed, ordained, and able workman of the word. The prophet is always subject to the prophet. In this we are all subject unto two witnesses the Holy Word and Holy Spirit.

You now have some tools, the greatest being the Holy Scriptures and His Holy Spirit.

How will you be lead to judge all matters, and in the ends be judged on how you handled all those matters?

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Love you all in Messiah,

Blessings & Shalom!

Heath C. Haas

Your Servant in King Jesus Y.

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