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The Church, Has Torn A Crucial Chapter, Out Of Their Bibles| After All We Won't Be Here Right!?

[image credit - Word Press/Google Images]

We live in a day of immersive data streams, and available content on demand. We live in a day where we are saturated with entertainment on a major scale to a point that virtual reality is more a reality than the literal responsibilities in our lives. We have more interaction with our Facebook friends, then we do literal friends, who have been around since birth. We have more interface with our devices than we do intimacy with our spouses, children, family, and above all God.

We have become fixed on luxury, vs focused on the Kingdom. We have invested more in the idea of needing an entire symphony vs simply in harmony praising the Most High God. Don't miss understand I absolutely enjoy, and appreciate the talent in many of the worship teams etc.. today yet I grieve at the exchange of anointing to glorify the name of the King, for the following of likes, shares, and streams of their own name. We have had this infection to infect the Church, when entertainment programs, and theater, is far more important than true evangelism, teaching, preaching, and discipleship.

We have had a insurgency of false prophets, teachers, and even self proclaimed Messiahs, to ascend unto the platforms and influence entire assemblies, in every vertical of media.

[image credit google images/RawStory]

|"The Church, Has Torn A Crucial Chapter, Out Of Their Bibles| After All We Won't Be Here Right!?"|

All this leads to an idea, that turned into a theory, that transitioned into a teaching, and has become a dominate theology in the modern Church era of today. The rapture. I just went there.... what a sore subject right?

It's a sore subject because you have passionate arguments that debate three different times that this rapture may take place. You have pre tribulation, mid tribulation, and post tribulation.

Regardless of what one may believe there is no mention of "rapture" in any translation; especially the Hebrew text, and further the only scripture foundation is based on the Second Coming. There was the First Coming, the birth of Messiah, and there is the Second Coming; the return of the Messiah. There is no "Third Coming"

If this subject has not turned you off yet and you continue reading, I am glad; because this means you are hungry for truth! This proves you still posses a very important chapter, in your Bible, that reads: Matthew Chapter 24. For many who believe in a rapture that will remove them from the Earth, prior to a time of tribulation, totally disagrees with the teaching, warnings, and answer to the important questions, the disciples asked Messiah, in private about what would be the signs of His Second Coming.

I will make it easy for you to access this terrifying yet marvelous series of warnings by Yahweh, manifest in Flesh, King Jesus Yeshua Adonai, when he answered the question:


“Tell us, when will these things happen? What will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?”


Use this link to access Matthew Chapter 24

We can read through each verse and anyone who truly reads line, upon line, can understand that the things that will happen, will happen suddenly, rapidly, and accelerate. The other clearly understood sign is the hate, prejudice, and outright desire to purge true believers from the Earth. Let's look at one of those signs that connect many others via this news report from Fox News, and contributors:


|Here is a preview from that News Report - All Credit to Fox

The news, views, opinions, and reporting do not reflect the views, opinions, and convictions of The Watchmen's Call Blog - Links are provided 'as is 'and links used for authenticity with credit to originating sources|

Photo source - Source: CNN

North Korea fired a missile over Japan, the Pentagon confirmed on Monday.

"We assess North Korea conducted a missile launch within the last 90 minutes," the Pentagon said.

"We can confirm that the missile launched by North Korea flew over Japan," the Pentagon continued. "We are still in the process of assessing this launch. North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) determined the missile launch from North Korea did not pose a threat to North America. We are working closely with Pacific Command, Strategic Command and NORAD and will provide an update as soon as possible."

A senior U.S. official said that there had been some movement suggesting an intermediate missile was being prepped.

The South Korean military said the missile flew about 1,700 miles with a height of 341 miles. That's lower than the 2,300 miles into space an intercontinental ballistic missile traveled in late July. North Korea’s July 4 ICBM traveled some 1,700 miles into space.

The missile was fired from the area of Sunan in Pyongyang shortly before 6 a.m. and flew east, South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said, according to Yonhap News Agency.

"It passed through the sky over Japan," the JCS said.

Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga labeled it an "unprecedented grave threat."

Continue to read full artcile here: FOXNEWS REPORT Fox News' Jennifer Griffin, Lucas Tomlinson and The Associated Press contributed to this report.



The above proves that North Korea, isn't just saber rattling, and playing; 'the play ground bully' during Recess on the United Nations play grounds.

It's very important to know that there are many things happening to date, that are significant. There are wars, and more rumors of more wars.

