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Why The Compromise?

For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites. So Solomon did what was evil in the sight of Adonai and did not fully follow after Adonai, unlike his father David.


Question: If it's not about the Bunny, and truly about the Lamb of Yehovah God... Why then participate in all the elements of the Bunny, and distractions to totally fail to reconcile by the Atoning Blood of the Lamb, to be Born Again??? A time when I see more pictures of a kneeling Bunny, with children, then I see children and adults kneeling at the Altar of Repentance. It's a question that must be asked to self not theologically debated because there is no argument in the Kingdom of Yehovah God, when it comes to idolatry. I know there are many who justify, many things of Babylon, and try to mask it with religious freedom, liberty, and no harm. Always remember the child is always the target, for it's the children that become adults and will form, and set the course of a Nation. If the Children, are taught to not have discerning hearts, and distinguish Babylon from New Jerusalem, then why are we alarmed when they become more full of Babylon, than the Kingdom of Yehovah God? This is why it's ever important to not allow the elements of Babylon to liter the Church House, with the hopes to reach Babylon, rather show Babylon, that there is the Way, Truth, and Life, and there is no vacancy for the gods of Babylon, nor welcome of the presence and traditions of those gods. If you dare to preach against certain things only to retreat on even greater core matters, that is a chief insult to true warfare for that's what's known as being a coward. For if such a mentality is embraced to become cowards, and simply accept everything of this common age, then captivity by a hand and military force will not be necessary, for the walls need not ascended and defeated when the gates are opened wide. Like King Solomon, of old, even with his vast gift of knowledge he compromised mixing idolatry right at the foot steps, and threshold of the Holy Temple, of Yehovah God (1 Kings). He mixed the demonic with the Holy, easily by allowing it in his inner most secret places thus it became exterior with it being welcomed via the interior. We are called to be separate and distinct, not yoked with that which is unrighteous.

"Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers." "For what partnership is there between righteousness and lawlessness?" "Or what fellowship does light have with darkness?"

- The Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 6)


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Read this short definition of Ishtar/Ashtar, from the Encyclopaedia Britannica


Generational curses are retained because, generation, after generation, we retain the horrible practice of paganism, and demonology, with absolute ignorance while calling it Holy, and good!? We have a very deliberate offense too. One that is just as bold, and arrogant as King Solomon, when boasting his marriage, and relationships with multiple pagan women, he also adopted their gods, and yet still appeared on the Temple Steps, courts, and even approached the priesthood.

Like Solomon, we have Pastors, behind pulpits, appeasing the multitudes, as they have made a marriage pact with the world, (in the name of evangelizing the world) and have compromised the Holy and Righteous things of Yehovah God, for the perverted, corrupt, and lawless things of the world.

This isn't just about the many Holidays, that harbor rich pagan roots, masked with a religious appeal, it's entirely about the fact it has invaded every facet of our society, and we as a people, have accepted it, and as the Church, defend it....

What a horrible trespass against the Throne of Yehovah God, that we would defend with more zeal roots of demons as these pagan gods, than we will with absolute passion and the unadulterated word of God, prevail over the Gates of Hell, and these Hell Spawned doctrines.


Be Separate!

Become a Distinct People, unto the ONE TRUE GOD (King Jesus Yeshua) and then we will see true awakening!

Here's to true discerning and being lead by the power of the written word and Holy Spirit! Here's also to EVERY DAY being a Praise, Glory, Honor and the strongest Hallelujah! For the Daily Salvation walk we have with King Jesus Yeshua Christ. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!!! It's not a once a year thing for me, yet a every breath fact of true life. More to come as we prepare for the second coming!

May we be blessed, challenged, convicted, transformed, and anointed by the power of the Holy Spirit and His Holy Word!

Blessings and Shalom!

Pastor Heath Haas | LIFTMinistries

Your Servant in Yehovah

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