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The Great Serpent of Babylon

These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

-Revelation 17 -


Greetings Friends,

the message I am about to share with you, is not an easy message. I think sometimes people, believe that ministries enjoy the "doom & gloom" message.

This is absolutely the furthest desire of a true watchmen, pastor, and minister. I desire to see people, in tears of repentance not tears of paranoia. The reality is however that we are facing real threats, danger, and catastrophe on a level that has not been experienced before.

There is the attempt to fathom, with imagery that is simulated, with animations to depict the type of destruction that would issue from multi sided nuclear warfare; yet the true depth is not understood, realized, or can be articulated to detail, warn, and share the absolute madness, destruction, and death that would result.

We are in very troubled times. We are in the raging waters of tribulation yet we are not in the worse of the storm system of tribulation. We are seeing the waves, that are being produced from the wake of sin, and mass perversions, and social chaos.

We have not however reached the climax of this storm system which less we are anchored by the Holy Scriptures, and secured upon the vessel of the Holy Spirit, we will be utterly wiped away.

We are watching as America, literally becomes a whore by prostituting the Holy things of King Jesus Yehovah, and selling all manner, and forms of religion. The modern day Church, today has compromised the Holiness, Righteousness, and Covenant of God, and have become more zealous to fight within it's inner denominations a warfare far greater than the warfare it makes against the Wicked One.

We have seen the most gravest of sins begin to transpire, and birth into the Church, through Sexual Immorality, and absolute compromise. What I am about to share with you is a vision that I experienced prior to ministering on Sunday. November 12th 2017. A heavy sleep hit me. I could barely keep my head up. I retreated to my bedroom to attempt to rest yet instead entered into prayer and then I was taken into a vision.

Here is the account of the vision.


I welcome you to listen via the message SOBER UP! delivered Sunday, November 12th 2017 here:


A Great Serpent, moved across America, once it had stretched itself across the land from East to West, it began to circle the entire boundaries of the United States. This Great Serpent, is "Great" due to it's colossal size, which even after a complete pass it kept coiling around America. This massive Serpent, coiled itself around the entire United States, many times to a point that the massive body of this serpent and the many coils; covered the whole land. I then beheld the arm of President Donald Trump, as he wrote on legal papers. upon the desk I seen the legal papers, which he was composing and drafting, then neighboring these legal papers was a worn copy of the Constitution. The Constitution, looked worn as if it was frequently handled. Then suddenly as the President, was writing the Great Serpent, breached through the doors of the White House, then slithered itself into the Oval Office with it's head.

The President, unmoved (seemingly unaware) by the presence of this serpent, kept writing only to be suddenly and violently bitten by this Great Serpent, in his right arm. The bite caused a massive wound, and very grievous. The wound was deep and began to bleed violently.

Once the Great Serpent, had wounded the President, with this tragic wound; one by one members of the Senate, Congress, and Leaders of the Federal Bodies, entered the room. They all entered orderly as if they were awaiting this to transpire. They all lined up before the Great Serpent, and the desk which had a completely handicap and deathly wounded President hunched over.

Then suddenly the Serpent, took exit from the Oval Office, went into the Court Yard, of the White House Grounds, which stood a massive flag pole with a flying Star Spangled banner. The Great Serpent, began to coil itself from the ground up, foot by foot, hastily ascending the flag pole, which it's massive body completely coiled around the pole, flag, and it's head reached out into the heavens, as it scanned back and forth, looking upon all directions of the land. The Great Serpent, left it's tail in the Oval Office, where I seen the tip of the tail transform into a pin tip. Once the tail was completely transformed; one by one those lined up from the Senate, Congress, and High influences of Federal Bodies, took the Serpent's tail. They placed new papers over the blood stained drafts of Trump, and the stained Constitution. The new legal documents contained a list. One by one, they took the Great Serpent's tail, which now was a pin tip, and they dipped the Serpent's tail, into the massive wound in President Trump's arm that was now a deep bowl of blood. One by one, they signed their names with pride, and even laughter, as they also had crossed out Righteousness, Unrighteousness, and The Church, The States, and America.

Each one wrote in blood, and each one crossed out the original and drafted underneath Righteousness: HATE! TERROR! CRIME! IN-TOLERANCE!

Then they crossed out what was listed as Un-Righteous, and replaced it with the words: GOOD! TOLERANT! LOVE! ORDER IN CHAOS! They then moved to the last lines which listed The Church, The States, and America. By the Serpent's blood pin, they crossed out The Church, then wrote underneath: A STATE! They crossed out by the Serpent's blood pin, The States, and wrote underneath: A FEDERAL BODY!

They lastly crossed out with the Serpent's blood pin, America, and wrote underneath: A ENTITY! Underneath these new declarations, was written by the Great Serpent's blood pin, "Glory be unto the Great Serpent of Babylon!"


I then heard: "Great Deceit!" "Great Deceit is written!"

"Great Abominations are Legalized by the Serpent's Pin and the blood of Wicked Sacrifices!"

"Deceit!" "Great Deceit, is with these Pin Strokes!"


I then seen and heard nothing more.

As with all things we must trial by the Holy Word of God, and prayer. Please take these matters to prayer and the written word. All things will be confirmed by the written word. I share these things not for boast, yet for warning! I share this vision with you because it's not for me to keep to myself. This is a warning that we are facing some very tragic things in this nation. The things we are facing are going to be executed with precision, and wicked agenda.

I don't have the full answers. I don't know if President Trump, will have an attempt against his life. The vision could have both literal and spiritual meaning.

I know this; we must be in prayer. We must truly enter with intercessory prayer, fasting, and seeking the face of King Jesus Yehovah, like never before. We must do this because the enemy, is advancing with raw demonic influence in every platform, element, and foothold of society that he can.

The Temple of Satan, is being embraced more than the Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit. This is our chief problem friends. We are failing in spiritual warfare, and the enemy is taken spiritual warfare to the next level and that is literal manifested warfare against the people. If we fail in spritiual warfare, I can assure you no manner of provisions, weaponry, and equipment will help you in the coming days of literal warfare. Our problem is a sin problem, and less we truly repent, are baptized, in the name of KING JESUS, and become filled with the Holy Spirit, to be truly Born Again, you will not resist, refuse, or overcome the massive Anti Christ surge that is looming.

If you don't know King Jesus Yehovah, as your Savior, and King, and have a intimate relationship with Him, that goes beyond a "Sunday Funday" experience; you need to truly repent.

This is not a game.... This is Warfare!

Will you arise and be accounted as a soldier of the Kingdom of God, or will you avoid the draft of Salvation, and seek asylum in the comforts, and slavery of sin??? I love you ALL in Messiah. More to come as we prepare for the soon second coming.

May we be blessed by being challenged, convicted, transformed, anointed, and appointed; by the power of the Holy Spirit, and His Holy Word. Blessings & Shalom! HcH

Your Servant in Yehovah

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