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Ancient Evil Uncovered | A Present Day Call to Repent!

Don't put your faith, in false reprieves, and false Messiahs. Put your faith in true Repentance, and the One True Messiah, King Jesus Yeshua! The safest place to be is in center covenant with Yehovah God. This year is only one month and four days old, and we have seen the bubbling in the pot. I highly advise that as you go shopping, make sure you add extra food to your carts, and every time you go into town, make that special stop to purchase, extra preparations. Purchase good foods, with good storage. Rice, beans, etc... The current economy, is a fruit of deceit that is being handed and consumed by the majority. This fruit contains a toxin that as the majority bites into it's meat, they become drunk on an idea of financial security, and are unaware of the dept poison.

Just because drought, famine, economical collapse, and the disasters foretasted from the Watchmen's post has not transpired on your calendar does not mean it's aborted...

It's vital that you get your house in order. I rather be five years prepared than five minutes to late and filled only with regret and despair.


America, has become sick. America, has become so sick, that there has become a coma, and a identity crisis. The Church, is also sick, and liken to America, has had a Identity crisis.


This year 2018, has started and will escalate as a year of tears. There will be war. There will be financial collapse, and there will be civil unrest with massive disasters that will make the prior years look like a peaceful demonstration and other storms look like rain fall. There will be increased hate against truth. There will be increased crime against the Church. There is a vast darkness that has covered our lands and it's the heavy presence of the Anti Christ Spirit. There will be a increase and drive to uncover the forbidden things by governments, orders, and cults; and you shall see ancient gates restored.

Today we have ancient gateways being uncovered, transported, and setup in America, and across the world. These ancient gateways are not just artifacts of ancient empires, yet these gateways of Baal, are in fact a channel, and gateway to prince demonic powers.

The present age has closed their spirit, to hear what the Holy Spirit, is saying; instead there is an increase of focused energy, and connection into spiritual channels that are a direct connection to prince demons.

If you setup a tower with multiple bands, you can communicate and receive feeds from multiple bands. If you close yourself off from any communication except a specific band, by setting up a specific tower that you and other parties can only communicate through this specific band, via a exclusive tower setup you will be able to have a deeper conversation and connection without any disturbance.

These ancient gateways, and ancient evils that are being connected are much like that exclusive communication tower. We have a surge of witchcraft that is sweeping the people. We have a open disclosure of communication with demonic powers in a public square, and have even seen the Religious world declare what is unholy, Holy, and what is unrighteous, righteous.

We have these ancient evils being re-instituted and these evil tools are stepping stones to the ultimate revealing of the Anti Christ.

We have the servants of demons, that are more dedicated, disciplined, and equipped for spiritual warfare than the Church.

What a horrible condition!


What is the solution?

How can we combat this demonic surge?


We must become as and more dedicated to seeking the face of Yehovah God, and being centered in covenant with Him, as those who follow demonic forces are dedicated, and centered in their unholy covenants with evil.

We absolutely must return to the God, of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. We must return to the ways, statutes, and ordinance of Yehovah God, and by the power of the Revelation of Messiah, and the Gospel of the Kingdom, through the infilling of the Holy Spirit, make war against the Wicked One.

If these servants of devils, have their times, dedications, and channel of communication, how much more do we have times, dedication, and a channel of communication with King Jesus Yehovah.

It's time we dedicate times, seasons, mind, body, and spirit, within our homes, communities, and fellowships, unto King Jesus Yehovah, all through being guided by the Holy Spirit, and the Holy word both written and spoken. We need absolute revival, and awakening, that we can be identified with Yehovah God, and not identified with Babylon.

The true solution is that we must become truly Born Again, and Transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, and His Holy Word. It's time that we as the Church, will preach with Holy Ghost backbone, the unadulterated Gospel, Revelation, and Ordinance of King Jesus Yeshua Adonai.

It's time many stop living through the experiences of the ministry and actually have their own true experience with Yehovah God, and discover they too have destiny and a ministry to GO! Make Disciples!


Acts 2:38 - Is still the Answer to the question:

"What must I do to be saved?"


The time is now. Every knee will bow yet that day will not secure your Salvation. Today is the day of Salvation. More to come as we prepare for the second coming of Messiah.

May we be blessed by being challenged, convicted, transformed, anointed, and appointed by the Power of the Holy Spirit, and His Holy Word!


Yehovah, bless you and keep you.

Jehovah, deal graciously with you.

Yehovah, lift up His countenance and favor upon you.

Jehovah, establish unto you Shalom, which is rest, peace, wholeness, and contentment.

Yehovah, set your feet upon a even place, and in center covenant with Him.

Jehovah, Increase you, and bless you, that you in turn will be an increase, and blessing unto others.


Blessings and Shalom! HcH Your Servant in King Jesus Yehovah

If you would like to know more and/or would like us to pray with you; contact us here: Partner With Us Visit the ministry website Download the ministry application


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