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Good Fruits & Bad Fruits| We Shall Be Known By Our Fruits

Image on left is of a near dead plant in our seed starter, during Passover 2016

Image on right, is of a dying plant in our seed starter, Passover 2016


Song of Solomon 2:15

Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.

Often times we loose so much patience over the little things. The trouble with this is that the little things are what's consistent and these little things happen multiple times a day without pause or break.

As a matter of fact the little things happen so frequent, consistent, and with out a break, that we begin to break, disrupt, and become confounded with the many things that can rush at us.

This rushing force of small things, accumulate due to not being attended, and forge a massive rushing force, like a land slide, that suddenly, rapidly, and without the ability to stop, begins to send our home, relationships, and careers, with a sliding slope of what can appear as no hope, ruin, and hardships.

Those small things, that become larger, and larger, that eventually create that horrible land slide force, remind me of something as simple as a seed.

A seed is planted. Once planted it has a simple process. It is fed. It eats. It grows. It breaks open. Then once it begins to break loose the seed develops into a stem, the now plant begins to reach, and reaching further, farther, and arriving finally, to it's maturity that the seed now becomes able to produce and then from that production it bares a new seed, that then will cycle, season, and produce.

We speak often of the fruits of the spirit, yet we fail to teach or understand, that there are good fruits, and there are bad fruits. There are the fruits of the spirit, that are ordained, appointed, and designated for us to be able to eat, then there are the fruits, that are not designed, appointed, or ordained for us to eat.

If we truly reflect back on those little things, that grow, and have produced fruits, then producing more seed, then that seed, grows, produces and thus creates this massive wave of production that could be good fruit of the spirit or bad fruit of the spirit.

The fruits of the spirit, that are nutrients for the soul, that are able to be pressed, and turned into fine oil, and drink suited for the Master's cup. Fruit that is produced that can be used in the Kingdom of God. That's the fruit that we must seek, and gain access.

The species of the spirit, that are a poison, toxic, and instead of a fruit that can be pressed and used, these species infect, depresses, and oppresses,bringing torment, to the one who consumed it. Sadly this type of mistaken fruit, is far more available, and is even offered on the produce stands of the Church house.

All these seeds that you have planted in your life. These seeds are going to blossom, then these seeds maturing will stem, grow, and bud revealing the fruits that will be able to harvest yet what kind of fruits are you baring?

If you're not living righteously, Holy, and in obedience unto the LORD, I can guarantee you're not going to bare righteous, Holy, and table worthy fruits.

If you're living a sin filled life style, you will plant sinful seed, and that seed will grow, it will blossom, and though it will look beautiful, inviting, and even delicious to eat, it will be a horrible bitter poison that will be consumed by you and those whom you have said; "Eat it with me, its good!"

We live in a day and hour that the majority will call that which is righteous, unrighteous and that which is Holy, Unholy and that which is Unholy, Holy, and that which is unrighteous, righteous.

We are living in a day that those who should know the difference between the good fruits and the bad fruits, and have the knowledge of how to handle the seed, have stated that the good fruits are to ripe, aged, and are expired. They have taken pieces of the good fruit, and have grafted into the branches of the good vine, a vile vine, with the intent to create a hybrid seed and plant that can produce the good things of the spirit yet without the required maintenance to harvest, steward, and care for that good fruit.

This is the problem with the denominations, religions, and policies of men. These denominations all have a tainted, perverted, hybrid variant of this plant that has become a abomination in the presence of the one true good vine.

The only grafting that can or should be done is by the Master, whom has grafted only one branch into the One True Vine, and that's the Gentile into the Hebrew line spiritually.

We are a grafted in people of the promise no matter our biological orientation. We are a people who are identified of the spirit, and not of the boundaries, nationality, or races of men.

We are a people who are called to be a true seed, and be able to produce that true seed, through the gift, power, and covenant of the Holy Spirit. We are a people that are commanded to GO!

With this command to GO! It is clear that it is a command to GROW!

It is a command that demands we mature spiritually, bare good fruits, and

those good fruits, enable more seed to be planted, more good fruit grown, and ultimately be able to have a harvest reaped, that will be worthy of the LORD's Table.

A table spread, for the Great Feast, that beautiful Wedding Supper, that is a result of obedience through the Holy Word, Holy Ghost, and Great Commission being executed.

As I look at those pictures above, it reminds me of how the plants where all dying. It appeared there was no hope for them to live. We struggled with these poor little seeds, that we had thought were to far gone.

Then one morning. I was challenged by my daughters which asked; "Are you going to pray for these plants daddy?"

I then went into my office. I grabbed the Shofar, we have for the ministry. I then asked them to join with me, in prayer, and if they would believe with me, and as we prayed, and sounded the Shofar, that these plants would have NEW LIFE.

(For a example and to see, hear, and experience a humble sounding of the Shofar, see this video of a Sabbath Blessing via a Video share on the Ministry Facebook page - [PLAY VIDEO]

They agreed with me in prayer, and the next morning we awoke to a glorious sight!

The plants that were once near death, which we had almost written off as being no reason to try to revive them, after having called on the name of the Creator, believed, these little seeds, which now were dying stems, all of the sudden become LIKE NEW!

These little stems formed fully spread leaves!

They looked healthier than ever, and they were not able to be recognized or identified as they once were known, yet now they were RESTORED!

This reminds me of some of you who must become NEW!

Who need to be RESTORED!

Who have said there is no hope for me, I might as well be written off....



Its vital that you become born again, and become a new person, by the power and gift of salvation.

Repent, turn away from sin, make a lifestyle change that will be committed, and walk a path of obedience unto God.

Be Baptized in the NAME of God, which is King Jesus Y Christ.

Then you will receive the promise of the Holy Spirit, and you will be NEW, RESTORED, and ready to grow, blossom, and produce good fruits.

here is a couple more pictures of the new, restored, and resulting in being able to preserve the seed for this season too!


The images here show both the plants displayed above yet now are restored after prayer.


The images above are the exact same plants, you seen at the top of this post. I want you to know you're not hopeless, or without purpose, and though some around you, and even in yourself, have said; "I have written you off!" there is a miracle, a great miracle of restoration, and once restored, you will have the stamina to endure the growth process to produce good, and wonderful fruits, able to be used in the Kingdom of God.

The key to growth stamina is the soil of the word of God. The watering of His Spirit, and the nitrates of obedience.

With the formula above you too, will endure the night, and have a miracle of restoration!

Prayer, Faith, and Obedience are the keys to having Trust Stamina, for the Greatest Trials ahead. May we produce good fruits, after all we shall be known by our fruits.

I love you ALL in the LORD.

I pray you are blessed, challenged, convicted, and changed, by the power of Holy Spirit, His word, through obedience.

More to come, as we prepare for the soon, second coming.

Blessings & Shalom!


Your Servant in King Jesus Y Christ.

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