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The Difference Between The Grace of Yahweh VS The Grace of Religion

As the Church, we must be restored and return to understanding the difference between conviction, repentance, and being transformed vs convenience and a call to be a social club, and anything goes.


| Greasy grace, is a slippery slope, that is going to cause many to slide into the dung hill of deceit! |- Pastor Heath Haas


The grace of Yahweh, is marvelous!

It's by grace we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

It's by grace we have breath each day.

It's by grace the laws of Yehovah, are given.

It's by grace we are called to be transformed.

It's by grace we have Salvation, due to the death, burial, resurrection, and the soon second coming of Messiah.

It's by grace all these things are provided yet it does not excuse the need of obedience to honor that marvelous grace.

The true grace of God, is nutrients to your soul, and the conviction of Yehovah, will bring you to a place of challenge to be transformed.

It's then however on us to choose that we will serve King Jesus Y Christ.

It's on us to accept, embrace, and begin the transformation through Discipleship and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Greasy grace, is a teaching that you repeat after me, a prayer and you're​ good. There is no Discipleship, teaching, Instructions, and no definitive between salvation and sin.

There is no change or lifestyle transformation.

It's simply a religious hand out; Here's your get out of Hell Free Card, just waive this at Judgement day, and your good to go, you will be told by the angels "move along nothing to see here."

There is a difference between the grace of my LORD and Savior, and the grace mainstream religion today teaches.

The grace of Yehovah, is given by a Holy and Righteous God, that desires, and expects a Holy and Righteous people, even while they are unholy and unrighteous.

It's the grace of God, that says; "Arise!" "Be Transformed!"

You must obey and arise then be transformed.


It's liken to a father, who instructs his daughter, to clean her room.

The daughter says; "Father, it's to much, and overwhelming."

The father, replies; "You created this miss easy enough, and though it will take more time to clean the miss up, everything has its place and order, begin there"

The daughter, tears filling her eyes; "Father, can't you do this for me just once???"

The father replies, with grace and love in his voice; "I love you daughter, and with that love, I have given you the room, in which you have created into a miss. I have allowed you to stay in this filth for long enough, you must learn to not have a unclean bedroom."

Graciously the Father, hands his daughter, garbage bags, a laundry basket, and cleaning supplies.

The daughter, wiping away some tears, and puzzled asks: "Why won't you clean the room for me though?" "What am I to do with these bags, broom, and basket?"

The father, replies: "These are the tools I have prepared for you, use them and listen to my instructions." "Once this has been cleaned up, you can keep your room in order, and not have to face this situation again."

"Remember daughter, the time you came home to this new room and everything had a place and it was new?"

Daughter, replies: "Yes!" "It was so nice!"

The Father: "That was because I did that for you." "It's time you attend your room." "Then you can even help your brother and sister, who may need help later too."

The daughter, now having a goal, instruction, and the tools needed begins to clean the room.

We have been entrusted with a "room" in the Kingdom of Yahweh, and our Father, provided us life, and made the sacrifice for us to be able to have the "lights on" yet it's when the light of this room, is turned on we see how filthy our room truly has become.

God, is not going to clean the room for you. Abba, has provided all the tools required to transform this filthy room, into a wonderful sanctuary.

Grace has given you the tools, grace has provided you the instructions to use the tools yet grace does not excuse obedience to get the task done.

Religious Greasy Grace, is like the friend who comes over, takes what your father, had said out of context and/or deliberately says; "Your father, understands." "Sleep in that filth long enough and he will just clean it up for you anyways."

"Come on let's go play, and don't worry about cleaning your room today; Abba, will understand."

The daughter goes out from her room to play with her friend Greasy Grace, and the Father returns, seeing the room is not cleaned and none of his Instructions are followed.

The daughter is dealt with yet in the midst of the discipline, that 'friend' is no where to be found, they have ran as far away from the situation as possible.


We invite you to listen to Pastor Heath Haas, Deliver a challenging message To Be Knighted By The King

Tune In Below!

|Click/Tap -> THE MESSAGE <- Click/Tap|


Because I love you, I will preach and teach true grace, repentance, and discipleship.

I will continually remind you that there is the Almighty Holy, and Righteous, Savior, that is providing grace yet this does not excuse obedience.

We don't serve because we are trying to repay His grace, as if it were a debt. Grace is given.

We obey and disciple Him, because we love Him.

You can't truly serve Yahweh, without true love.

Abba, has granted us all that we need to be victorious, however will we dare to hold the victory?

May we be blessed, convicted, transformed, and anointed by the power of the Holy Spirit and His Holy Word.

Blessings and Shalom! HcH Your Servant in Messiah

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