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The True Gospel | Uncompromising, Unadulterated, and Non Bias


There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism,One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

Ephesians 4


One thing that I have learned through the twenty-thee years of preaching the gospel, is that there is one gospel, that is the true gospel. It is the gospel of the Kingdom of Yehovah God, and Him revealed through Messiah, God in flesh, Jesus Yeshua Christ.

The other thing I have learned, and still see as time goes forward is a horrible spread of false fires, and false gospels, that are taught, preached, and "evangelized" by false teachers, prophets, and messiahs.

It is a spiritual cancer that has infected the body of many assemblies creating this horrible shut down of the vital elements that allow for those assemblies to function and be effective for the Kingdom of Yehovah God.

Many times there is a single focus of evangelism, and it's the core of the roots of one's doctrine. True evangelism can't be accomplished with this approach nor will it be effective to ignite the soul. It's like trying to persuade a criminal, that he is a criminal, and that the crimes (he passionately desires to do) being committed are crimes...

We can't evangelize a lawless people, with the law, rather that we evangelize the lawless with the revelation of the Law Giver, that once they see first hand the authority, power, and absolute righteousness of the Almighty Righteous God, who will be their judge; then presenting the law, becomes far easier when they desire to be a citizen of the Kingdom, by being Born Again, rather then trying to beat them with the staff of law.

Once they come to the knowledge of the Law Giver, and that there is a call to redemption, the desire to understand the "How" is this wrong becomes a natural desire.

I certainly will preach, with a evangelistic thrust that adultery, idolatry, thieving, lying, drunkenness, etc..... are sinful lifestyles, yet it will be to see deliverance unto repentance, not a delivering of the law, before repentance exist.

The only way to disciple, is through the other desiring discipleship. This is a major flaw, and lost ministry in the Church, today. This is why it's important that you don't allow the context of what is being written here become twisted.

It happens every time someone is not dressed modestly, or has a very real, very evident sin, in their life, and immediately the assembly pounces on them with the verdict of the law, before they can even know who the Law Giver, is.

There is no time for repentance, and deliverance rather only focus on memberships.

It's like a Gym, who desires subscribers, and members, and can testify that they have the most successful Gym, due to the massive member count yet no one has lost weight, and no one has become healthy....

There is absolutely time for both evangelism, and discipleship. Both have its place, and function, and both require the Five Fold Hand, of the Ministry to truly be effective.

All to often we have many focusing on a single vessel such as a Pastor, which a Pastor, may have multiple gifts, and functions within the body, however the Pastor, is not thee body. There are many gifts, and anointing that's been placed on many who could be evangelizing yet instead they are being spiritually vandalized, and stagnating on a pew, assembly, after assembly.

I believe we should be a written epistle, and this comes through living a set apart, Holy, lifestyle, which is the bi-product of Salvation, in our life. We are not saved by works, yet the works of the Kingdom, will always follow truly saved people.

Many times we have a horrible extreme of those who want to evangelize by our understanding of the law alone, and then those who want to evangelize by a emotional experience yet completely absent of obedience.

The center of evangelism is that the Gospel of the Kingdom is PREACHED, and the Revelation of King Jesus Yeshua Christ, is REVEALED. If there is no preaching, of the Kingdom of Yehovah God, and Him Revealed, the true purpose of evangelism has then immediately failed, and it's nothing more than a theater of religion.

True evangelism will stir the heart and soul to repent, and will bring a clear instruction of what repentance is and a call to become Born Again.

Peter, is a outstanding example of true evangelism in the midst of obedience. We have the people gathered for the Feast of Pentecost. We have the day of Pentecost, fully arrived, and in full function among the people.

We have observance, obedience, and at the same we have a delivery of the greatest core message of the Gospel of the Kingdom.

The Core of the Renewed Covenant, and the Revelation of Yehovah God, manifest in Flesh; King Jesus Yeshua is His; Virgin Birth, Ministry, Death, Burial, Resurrection, Great Commission, and soon Second Coming. This can be found in Acts 2. Acts 2:38 is still the answer to that ancient question; "What Must I Do to be Saved?"


Turn from a life of lawlessness/sin, and understand your need of deliverance, receive that deliverance in the name of King Jesus Yeshua, and walk in that deliverance, and do not return back to things you're delivered from.

Be Baptized (immersed in water) in the NAME of King Jesus Yeshua

This is for the remission of sins, and is not only a statement of faith, yet an act of obedience to the command of baptism. This is essential for you becoming Born Again.

Be Filled with the Holy Spirit!

You will receive the promised gift of the Holy Spirit, which is the residing, dwelling Spirit of Yehovah God, in you, to equip you, drive you, and instruct you in the Holiness, Righteousness, and Ways of the Kingdom of Yehovah God.

This is the beginning of Salvation, not the once done, no more needs done.

Now it's time to walk in discipleship, and through discipleship, then GO! and make disciples according to the Great Commission.

(Preach, Baptize, and work in both the Gifts of the Spirit, and the Laws of God.)


Can we see now how evangelism, and discipleship work hand and hand???

It's through the Five Full Hand of Ministry!


You cant evangelize a people, who need to be Born Again, with the laws of the Kingdom, yet you can certainly evangelize them through a call to repent, and once repented, and becoming Born Again, can enter discipleship.

Why do you mention the laws of God, if the law has been done away with? The better question here is who told you it was done away with???

The Law Giver stated He did not come to do away with (destroy) yet to accomplish the law.

The Law Giver, is God, the Author of the Whole Book and Whole Covenant.

If the law is done away with then there is no sin.

If there is no sin, then there is no need to preach.

If there is no need to preach, then there is no need to assemble, preach, teach, evangelize, prophecy, or be an apostolic thrust of a Kingdom, that because the law is forfeit, and done away with thus does not exist....


That's right if there be no law, there exist no Kingdom of Yehovah God; for the Kingdom of Yehovah God, is built on the principle of His ordinance and sovereign reign.

If Yehovah God, is Righteous, (there must be unrighteousness.)

If Yehovah God, is Holy, (there must be the unholy)

If Yehovah God, is Just (there must be a law/ordinance to execute justice)

If Yehovah God, is the Almighty Judge, (there must be a law, measure, and weight, by which He judges)

If Yehovah God, is Salvation (there must be the need to become saved)

If Yehovah God, is calling you to repentance, and to turn from sin, which sin is lawlessness, then there abides an absolute truth that the laws of God, do exist, are very real, and are an absolute for our lives today.

We can't effectively evangelize by the law, for the law has no power to save, yet once one becomes Born Again, and New through the Gospel, and Revelation of King Jesus Yeshua, then the law (obedience), though not having power to save (redeem from sin), has power to keep you from sin.

This is a most important truth, and one sadly that is no taught today.

May we walk truly in Salvation, and Discipleship today! More to come as we prepare for the second coming!

May we be blessed, challenged, convicted, transformed,anointed, and appointed by the power of the Holy Spirit and His Holy Word!

Blessings and Shalom!

Pastor Heath Haas | LIFTMinistries

Your Servant in Yehovah

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