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Perishing Freedoms & Faith By Flourishing Guile


I awoke today heavy in thought and burden. The title alone should advocate of the seriousness of the late hour, we face as a people. The images above show the principles of how America, was founded; Liberty, Justice and Faith.

As we approach and masses gather to celebrate with the Memorial Day, weekend. A harsh realty hits me. As so many gather for their festivities and "celebration", this celebration esteems, being free from employment for two days more than the ages of freedom, we have been privileged as a Nation.

We are still a young nation, as America. Truly with such profound foresight from the founders and some being lead by the Holy Spirit, with their convictions of faith, I am astonished at what we have become today.

We have moved from being a people, driven by moral code to a people driven to forfeit morality because it offends immorality.

We have many joining the military industry, in the name of serving

freedoms and liberties whilst lacking a knowledge and appreciation of those liberties and freedoms. Our youth who join in the name of serving this beloved country, serve by a fire and passion lit by feeble flames, of the brave souls who have long past in service.

These bastions of light, that once served a cause of true freedom and liberty. Many dying all for what they believed. These fallen become lit lanterns for future generations, that we may have an illuminated path. Now the lantern's light dim and grow faint. The wax is near depleted and the wick at its end. History forgotten, one by one, each lantern's light snuffs out.

Those lanterns lit the shoulders of a path called liberty. The center however is illuminated by a supernatural glow. Lit with the power of the Word of God, this path illuminated and lights away to direct those worry travelers.

Sadly we see that magnificent light of the word of God, flicker as the lanterns to the side. The instructions of God, forgotten just as the history of who we are as a people. Identity loss, what a horrible and tragic thing; yet what a successful tool of for the enemies of freedom and faith to use.

Today that path suffers corrosion. It's traveled with ill reverence by being spit upon. It's becoming overgrown by weeds of sin and demoralization of the people, covering the supernatural light, that leads the way.

Our soldiers serve in the name of freedom and liberty, yet have no knowledge of the Constitution they swore to protect. Many unable to recite a single amendment of the Constitution accurately yet an oath and promise given to protect those amendments. How can you protect something you don't recognize?

How is it possible to stand vigilant and guard a person, place or thing less you can identify it?

We are victims of a lack of knowledge. We have those, in the high places of this nation, who swore to serve the cause of liberty and freedom, yet lack the ability to discern and understand, what liberty and freedom, truly consist.

The very ones, who write new laws and amend the Constitution, have no knowledge, of the things they represent and call to change.

They, like our solders, bare oath, to serve, protect and uphold the Constitution. They lack the ability to serve, protect and uphold this oath, because they can't give accurate account of the amendments. They lack knowledge.

We have stripped from our schools true accounts of history, prayer and faith. We have removed the pillars of principle this nation was founded, yet we retreat with days off to "celebrate" these things we have forfeited. We lack knowledge.

Just as the soldiers and congress, are feeble to act and protect for lack of knowledge. The Church, has become feeble and unfit to protect and serve the Kingdom of God.

Just as those solders now living off feeble flames of brave souls past. The church ministry is living of the flames of patriarchs from ages past yet lack the blaze of the Holy Spirit.

Just like many when asked regarding the Constitution, who can quote the second amendment and maybe recall there exist a first, that is where their knowledge ends. Those who soldier for America and the Kingdom of God, run well with zeal and passion.

Admirable as this may be it's gravely naive. The Church, boast to champion salvation and our Military, our beloved America. We fail to execute because we lack knowledge. The Church, fails to champion salvation and the gospel thrust because the Church, has forgotten the Savior.

Americans, fail to champion the identity of America, because we have lost our identity by forfeiting it, in the name of a manufactured idea of freedom and liberty sold to us and purchased without review.

We are a people, who are threatened with social destruction, our liberties and freedoms being stripped. This all while waiving the Star Spangled Banner, Bible clutched in our arms and a copy of the Constitution, rolled and tucked in our back pocket.

We do this believing we know, yet having forfeited truth for agenda. We will fail because we lack knowledge.

Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

Because of a lack of true knowledge, we are defeated in our own castle. We are overrun by the barbarians who have breached the gates of liberty and who have torn down the sacred places of our faith. We have fallen to the ground.

One by one, seeing flag once waived hit the battle stained soil. One by one, seeing the clutched Bible, ripped violently from arms, and that rolled copy of the Constitution, catching flame from the seared grounds of this terror filled battleground.

This all the while we serve, pray with guile regarding the late hour. The military with it's pride as undefeated yet already demoralized and victims. The Church, thinking they will be raptured before tribulation begins.

Tribulation is now and will continue forward. Shame upon those who preach and teach a foreign doctrine to the words of God. Shame upon those who indoctrinate the people, with a false guile and witness both on the basis of freedom and the gospel yet not educating with truth yet interpretations & corrupt agenda.

The current generation can't comprehend loosing freedoms, because they lack the knowledge of what is truly inherited by the brave souls of ages past. Likewise the denominational Church world, preach and teach you can't loose salvation.

I agree you can't loose something you never truly possessed or understand how to maintain.

This is written with great respect. I appreciate the sacrifices of the men and women, who have died for true freedom's cause. I appreciate those who serve today. I appreciate those who serve and soldier the cause of the gospel thrust.

I however do not esteem any of these higher than my God. There is a clarion call to SOBER UP!

There is a clear call to repent and sober from the drunkenness of your religious denominational experiences. A call to repent and become sober from the drunkenness of manufactured patriotism and religion, because the barbarians have breached the walls.

All the while you are drunk upon these things you are over thrown and lack the consciousness to realize your being raped, pillaged and defeated.

Joel Chapter 1, read this and behold the truth as you look upon the streaming news and disaster that befalls the nations.

May the vision of the fallen Star Spangled Banners, removed Bibles and burnt Constitutions, be only a warning, and this destruction diverted. I fear it is an imminent realty, because we lack knowledge.

To those who serve America's true identity and the Kingdom's true call with knowledge. I salute you!

instead of looking forward to being drunk this memorial weekend. Why not be sober and get some knowledge and truth within you.

Then you will be able to truly thank a soldier and appreciate a minister that serves that truth.

Maybe.... just maybe once we have sobered up, we can man and woman, up unto the cause, call and destiny of being identified as true citizens of America and the Kingdom of God.

Perhaps then we will be able to stop our freedoms and faith from perishing by this flourishing guile; by manufactured patriotism and religion, that is indoctrinating ignorance and stripping you of knowledge.

Blessings & Shalom!

Heath C. Haas

Your Servant in King Jesus Yeshua.

Joel 2:1

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