  • There are nations, that are in a famine, and there are parts of the US, that will be entering a famine state.

  • There are a stream line of quakes, floods, and all manner of land slides, and sink holes happening rapidly, suddenly, and consistently.

  • There is political unrest, and it's moved to the streets.

All the major countries are having military conflicts.

Syria, has become "open borders" to the world powers, whilst the inhabitants of Syria's people, are displaced, and now must wonder by what banner, will they identify, once Syria, has been divided up into the sections everyone involved with a strong arm, has agreed concludes a fair land grab.

Then we have the "Radical Wars" with ISIS, Radical Islam, Radical Whites, Radical Blacks, and the Radically Confused as to what Gender they are despite the evidence between their legs.

We have the Radical Political Correctness vs Everything that does not align with well.....that correctness, regardless of how incorrect, the political correctness might be.

I am sorry for the bluntness folks, yet it's a reality, and frankly one that must be voiced as blatant as possible; especially when those who are radical about their lusts, passions, and sinful desires have no reserve of using vulgarity, perversion, and immoral influences.

It's only fitting that I speak with open truth, and report to you from the wall how I see it.

If you get offended from me, as a gentlemen, and watchmen at his post trying to bring about a blatant truth, regarding the perversions, and status of End Time prophecy, then perhaps you should evaluate the 'programs' you are watching on your smart phones, tablets, and HD/4K television sets, when you can see every vivid detail of all manner of naughty, being carried out during prime time sitcoms, drama, and the many genres of entertainment.

It's time we get real, repent, and seek the face of Yehovah!

It's time our men put away their pornography, sports, and everything taken their attention but the home lusts; and become husbands, fathers, and ministers of the Gospel, in their homes again!

It's time our women put away their wonder lusts, romance fantasies, and ideas of being everything a man can be; while escaping all the woman potential that they could become; and become wives, mothers, and hand maidens of the LORD, again!

It's time our children know more about the word of Yahweh, than the sequence to win their video games, and have more knowledge about the things of Yehovah, than the things of this world.

It's time our families, understand, and know the home unit better than their favorite sports teams, and entertainment outlets.

It's time we let loose of this idea that we will be beamed up; and nothing bad will ever happen to us because we call our self Christians, and read Matthew chapter 24 again.

Instead of a Beam Me Up Mentality; Get Beaned Up with preparations, both with the food of the table, and food of the Word of God. We must do this wisely not with paranoia!

What else must happen before some will listen???

What else must transpire before some will see???

May we not experience the destruction it would take; to make us AWAKEN to the clear, and present danger, that sets right before us with steady aim, and no regrets; for the moment America, will have her eyes opened, will be when it's a smoking barrel, vs the threat of only a barrel already at point blank range.

Yehovah, I pray mercy! I pray Abba, yet a little more time and window of mercy!

The Harvest is plenty, and much to do yet to hurl the Church, that is asleep into true evangelism, forbid the shaken it will take to stir her awake yet we must awaken, and the remnant of the LORD, must arise!


None the less a GREAT SHAKEN comes. A Great Awakening will happen, and it won't be upon the hills of prosperity, yet it will be ushered in by the fields of war, the desperate cries of the confused, and the many questions by those lead astray by false prophets, teachers, and religion, asking; "How is this possible?" "Why are we still here???"

Can you find the Christian???

It will be horrible to see those once who claimed to love God, to turn their faces towards the Heavens, while shacking their fists, cursing Him, fade away into the rioting crowds, and chaos, and be only identified as lawless.

The love of many will wax cold, yet when love waxes cold it leaves only room for heated bitterness, hate, and spite.


The time comes for a great outpouring of the Holy Ghost, yet it's not as many predict and forecast with their fairy tale scenes of religion, comforts, and luxuries.

The Holy Spirit, that will be poured out in these lasts days will come at a cost to your luxury, comforts, and religious ideas, for it will require that you be hated above all people, for the name sake of Jesus Yeshua.

It will require that you be put to death for the name sake of Jesus Yeshua.

It will require the sacrifice of self, that others may see the light in a pitch black darkness.

I love you ALL in Messiah.

More to come as we prepare for the soon second coming.

May we be blessed, challenged, convicted, transformed, and anointed; by the Power of the Holy Spirit, and His Word!

Blessings & Shalom! Heath Haas Your Servant in King Jesus Y Christ

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