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A Horrifying Hypocrisy| Halloween and The Modern Day Church

|Images courtesy of google images and open sources|

CAN YOU DISCERN THE DIFFERENCE??? Can you determine which is the street Halloween costumes, door to door, trick or treat vs the Church "Harvest Party" pew to pew/trunk to trunk trick or treat.....

Me neither....except wait!

There is a Bible, in one of their hands!?

It appears as if she in the Marvel Hero look alike costume, is saying talk to the hand to those in the other costumes; as if she is preaching against Halloween, with a Bible in her hand yet not weaning herself from the world to live a transformed life that needs no mask.

Lo, I will bring a nation upon you from far, O house of Israel, saith the Lord: it is a mighty nation, it is an ancient nation, a nation whose language thou knowest not, neither understandest what they say.

Their quiver is as an open sepulchre, they are all mighty men.

And they shall eat up thine harvest, and thy bread, which thy sons and thy daughters should eat: they shall eat up thy flocks and thine herds: they shall eat up thy vines and thy fig trees: they shall impoverish thy fenced cities, wherein thou trustedst, with the sword.

Nevertheless in those days, saith the Lord, I will not make a full end with you.

And it shall come to pass, when ye shall say, Wherefore doeth the Lord our God all these things unto us? then shalt thou answer them, Like as ye have forsaken me, and served strange gods in your land, so shall ye serve strangers in a land that is not your's. |Jeremiah 5|

I find it absolutely amazing and hypocritical how zealous the modern day Christian, will strive against Halloween, the most sacred season and time of sorcery and witchcraft, as if that sorcery and witchcraft only abides during this time of year yet the rest of the year they become asleep and lack all manner of discernment. (Sorcery does not stop after Halloween) The other times in which are sacred and extremely valuable to the operation of sorcery and witchcraft is Midnight to 03:00. This is known as the "Witching Hour" this also bares witness of very significant times in which King Jesus Yehovah, will deal with the hearts of His people, many times I have been awakened to intercede in prayer against strong demon powers during these times and also have had the strongest encounters of dreams, visions, and hearing Thus Says Adonai, during these times of the morning. Satan, The Wicked One, is a total counterfeit and that's why he enjoys counterfeit Christianity. That's why he would rather see people wear a religious mask all year round than to see you have true transformation eternal.

It reminds me of the same modern Christianity, that only becomes zealous for the virgin birth of Messiah, during Christmas (even though this was not the time of His birth)

The same modern Christianity, only becoming zealous for the death, burial , and resurrection of King Jesus Yehovah, during Easter, which again conflicts with the true Biblical time line (yet that's a whole other post or even book that can be written)

This all being brought to the forefront gives all the evidence that modern Christianity, has a very none Biblical, yet religious bias approach to Holidays; while neglecting or even coming against the keeping of the true Holy Days and Biblical Feast Times that have far more biblical history, application, and foreshadows of things past, present, and yet to come.

It also bares a horrible witness to those that do not know King Jesus Yehovah, as their LORD and Savior, when there are religious contributors to a specific day yet are lifeless the rest of the days of the year in true intimacy with God.

Your walk with God, must go beyond a Sunday, Funday of Religion. Being Born Again, is being transformed; it's not a one night stand experience at an altar with a repeat after me prayer. Becoming born again, is true repentance, being batpised in the name of King Jesus Yehovah, and being filled with the Holy Spirit.

Your ability to make "war" against demon power must go beyond yelling against the Halloween of the World yet having Church, costume parties, and pulpit tricks or pew treats.

The reverence of the Revelation of Messiah, with His virgin birth, living instructions, death, burial, and resurrection, must go beyond two days a year that adore, worship, and signify more paganism and the birthdays of pagan gods than the actual BIRTH TIME of Yahweh, manifest in flesh - Jesus Yeshua Christ.

Because unlike a couple days a year that come in cycles; there is a time coming that King Jesus Yehovah, is soon coming again; and it will be eternal.

You will not be with God, or serve eternally, if you won't serve God, in the temporary; today and all your tomorrows to come in this life.

The Church, is weak, feeble, and fragile because the Church of the modern day has forsaken the power of God, in exchange for the wealth of man and the flesh pots of Egypt.

Don't dare preach against Halloween, when you're having a mascaraed party that is nothing more than a Halloween party, that has a name change, and wears a mask just like the contributors to the party in the Church House.

It's an absolute shame that the middle isle that should lead to the altar of repentance, through a clarion call to repent; has become a "gray area" for debate, and compromise and the only thing that comes from the altar is a light, fog, and entertainment show.

Everyday, we must celebrate the Gospel of the Kingdom, and revelation of the Messiah, through His virgin birth, death, burial and resurrection and soon Second coming, through a salvation walk.

Everyday, we must make war against demon powers, and principalities in high places. Why invite these demonic powers into the Church, and your home when we must contend against such wickedness without invitation.

We do this because we are of the WAY.

The Way, Truth, and LIFE!

Be separate says the LORD!

It's time that the Church purge the Pornography, Adultery, Idolatry, Sexual Immorality, and the aggressive sins, that is among the worship leaders, pulpits, and those who should be leading by righteousness, others into righteousness.

You who claim to be born again are called to lead others into righteousness by a lifestyle of discipleship, and service unto the Most High God.




You want a thus saith the LORD?


Repent, for we face captivity and judgement if we fail to hear the clarion call of repentance.

If we can't hear, and obey, the call to repent; then stop praying for revival, for revival only will come with true repentance. We will only have as much the Holy Power of God, as we will have of obedience, and Holiness unto The Most High Holy Adonai.

There are no masks in this house/assembly; just true transformed people, which you can see the difference in our countenance from the horrors of sin lived to now living a repentant life, being born again, have only the need of the covering of the atoning blood of Messiah.

You say once we repented we took off the masks that we wore and completely exposed, humiliated, and in absolute need of a Savior, now have a testimony that we are delivered, and changed!

You too can take of the mask. You too can be transformed, and live for King Jesus Y Christ!

HalleluYah! I love you ALL in Messiah.

More to come as we prepare for the second coming.

May we be blessed by being challenged, convicted, transformed, anointed, and appointed; by the Power of the Holy Spirit, and His Holy Word!

Blessings & Shalom!

Heath C. Haas

Your Servant in King Jesus Y Christ

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