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A Prophet Falls| A Donkey Rises

There was once a prophet by the name of Balaam, who was hired by king Balak, of the Moabites, which contracted this prophet, to curse the armies of Israel. It took this prophet's donkey, to deliver a word of mercy, clarion call to repent, and clear instructions to not continue down the path that this strange silver, was leading the falling prophet to travel. Totally oblivious to the Angel of judgement ahead, the fallen prophet, would b eat the donkey, every time it tried to divert course from this path of destruction until finally the donkey, by the power of the Holy Ghost, spoke out, warned the prophet, and planted itself against the fence by which it could not move forward.

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A True Story!

The Fallen Prophet

The Talking Donkey

The Angel with a Ready Sword

This is an epic story that you can read the full account here: |The Account Of A Falling Prophet, Talking Donkey, and Angel of Judgement - Numbers 22 - 24|


Sometimes the stubborn situation that you're beating with a stick of emotions, are the very situation(s) that can see the Angel, on the path with a drawn sword. You continue to beat that situation down emotionally, failing to hear God, for yourself to the point that the Holy Ghost, moves upon the most unlikely source and begins to speak; warning you to repent. It's then your eyes are opened and you see the Angel of Judgement, closing in on your position due to your rebellious heart. It's then you realize you have been beating all along the very one's closest to you who have served you and have been faithful. It's this present situation that exist in many marriages, relationships, and the present walk (or shall we say none existing) walk with God, among the majority of the Church today. Church, among the Nations, you have become like Balaam, a Prophet hire and fail to hear the voice of Yehovah, yet would prostitute the gifts of God, and trade blessings (contentment/sanctification with God) in exchange for cursing the people of God, for strange silver. You have allowed yourself to transition from being a voice of truth and Repentance, to not hearing the voice of truth and the call to repent yourself! You're riding upon your stubborn policies, legislation, and sin filled lifestyles right upon the path of judgement. There is yet a voice that cries out of the midst of your stubborn sins. Even though you are beating the faithful servant with a staff of lust, the servant still cries out; "LOOK! Don't you see the judgement ahead???" "Can't you understand I am trying to divert this and take the right path!?" "Wake up!" "See!" "Change your direction!" Then all of a sudden out of the drunkenness of rage and beating the servant with the staff of lust, the Angels of Judgement can be seen awaiting the fallen prophets, the one great voice to pass by and receive judgement. You Church! You must divert course! You must see! You must understand that the path you're on is destruction! You can't embrace sin, in exchange for the strange silver of pagan gods, denominations, religions, and governments, while cursing the laws and covenant of Yehovah, and expect to speak and operate with the anointing, authority,and power of God.


Listen to the message: America Is Sick, The Church, Is The Source, & Cure!



Turn away from this path that will lead to judgement by the sword! You can't embrace all manner of perversion and sexual sins, and still function under the leading of the Holy Spirit. Change Course, Turn Around!

Clean out the house! Purge that which defiles the Tabernacle of the Most High! It's time we hold the mind, and stay the course of righteousness unto God. Narrow is the way unto Holiness. King Jesus Yehovah, is Holy and Righteous. He rules with Holiness, and Righteousness, and expects this in those of His Kingdom. Let us therefore set foot to path, and hand to purpose to work the works of our King.


| The falling prophet, failing to obey thus saith the LORD, with blatant disobedience; caused Yehovah, to move upon a hearing Ass, to arise and proclaim thus saith the LORD, in his stead. |


Don't become Balaam, and have the most unlikely sources speak to and for you; because you fail to hear the word of God, for yourself. We must be accounted, and have hearing ears (understanding) and discernment of the times, seasons, and late hour we are in.

ARISE! Be the Oracle to deliver the greatest of ALL messages from the Throne of Elohim, that being the Revelation of Messiah, His Death, Burial, Resurrection, and soon second coming! Don't allow family, friends, and the Anti Christ system (world) to employ you to curse God, and His people.

The day soon comes that decisions will be required. Those decisions however should not be made through impulse rather through how your lifestyle is being lived today.

Choose today how and unto whom; you will live and dedicate your life. One can't serve two masters.

There are none negotiable(s) in the Kingdom of God, and that's the terms of faith, obedience, and Salvation. (Acts 2:38)

Image Credit - Club House JR - Google Images


| "What would your donkey say if it was able to speak to you as you travel the current path you are living?" |


If we fail to understand (hear) and have not the revelation of Jesus Yehovah Christ, and the Revelation of His Kingdom, we certainly will not understand (hear) what the Holy Spirit, is saying in these last days, when the seals will open up, the Shofar/trumpets, of the court will sound, and the scrolls are read.

I love you ALL in Messiah.

More to come as we prepare for the soon second coming.

May we be blessed, challenged, convicted, anointed, and transformed, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, and His Word!

Blessings & Shalom!

Heath Haas

Your Servant in King Jesus Y Christ

If you would like to know more and/or would like me to pray with you; contact us here: Visit the ministry website

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